Shrugging his shoulders, he continued. “The Caste won’t be doing ‘science’ anytime soon, until we change the mindset and culture they’ve been placed in.”
Reaching for an inside pocket of his suit, he brought out another of the small devices and leaned forward to put it on the edge of the desk.
“My assistant and I have gone through the last twenty-or-so years of rejected proposals and requests. These are the cheapest, most likely beneficial and most likely to succeed from what we can tell so far, so these will probably be submitted for the next budget year if I manage to solve some of the issues behind the scenes.”
Watching as the saKhan repeated the process of examining the information, he continued.
“For now, our best angle is to leverage our involvement with the IlKhan’s JDP and federal facilities and borrow their expertise to focus on subjects that benefit us like the AR-15 system the Khan is so interested in.”
“Can you present these in a different format?”
“I could,” Jeremy confirmed. “But one of the problems I just dealt with in these last couple of months were compromised computer systems and nets. I’m going to ensure future projects are kept solely in isolated, scrambled or encrypted systems and nets with restricted physical access granted on a need-to-know basis, but unless the other Castes are willing to accept the need for security and adopt similar measures – which seems unlikely – this is how it’s got to be, at least for now.”
“These are so thoroughly edited I can’t really understand them.” Passing back the device he leaned back in his chair. “What can you tell me?”
“That I’m still trying to get organized,” Jeremy said, waving both hands in front of him. “I have ideas, but need the authority and resources to examine them. So far, the most interesting from a military viewpoint would be some kind of planetary bombardment system accelerating a projectile to a significant fraction of C before impact. The most expensive but potentially rewarding would involve multiple Jump probes to re-examine what we know about hyperspace and K-F theory.”
Silence interposed itself, as an aide knocked before entering with a security pad he placed on the desk.
“I can’t say I envy you,” the saKhan said finally, as the aide left and closed the door behind him. “The Khan wants results.”
Shrugging in the chair, Jeremy came to his feet in front of the desk. “The Khan’s going to be disappointed, I’m afraid. This is what happens when something you thought you didn’t need atrophies from disuse. I’m trying to get the Caste back on its feet and contribute, but it’s not going to be overnight.”
Standing behind the desk, the saKhan nodded in understanding and the two shook hands again.
“I can come to the Compound for the next briefing, if that’s acceptable.”