I downloaded all four of these BT comics, then converted them over to PDF.
It seemed like the art was pretty good (for the '90s, anyway), but when I cracked the covers, things kinda went downhill.
The art wasn't bad. But the writing? Really awkward - I've never met anyone who talked like that. Maybe they were lampooning the (then-current) TV show's dialogue?
The story itself was kinda confusing. Characters get thrown at us, barely established before they get eliminated in an explosion or something. And I could tell the writers and artists had not done very much research into the BTU itself.... or they would have known a Union Class DropShip did not enter the atmosphere nose-first... or land on it's side. You can see the landing gear partially extended, but entering nose-first woulda fried all the sensor gear at the pointy end.
I dunno. Anyone else get a chance to read this comic series? I see 'em for sale on Ebay from time to time. They even have a holographic First Issue, which is ironic, given the TV show did wire-frame '3-D' action shots.
Actually, the show itself kinda bugged me. I mean, we had ReBoot in 1994. Even completely computer-generated, it featured writing that was leaps and bounds ahead of... ah, never mind. This has all been hashed out elsewhere.
But I thought the comics were interesting, at least at first.