I think I have made it no secret, I am an Elsie through and through. granted that is more a position of "First Among Equals" then anything else, but I digress.
Once I have finished with my entire backlog of Minis painting I am devoting the rest of my Miniatures Hobby Existence to the Lyran Commonwealth. the plan is 1 lance per Battlemech Regiment, with RCTs and LCTs to be given special formations
So what I need is an entire legacy for the LCAF. This means:
1) Every named and numbered regiment, so not just your classic X Lyran Guards, but also your Pandora's Cavaliers and Winfields Regiments
2) the latest period they existed (For example the 16th Lyran Regulars exist in the Dark Age, but the 64th Regulars were disbanded in the Succession Wars). these periods are defined by Catalys Game labs, so Age of War, Star Leauge, Succession Wars, Clan Invasion/Fed Com Civil War, Jihad, and Republic/Dark Age Period.
3) whether they gained RCT status from the Fed Com years on (such as the entirety of the Lyran Royal Guard)
and I am sure there are other qualifiers as well.
as a special note I AM going to be considering both Clan Wolf in Exile and the Kell Hounds/Crescent Hawks as LCAF under the header "Irregulars" so if someone thinks a non standard group should be included let me know.