As some of you may or may not know, I run the PDF-Only Series for BattleTech, own/manage a Production Brewery, and I'm co-owner of a new game company in the process of producing new games.
Because my time is stretched super thin, I've decided to shut OBT down.
Forum attendance is pretty low, and maintaining a crappy server with outdated software outweighs the time it will take to update and upgrade the site and extensions.
I'm sorry if this is not the kind of news you all were hoping for, but it's for the best. It's been a blast folks, and I wish everyone good health and happiness.
Maybe I'll even see some of you at GenCon or Adepticon.
Just kidding. Had you going didn't I?
But the server is completely fucked and I'm over trying to patch it. I'm going to migrate everything to new hosting that should hopefully fix some of our members' connection issues, as well as Podcast subscription errors. Hopefully, by the time you read this, the forum & part of the website will have already been migrated. In the interim, all of the software has been cleaned and the modifications updated to reflect the latest version of SMF. With any luck, I'll have this sorted by May 4th...
And maybe, just maybe, I'll have some really good news worth sharing...