My apologizes to anyone whom I may have inadvertanly offended. (I think that made grammatical sense). I was trying, apparently without success, to add my usual tongue-firmly-implanted-in-cheek two cents to the discussion. At least it was topical. As the former unofficial semiprofessional master of thread drift over on S7 I could have gotten this thread way off topic. KM knows, he and others used my services whenever CHIP or any of his incarnations appeared on that board. Which reminds me of a time when I was a boy. I was heading down to the 5 and dime to get a piece of rope to tie an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. But before I could get there the Kaiser jumped out and stole my wallet. I chased that Kaiser dickety-ought miles, we had to use dickety because the Kaiser had stolen our word for twenty. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Like I said, I was heading to the 5 and dime to get a piece of rope to tie an onion to my belt, which was the style at the.... ahhh, poop nuggets. I went and started the thread drift. Now I've got to apologize again.
PS I know that OS missiles don't date from the DA. I was just mentioning stuff off the top of my head. Two kids, two jobs, no time, and no one locally that plays BT doesn't allow me to get into the ins and outs of BT like it did 10 or 15 years ago. The King of the Thread Drift Trolls has spoken! End transmission.