Guess I'm in the minority for loving all of BattleTech.
Not likely. Using any kind of forum (regardless of size) as somehow representative of the fan base is a drastic mistake. I haven't encountered a gaming company yet who doesn't go out of their way to mention that based off of sales, they have a substantially larger fan base that buys products and never interacts with their electronic mediums. It's pretty much a mistake to assume anything about the fan base, other than, they play a stompy robot game. As the gaming market ages, people have less time to play, let alone get online and argue with other people about how they should play (which is what a lot of forums, even this one at times*, devolves into). I'd wager a guess that this is one of the big reasons for the Total Warfare changes to the rulebooks, as well as CGL's "We're going to support all eras at various levels" approach. Throw product out to support varying play styles, more information in one product, and multiple eras...and that quiet majority is more likely to buy more product. It is also one of the likely reasons that the Dark Age wasn't thrown aside, and will inevitably get the CGL treatment. Whatever the status of the click game itself, there was definitely a market that bought products dealing with the era (be they novels or the click game). I would futilely hope that CGL would one day announce sales data on various products, similar to how Evil Hat Productions does so with their products, but that is never going to happen. Then perhaps, the blind (often, but not always, due to lack of knowledge or pulling together talking points based off gross over-exaggeration) hatred of any specific era would have some numbers to add to the discussion**. That will never, ever happen though. I'll still keep hoping.
*Noticeably less than others.
**I would fall under the talking points group when it comes to the 3rd Succession War era. I enjoy the full run of Battletech, but I cannot bring myself to move past the awful tropes and terrible stereotypes that are found in its beginnings and develop any real love for the era. I'll play a dark game with very adult themes and characters any day of the week, but when you start mixing the terrible parts of humanity into your base game design and philosophy, you lose me.