I know this might be a bit out there but I think the next 'big bad' could be the republic
Just a wild theory
It's very plausible
Read Bonfire of Worlds... please. (Hint: Your post is almost spoilers)
I loved Bonfire of Worlds, my favorite Clan resurgent (even though I still don't understand the whole logic behind their move but hey it turned out good) much more grit in the backdrop and ComStar/WoB/RoTS all making trouble (they're starting to look like the same people to me).
I understand people's hesitance to change (it happens in all thing, personal, professional, hobbies, etc.) but without change you have stagnation and eventual death. Change in the setting is GOOD. I say this and I consider my factions to have gotten royally screwed by most of BattleTech's evolutions:
My favorite House initially was the Free Worlds League - look at them post 3067.... and although they were having a pseudo-resurgence in the Dark Age that seems to be over (I'll explain that in a second).
My favorite periphery faction was the Taurian Concordat (the one in the original Periphery field manual, not the hyper-paranoid nation we see post 3050) and they are a shadow of their former self.
My favorite Clan has always (and will always) be Wolf, they get split in two and three and four and.... although they seem to be resurgent as well so that's cool.
The change throughout the eras can be bad for your factions or introduce factions or events you might not like but that just means you have new ways and things to have fun with. I have expanded my BattleTech horizons so to speak, and now consider myself a fan of all five houses, I have several other clans I now really enjoy playing (and try to explore all of them), I have plans to purchase additional miniatures and setup an entire battalion of the Taurian Pride and/or Calderon Guard for the Calderon Protectorate, and I can't wait to see how the Clan Wolf/Clan Jade Falcon/House Steiner/House Marik thing goes (spoiler:::
Alaric Wolf has an arguably legitimate claim to the Lyran throne, at least he thinks so, and he chose to leave Tharkad un-conquered - he could have if he had wanted to, Wolf and Jade Falcon have captured literally dozens if not around a hundred worlds each and are both within a few jumps of Terra)
But I also have spent nearly a year setting up the entire universe in 3028 to play out a massive Inner Sphere in Flames type game to make material to continue my AU timeline, because I like that era as well.
It's all BattleTech. Every Era can be fun to play in.
Also for anyone interested in post DA timeline look at this:
http://bg.battletech.com/?p=4157That's a preview of something called A Time of Peace (I assume an expansion of A Time of War, but you know what assuming does). Anyways its just the table of contents (and those are always subject to change) but a portion of it reads like this:
Colonizing the Stars.....13
Age of War/Star League.....13
The Succession War....14
Clan Invasion.....15
The Second League/Civil War Era.....16
Dark Age.....18
The Third League.....18It also refers to a House Cameron (leading what is now called the Regulan Primacy) notably not mentioning the resurgent FWL that is around at the end of the Dark Age era, and a House Starling (leading the republic, no longer pseudo-democratic?). It also lists a Capellan/Canopian Confederation led by House Centrella-Liao (not a Capellan Confederation and Magistracy of Canopus), possibly moving forward with their merger. Federated Suns led by house Davion-Sandoval (when the last we heard they were led by a mentally unstable Caleb Hasek-Sandoval-Davion)
Herb also mentioned a future product call 'The IlClan' during a battlechat last year.
There are all kinds of shakeups coming and I'm looking forward to it.