so back in may we get the announcment for th 2012 convention exclusive mini, and true to form it is another Jumper. this time IWM jumnped the shark though and gave us a jumping Atlas. the world went "oh geeze"
then a few days went by and we were given a SECOND convention exclusive.and this one did not jump! it would however cost three times as much as a regular mini due to it's impressive size. ladies and gentlemen, the Omega! that was all well and cool right? and for two months we heard nothing else, but now we got a FOURTH convention exclusive in 28mm Hauberk Battle armor from TRO Prototypes! we are getting cool, but this is way to much now. what these and the Omega are pre releases that everyone will be able to buy? okay maybe that is cool
a week goes buy and now we have ANOTHER Pre release, the XTRO lance pack! WTF? next thing you are going to tell me is you are testing the waters for a revived Museum Scale Mech... damnit!
seriously WTF is going on with IWM? atre they bored? last I heard fan funding got stopped, and they had quite a backlog going on, so what is with all of this? and are we not in the second year of waiting for the Mk I LAMs that are being made thanks to some massive fan effort some idiot podcast host put together? where is the word on those?
amy I the only one curious about IWM sense of Priorities?