got a question about their operation : in preparing to jump do any vessels w/grav-decks have to stop it's motion or is it left operating thru out jump .
Grav decks rotate around the 'vertical' axis of the ship (typically). When a WarShip (or JumpShip) is accelerating, I believe that grav decks need to be shut down. (Not sure of the rules, but I certainly would not want to be standing on a rotating grav deck as the vessel accelerates!!)
As for Jumping . . . I don't know. Most of the time, a JS is stationary (relatively so, anyway) both before and after jump, so technically, I reckon that they could keep the grav deck(s) in operation. WarShips, however, tend to move away from and towards the Jump Point (partly because no WS commander
really wants to caught 'anchored' in a surprise JP Assault!).
However, as far as I know, the rules do not prohibit a grav deck from functioning during a Jump.