OBT Forum

General BattleTech => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mapmaster on August 07, 2013, 02:25:48 PM

Title: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Mapmaster on August 07, 2013, 02:25:48 PM
Hello! Thanks to Anthony for giving me the head's up about the existence of this site.

Some of you may already know who I am. Some of you may not. For those that don't, here's what I do: I make ENORMOUS hex maps for Battletech using real aerial photography. They are printed on 13 oz. scrim vinyl. It's completely WATERPROOF, and rolls up nicely without excessive curling once unrolled for play. I use them. I love them. Here's what they look like:

Archipelago Assault

Badlands Highway

Capitol City

Desert Craters

Forest Battlefield

Secret Base

Hills Fortress

Mountain Facility

Ice Canyon

4X8' Wastelands

4X8' Drop Port

I ship them in 48" poster tubes that can be used as carrying cases.

Buy 1 = $50 shipping included.
Buy 2 = $95 shipping included.
Buy 3 = $135 shipping included.
Buy 4 = $170 shipping included.
Buy 5 = $205 shipping included.
Buy 6 = $240 shipping included.
Buy 7 = $275 shipping included.
Buy 8 = $310 shipping included.
Buy ALL 9 = $340 shipping included.

(add $20 for each 4X8 map as part of a set)

The 4X8's are sold for $70 each if sold separately, $115 for the pair

If you wanna keep up with the FB updates, here's the link to that page:

You can PM me here or on FB.
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Dragon Cat on August 07, 2013, 02:37:56 PM
That looks like top work very impressive welcome aboard
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Knightmare on August 07, 2013, 03:07:27 PM
Capital City and Secret Base are good looking maps. Neat stuff.
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Takiro on August 07, 2013, 04:09:47 PM
Welcome aboard Mapmaster, some good looking stuff!
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Mapmaster on August 07, 2013, 05:05:20 PM
Thanks, guys.
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Blacknova on August 08, 2013, 07:05:53 PM
Hi Mapmaster, welcome to the boards.  How do you do your hexes?
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Gabriel on August 09, 2013, 12:26:30 AM
Very Great Work. Well worth the price.
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: JPArbiter on August 09, 2013, 10:09:18 AM
These Certianly look sexy.  do you custom maps based on sattelite photographs?
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Takiro on August 09, 2013, 10:17:22 AM
Any chance u could print me up some innersphere maps?
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Mapmaster on August 09, 2013, 10:58:04 PM
Hi Mapmaster, welcome to the boards.  How do you do your hexes?

Thanks! I'm on a slight hiatus from the Catalyst forums  ;)

In Photoshop, I place a transparent layer of the hex grid over the terrain. I forget how I originally made my hex layer. I only remember taking lots of tedious measurements. Getting it to line up exactly with a standard BT map was a bit of trial and error. Several early test prints were made. It's saved now, so I can just import it into whatever file I'm working with.

From there, there's a lot of rotating and warping copied pieces of the terrain to make them match up with the hex grid and each other. The maps take a long time to make in case you hadn't guessed.
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Mapmaster on August 09, 2013, 10:58:47 PM
Very Great Work. Well worth the price.

I love a happy customer!
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Mapmaster on August 09, 2013, 11:03:28 PM
These Certianly look sexy.  do you custom maps based on sattelite photographs?

I use whatever I can get my hands on that's up to snuff resolution wise. Some of the existing maps are made from satellite images of Mars. There's nothing to indicate that the scale is off because terrain often looks the same at macro and micro ends of the spectrum.

That being said, it's incredibly hard to find suitable images. I've scoured the internet to find the ones I have now. I have enough images left over to make about 3 more maps and then I'll probably have to start purchasing aerial photography from private firms.

That's why I'm always on the forums advertising. I'd like for it to be profitable enough to invest in making more.
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Mapmaster on August 09, 2013, 11:08:24 PM
Any chance u could print me up some innersphere maps?

You mean just posters of the inner sphere like those in the big pdf's? You'd probably be better off getting them printed at Kinko's or some place like that. My maps are at the prices they are now because I buy from my employer in bulk. It's tough to get banners printed for this cheap. I've done a lot of pricing at different companies. I can get them for cheaper, but the quality is poor. My customers prefer high resolution prints. They look beautiful on a table. The image quality is 300 dpi.
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Mapmaster on August 09, 2013, 11:11:51 PM
Here's what the image quality looks like close-up:

Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Blacknova on August 09, 2013, 11:28:34 PM
Hi Mapmaster, welcome to the boards.  How do you do your hexes?

Thanks! I'm on a slight hiatus from the Catalyst forums  ;)

In Photoshop, I place a transparent layer of the hex grid over the terrain. I forget how I originally made my hex layer. I only remember taking lots of tedious measurements. Getting it to line up exactly with a standard BT map was a bit of trial and error. Several early test prints were made. It's saved now, so I can just import it into whatever file I'm working with.

From there, there's a lot of rotating and warping copied pieces of the terrain to make them match up with the hex grid and each other. The maps take a long time to make in case you hadn't guessed.

Sounds like a tedious initial process. As you might have seen, I make A1 scale Inner Sphere maps and was wondering if I could get your hex file so that I can make IS Hex maps for those who wish them, as I have had a few requests over time for them?
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Knightmare on August 10, 2013, 08:18:19 AM
FYI printing for profit trademarked Inner Sphere maps is probably illegal. Honestly, it's a trademark infringement akin to pirating movies or music.
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Takiro on August 10, 2013, 02:13:27 PM
Even if they are altered fan creations?  ;)

Oh well, it never hurts to ask? :D
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Blacknova on August 10, 2013, 05:56:14 PM
FYI printing for profit trademarked Inner Sphere maps is probably illegal. Honestly, it's a trademark infringement akin to pirating movies or music.

I understand completely, I don't plan to sell them, but producing my current IS Map line with a hex grid would be of great benefit to many.
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Knightmare on August 10, 2013, 07:10:18 PM
I'd have to ask, but I'm 99.9% sure it's a "no" if money exchanges hands. If he wanted to produce it not-for-profit in an electronic format it "might" be ok, but there could be an issue with a print over electronic format.

Even if they are altered fan creations?  ;)

Oh well, it never hurts to ask? :D

Did you plan on a map with any of the planets or their names in an identical location, the words "Draconis Combine, Federated Suns or Capellan Condeferation?" They're all trademarked.

Any original setting with non-trademarked material is the only legal way of replicating for profit. (At which point it's not BattleTech is it?) So no replication would have taken place.
Title: Re: Mapmaster Battle Maps
Post by: Beast on September 05, 2013, 10:58:46 PM
I bought four of the maps a year ago after getting back from GenCon. They are beyond excellent and my friends will choose to play on them before any other maps. Between myself and the "local" CGL commando, we have every BTech Map ever produced in triplicate or more.

I plan on buying a few of the newer maps by year's end. They're great for my other favourite minis game, Leviathans!