So I stumbled on this earlier.Hopefully everybody can see it. But I'll quote the relevant part about big giant mecha for reference. (Oh yeah, PacRim was fantastic.)
As size doubles, weight increases by eight times. A six foot, 160 pound man enlarged to the size of Gipsy Danger (260 foot tall Jaegar from Pacific Rim) would weight 12.7 million pounds. Also, strength increases less rapidly than its weight does with increasing size. A robot 10 times as big as another has 1,000 times the weight, but only 100 times the strength.
So I come very much from a Battletech background, where for convenience's sake, mecha have always fell in this simple scale of anywhere between 20 to 100 tons, clocking in an average height of 10 meters (roughly 33 feet). So imagine my surprise when running the numbers, and you find that even a person, upsized beyond BT scale, makes BT's scale look completely ridiculous. Right, here we go with math.
So you have a 6 foot, 160 pound person. Let's take them up to 48 feet (doubled, doubled, doubled again). That means we're clocking in at 81,920 pounds. Or a little over 37 tons. So, yeah, in BT scale, we're talking scouting/skirmish units here, except they're way, way taller than BattleMechs could ever hope to be.
That had me pondering while I was doing some errands this morning. I've always looked at BT's scale as kind of my baseline. Roughly 30 foot tall mecha, clocking in somewhere in the 50 ton range on average, single pilot. They're mostly humanoid, and everything space wise is taken up by their working systems. Instead, I'm almost wondering now if the whole "land carrier" type vibe found in other mecha (say, 40K for example with its Titans) is more accurate. With the volume available in something at that scale, would it be more about a transport platform with a few key weapon systems, but transporting anti-boarding/ground assault troops / having real crew corridors in this vehicle / engineering crew resembling something more like a submarine...etc.
I may have some thoughts on this later, but this has really had me rethinking some long held baselines towards the mecha type games.
Fun side note, PacRim's Gipsy Danger would clock in at 260 ft tall and 5760 tons. I really want to discover what the hell the roads are made out of in that setting. Those things never even had a crack. Impressive.
Feel free to talk amongst yourselves *summons Coffee Talk voice*