Greetings everyone! Long time no chat. I am sorry for that. I have been very busy with posting in Mechwarrior: Dark Tides and an upcoming baby (due today
So I wanted to give everyone an update on what is going on in Dark Tides.
I throw a curve ball at the group of four (which includes your own Ice Hellion)!
While babysitting a group of scientists in the deep periphery (Jan, 3161), the party were on their way back to their jumpship via a Mark VII shuttle. As they were on final approach a strange Comstar Jumpship jumped right over top of the party's own Jumpship. It was then that the two K-F Drives triggered a massive misjump. During the misjump, the party's Jumpship and Dropship were both badly damaged or destoryed.
In the aftermath of the misjump, the party wakes up in the medical bay of a Kuritan Okinawa-class DropShip. Starring back is a massive painting of Theodore Kurita in full dress.
After discovering that the much of the merc unit is either dead or comatose, the party watch the next shoe drop. They are waking up Jan, 3061!
While many scholars and scientist have argued that time travel was impossible, the party are now faced with the reality that time travel is possible and worse yet! The party are learning that they were not the first.
Already they have learned that events in their current time are not what history had written. Now they have to locate this other group while concealing their own secrets.
Come and follow their adventure or join it in
Mechwarrior: Dark Tides