As I will be beginning a campaign soon, I would like a bit of help in reviewing the "balance" of each of the following Unit Formations. These will be mandatory for all players once the campaign begins.
Also, if you have suggestions for new Formations, let me know! The year is 2750.
Any unit's Order of Battle will heavily influence into the types of units they bring to the field. Regiments are typically trained in the use of specialized equipment, filling a role on the battlefield. An armored company is likely to specialize in the use of tanks, for example. When using these tools of war, the unit fights efficiently. When they are deployed without proper equipment, a fighting unit can quickly become ineffective.
BattleTech's many factions have their own Order of Battle, each tailored to their preferred fighting style. Players must choose from either the General Formations, available to all factions, or choose one of the Formations available specifically to their faction. When their army is deployed with the Restrictions met, they receive the abilities listed in the Bonus section.
If a player chooses not to build to their Formation's restrictions, they may still field an army, but receive no bonuses, aside from the Commander Initiative Bonus (+2 to all Commanders). Players must still follow the Army Composition rules listed in the appropriate rules section, including banned and restricted units.
Units classified as "support units" are limited to (1) per full Lance deployed. These units are listed under the "Support" category in the Unit Formation description and ignore all weight class restrictions.
• Artillery
• Aerospace Fighter
• Conventional Fighter
• Field Gunners
• Infantry
• Infantry (w/APC)*
• PA/L Squad
* Infantry (w/APC) must add a vehicle capable of carrying the full Platoon in order to legally deploy.
Name: Heavy Assault
Description: Assault formations are usually the heaviest and heavily-armed units and serve as the spearhead of an attack.
Restrictions: • Players field Heavy/Assault class units. Artillery and APCs may be of any weight class.
Support: Artillery, Infantry (w/APC)
Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; may add (1) additional Commander per full Lance.
Name: Battle
Description: Battle formations form the bulk of the modern military, promoting a dynamic, flexible approach to combat.
Restrictions: • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Assault or Light in a full Lance.
Support: Infantry, VTOL
Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative.
Name: Striker
Description: Striker formations act as scouts and raiding forces for heavier formations.
Restrictions: • Players field Light/Medium class units.
Support: Conventional Fighter, Infantry (w/APC), VTOL
Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative.
Name: Armored Cavalry
Description: Experts in scouting and probing actions, the Armored Cavalry prefer hit-and-fade tactics whenever engaged.
Restrictions: • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Light unit per full Lance formation.
• Armies must consist of (2) unit types ('Mechs, vehicles and/or infantry).
• Armored Cavalry armies fielding only (1) unit type grant their opponent an additional +1 to Team Initiative.
Support: Infantry (w/APC), VTOL
Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; may make (2) additional remaps when attacking, (1) additional when defending.
Name: Liao Lancers
Description: Masters of defensive warfare, the Liao Lancers are the Confederation's line holders.
Restrictions: • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Light unit per full Lance formation.
Support: Artillery, Field Gunners, Infantry (w/APC)
Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; if defending, Liao Lancers may choose to either deploy (2) minefields per full
Lance deployed at the start of the game or assign (2) pre-designated additional artillery spots.
Name: Sword of Light
Description: The elite combat units of the DCMS, the iconic Sword of Light are deployed into every important conflict.
Restrictions: • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Assault unit per full Lance formation.
• Commanders must be Skillsum 7 or better.
Support: Artillery, Infantry (w/APC), VTOL
Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; additional +1 to Team Initiative when fighting on Badlands, Desert, Farmland,
or Plains maps.
Name: Davion Guards
Description: The home guard units of the AFFS, the Davion Guards are deployed along the frontier to stand against hostile incursion.
They are the best line of defense against House Kurita.
Restrictions: • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Assault per Lance Formation.
Support: Artillery, Field Gunners, Infantry
Bonus: +1 to Team Inititative; When defending, Davion Guards may set deployment to Edge and choose a deployment zone.
If this option is used, the player gives up their free remap prior to deployment.
Formation: Marik Militia
Description: • Militia formations may field Medium and Heavy weight class units and a maximum of (1) Light or Assault
per full Lance.
• Vehicles are restricted to (1) unit per full Lance, including Support Units.
• Commander skill sum must be 7 or better to utilize Assault Drop ability.
Support: Infantry, VTOL
Bonus: +1 to Team initiative; 50% of jump-capable 'Mechs deployed (rounded up) may Assault Drop
during deployment.
Name: Royal Guards
Description: The most well-supplied unit of the LCAF, Royal Guards are utilized in the toughest assignments the
Archon has to offer. They are highly effective in urban environments.
Restrictions: • Players field Heavy/Assault class units.
Support: Artillery, Infantry, VTOL
Bonus: +1 to Team Inititative; When fighting on Heavy Urban, Metro or Town maps, Royal Guards receive
an additional +1 to Team Initiative.
RIM WORLDS REPUBLICFormation: Amaris Dragoons
Description: The Heavy-Assault formation of the Rim Worlds Army, Amaris Dragoon regiments are well-equipped and
tactically flexible.
Restrictions: • Dragoon formations consist of Heavy/Assault class units and may include (1) Medium in a full Lance.
• Hover Tanks ignore weight class descriptions.
Support: Artillery, Conventional Fighter, Infantry, VTOL
Bonus: +1 to Team initiative; may spend (1) re-task (re-roll) of terrain type prior to deployment.
Formation: Amaris Republican Guard
Description: Republican Guard formations are the elite divisions of the Rim Worlds Army. Well-equipped and
highly fanatical, the Guards seldom withdrew from a fight.
Restrictions: • Guard formations consist of Heavy/Assault class units and may include (1) Medium per full Lance.
• Army skill sum must be 8.5 or better.
• Republican Guard units reduce their Commander Initiative bonus to 1, but receive an automatic +1 bonus
to Team Initiative.
Support: Artillery, Field Gunners, Infantry, PA/L Squad
Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; additional +1 to Team Initiative while defending.
TERRITORIAL STATESFormation: Taurian Guard
Description: The Taurian Concordat's house units are the last line of defense against foreign invaders. They employ
an intelligent and effective method to warfare, making attackers pay for every inch of ground.
Restrictions: • Guard units consist of Medium/Heavy units and may include (1) Assault or Light in a full Lance.
• A minimum of (1) vehicle per full or partial Lance must be deployed.
Support: Field Gunners, Infantry (w/APC), Infantry, VTOL
Bonus: +1 to Team initiative; when defending, Taurian Guards receive (3), 10-strength minefields per full
ground Lance, deployed before Round 1.