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Author Topic: MekWars: Dominion [2750] Test Client Access  (Read 388 times)

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MekWars: Dominion [2750] Test Client Access
« on: September 07, 2013, 05:24:43 AM »

For those interested in trying out my 2750 campaign, here is a link to the test client. Note that there will be updates and I do not have the autoupdater working. So you may need to re-download as more files, images, camos, etc. get added.


You will start with 0 SLD and 0 RP.

Step 1
Choose a faction:

    â—‹ Capellan Confederation
    â—‹ Draconis Combine
    â—‹ Federated Suns
    â—‹ Free Worlds League
    â—‹ Lyran Commonwealth
    â—‹ Rim Worlds Republic
    â—‹ Territorial States


    Step 2
    Choose a Unit Formation. Unit Formations are required to set up a legal army for play. Each has special restrictions and bonuses for weight class, unit type and support units. These will be described in the following reply this this post.

    Step 3
    Buy you starting hangar. Remember the restrictions on weight class and unit type described under your Unit Formation when buying your hangar. An Admin/Mod will grant you 50 RP to purchase your initial units.

    Step 4
    Customize. Change ammunition load outs and purchase pilots. You have a queue of 4 pilots and may swap between 'Mechs. Note that pilots do not automatically level: Players will level them and "purchase" skills as their acquire XP. An Admin/Mod will grant you 20,000,000 Star League Dollars (SLD) at this point.


    • Sergeant
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    Re: MekWars: Dominion [2750] Test Client Access
    « Reply #1 on: September 07, 2013, 05:25:13 AM »

    MekWars: Dominion focuses on the empires, economies and famous battles fought in this pivotal age of BattleTech history. Players will take the role of one of history's famous units and develop their nation, hangars and pilots in an effort to gain control of the universe.

    Playing in the Star League
    Users familiar with the 3025 era will find many of the same units available during the 2750 time period. Many Mechs and Vehicles also carry advanced technologies that armies of the Succession Wars could only dream of and refer to as "LosTech". The armies of 2750 were highly advanced and production soared at a time of great excess.

    Players can:
      • Direct-buy units from their respective factories (i.e.:
    Thunderbolt factories make Thunderbolts. Each factory gives a slight chance at its upgraded, Star League version.
    • Purchase from Bays, which are 40% cheaper and much more economical.
    • Level your own pilots! Pilots do not automatically level and special skills may be purchased as you gain experience, such as Edge, Gunnery skills and maneuvering capabilities.

    Age of Empire
    The goal of Dominion is just that: To carve out an empire amongst the stars. To help in this quest, Faction Leaders have control over their country's economy, steering their military toward success or failure.

    Faction Leaders can:
      • Allocate important resources, changing factory weights and increasing/decreasing production of advanced designs.
      • Manage resources, such as Endo Steel, Ferro-Fibrous and Weapons manufacturing.
      • Create trade alliances with other nations, importing designs and exporting from your factories.
      • Purchase defense contracts from the SLDF to manufacture rare and valuable designs.
      • Reinforce important worlds with SDS systems.

    Rewrite History
    Scenario-style games are an important part of the campaign. Re-playing some of history's most important battles, including the infamous Star League Civil War, War of Davion Succession and the Andurien conflicts are an optional part of MekWars Dominion's play.

      • Create custom designs for use with an RPG-style character.
      • Play game-mastered scenarios of important, historical battles.
      • Join the SLDF in their crusade to reconquer the Hegemony, or ally yourself with the Amaris Empire and form a new Star League.

    We look forward to a successful campaign and having you with us this 1st cycle of MekWars Dominion! Download the Client and Join the Fight!*

    [Notes: As of 9/5/13, we are in a testing-only phase and allowing players to get used to the campaign engine. News will be posted as to a solid campaign start date and list of available staff.]
    « Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 06:09:18 AM by TigerShark »


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    Unit Formation List [MW: Dominion]
    « Reply #2 on: September 07, 2013, 05:25:39 AM »

    Any unit's Order of Battle will heavily influence into the types of units they bring to the field. Regiments are typically trained in the use of specialized equipment, filling a role on the battlefield. An armored company is likely to specialize in the use of tanks, for example. When using these tools of war, the unit fights efficiently. When they are deployed without proper equipment, a fighting unit can quickly become ineffective.

    BattleTech's many factions have their own Order of Battle, each tailored to their preferred fighting style. Players must choose from either the General Formations, available to all factions, or choose one of the Formations available specifically to their faction. When their army is deployed with the Restrictions met, they receive the abilities listed in the Bonus section.

    If a player chooses not to build to a Formation's restrictions, they may still field an army, but receive no bonuses (+0 Team Initiative) aside from the Commander Initiative Bonus. They may utilize any weight class of 'Mech and/or Vehicle, but are restricted to Infantry and Infantry (w/APC) for Support Units.

    Commanders are always the most skilled unit, regardless of tonnage or BV. A (4/4) would be a Commander of an army of (4/5) pilots for example. This includes Gunnery and Piloting skills, such as Gunnery/Laser and Maneuvering Ace.

    All Commanders receive a +2 Initiative Bonus automatically, regardless of Unit Formation. This is set manually by the player in the MegaMek Lobby.

    Units classified as "support units" are limited to (1) per full Lance deployed. These units are listed under the "Support" category in the Unit Formation description and ignore all weight class restrictions.


        • Artillery
        • Aerospace Fighter
        • Conventional Fighter
        • Field Gunners
        • Infantry
        • Infantry (w/APC)*
        • PA/L Squad
        • VTOL

    * Infantry (w/APC) refers to foot platoons and any infantry with less than 2 MP. These units require an APC to be legally deployed.

    Assault formations are usually the heaviest and heavily-armed units and serve as the spearhead of an attack.

    • Players field Heavy/Assault class units.
    Support: Artillery, Infantry
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; may add (1) additional Commander per full Lance.

    Battle formations form the bulk of the modern military, promoting a dynamic, flexible approach to combat.

    • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Assault or Light in a full Lance.
    Support: Infantry, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative.

    Striker formations act as scouts and raiding forces for heavier formations.

    • Players field Light/Medium class units.
    Support: Conventional Fighter, Infantry (w/APC), VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative.

    Experts in scouting and probing actions, the Armored Cavalry prefer hit-and-fade tactics whenever engaged.

    • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Light unit per full Lance formation;
    • Armies must consist of (2) unit types ('Mechs, vehicles and/or infantry).
    • Armored Cavalry armies fielding only (1) unit type grant their opponent an additional +1 to Team Initiative.
    Support: Infantry, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; may make (2) additional remaps when attacking, (1) additional when defending.

    These elite, personal forces of the Chancellor are hand-picked from across the CCAF. Their ability to counter their opponents' advantage makes them a terrifying opponent.

    • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Light or Assault per full Lance.
    • Commander skill sum must be 8 or less.
    Support: Artillery, Infantry, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; Player's presence negates any remap or terrain re-rolling abilities. Red Lancers may exchange their Support unit for (1) jump-capable Assault 'Mech. This ability may be used once per army.

    Masters of defensive warfare, the Liao Lancers are the Confederation's line holders.

    • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Light unit per full Lance formation.
    Support: Artillery, Field Gunners, Infantry (w/APC)
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; if defending, Liao Lancers may choose to either deploy (2) 10-point minefields per full Lance deployed at the start of the game or activate the "Accurate" Quirk for each artillery tube.

    The elite combat units of the DCMS, the iconic Sword of Light are deployed into every important conflict.

    • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Assault unit per full Lance formation.
    • Commander skill sum must be 8 or better.
    Support: Artillery, Infantry (w/APC), VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; additional +1 to Team Initiative when fighting on Badlands, Desert, Farmland, or Plains maps.

    Benjamin Regulars earned their reputation as brutal opponents during their deployment in the Reunification War. Fiercely loyal to the Coordinator, these troops will not run from a fight.

    • Players field Heavy/Assault class units and may include (1) Medium unit per full Lance formation.
    • Armies must include at least (1) Vehicle to be legal.
    Support: Infantry, Infantry (w/APC), Field Gunners
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; May add an additional +1 if the unit's 'Mechs/Vehicles are outnumbered by (3) or more units. During Event scenarios, unit does not need to follow Forced Withdrawal rules.

    The oldest of the DCMS forces, the Hussars pre-date the formation of the Combine itself. They are specialists at mobile warfare but lose their edge when on the defensive.

    • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Light unit per full Lance formation.
    • Armies must include at least (1) Vehicle to be legal.
    Support: Artillery, Infantry, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative when attacking; +0 to Team Initiative when defending. Proserpina Hussars gain an additional +1 when fighting in open terrain.

    The home guard units of the AFFS, the Davion Guards are deployed along the frontier to stand against hostile incursion. They are the best line of defense against House Kurita.

    • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Assault per Lance Formation.
    Support: Artillery, Field Gunners, Infantry
    Bonus: +1 to Team Inititative; When defending, Davion Guards may set deployment to Edge and choose a deployment zone.If this option is used, the player gives up their free remap prior to deployment.

    Traditionally the workhorse of the Davion armies, Hussar formations are light, fast and carry significant advantages, whether attacking or defending.

    • Players field Light/Medium class units and may include (1) Heavy in a full Lance.
    • Each Lance must include at least (1) Vehicle.
    • Commanders must be skill sum 8 or better.
    Support: Artillery, Infantry, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Inititative. When attacking, Avalon Hussars may force their opponent to deploy on Turn 2. When acting as defender, the Hussars may activate their "Accurate" Quirk on all artillery tubes.

    Combined Arms has been a specialty of the AFFS since the dawn of the BattleMech. The Ceti Hussars were the 'Grand Experiment' in successfully matching the SLDF's Regimental Combat Teams.

    • Players field Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Light or Assault in a full Lance.
    • Lances must be composed of an even ratio of Mechs-to-Vehicles, allowing a difference of no more than 1.
    • Commanders must be skill sum 8 or better.
    Support: Conventional Aero, Infantry, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Inititative. Ceti Hussars may choose (1) of the following abilities: (a) Vehicles may activate the 'Multi-Tasker' pilot trait in the MegaMek lobby; (b) Infantry may be Assault-Dropped.

    As the League's Heavy forces, the Atrean Dragoons act as the spearhead of a House Marik's forces. As a tactical doctrine, the Dragoons lean heavily on artillery bombardment to soften up their target.

    • Atrean Dragoons field Heavy and Assault-class units and may include (1) Medium per full Lance.
    • Commander skill sum must be 8 or better.
    Support: Artillery, Field Gunners, Infantry (w/APC)
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; players may activate the "Accurate" Quirk on all artillery tubes in the MegaMek lobby.

    The Free Worlds League's elite troops, the Marik Militia receive the best equipment and logistical support.

    • Militia formations may field Medium and Heavy weight class units and a maximum of (1) Light or Assault per full Lance.
    • Vehicles are restricted to (1) unit per full Lance, including Support Units.
    • Commander skill sum must be 7 or better to utilize Assault Drop ability.
    Support: Artillery, Infantry, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team initiative; 50% of jump-capable 'Mechs deployed (rounded up)  may Assault Drop during deployment.

    Tactically, the Sirian Lancers worked in close conjunction with their air wing to provide necessary support for an assault.

    • Sirian Lancers are composed of Medium and Heavy units and may add (1) Light or Assault per full Lance.
    • A minimum of (1) Vehicle must be deployed per full or partial Lance.
    Support: Conventional Aero, Infantry, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; when deploying Aero units, players may attach up to (2) standard, HE bombs to each fighter.

    House Steiner's tendency toward heavier units was well-established during the Age of War. During the Star League, advanced technologies allowed these behemoths to contribute in every branch of the LCAF, even its Scout forces.

    • Players field Light/Medium class units and may include (1) Heavy- or Assault-class unit per Lance. This Heavy/Assault unit must have 5 or more walking/cruising MP.
    Support: Conventional Fighter, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Inititative. Heavy Scouts may substitute their Support unit for (1) Heavy or Assault with 5 or more walking/cruising MP. This may be done once per full Lance.

    House Steiner's workhorse regiments, the Lyran Regulars form the backbone of the LCAF. Although many units would be burdened by the heavy and slow machines the Commonwealth favors, the Lyran Regulars use prudent planning and good terrain to hold the advantage.

    • Lyran Regulars consist of Heavy and Assault-class units.
    Support: Infantry, Infantry (w/APC), VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Inititative; in any game where the Lyran Regulars are outnumbered by at least (3) units, the player may add an additional +1 to Team Initiative; players may make (1) additional remap.

    The most well-supplied unit of the LCAF, Royal Guards are utilized in the toughest assignments the Archon has to offer.  They are highly effective in urban environments.

    • Players field Heavy/Assault class units.
    • Royal Guard commanders' initiative bonus is reduced to +1.
    Support: Artillery, Infantry, VTOL
    Bonus: +2 to Team Initiative; When fighting on Heavy Urban, Metro or Town maps, Royal Guards receive an additional +1 to Team Initiative.

    As a Periphery nation, BattleMechs were at a premium throughout the Republic's history. Their reliance on conventional warfare created a tough and elite vehicle corps.

    • Armored formations consist of Medium/Heavy class units and may include (1) Light or Assault per full Lance.
    • 50% of the formation (rounded down) must be composed of Vehicles.
    Support: Artillery, Field Gunners, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team Initiative; Vehicles may activate the 'Multi-Tasker' pilot trait in the MegaMek lobby.

    The Heavy-Assault formation of the Rim Worlds Army, Amaris Dragoon regiments are well-equipped and tactically flexible.

    • Dragoon formations consist of Heavy/Assault class units and may include (1) Medium in a full Lance.
    • Hover Tanks ignore weight class descriptions, but are limited to (1) per full Lance.
    Support: Artillery, Conventional Fighter, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team initiative; may spend (1) re-task (re-roll) of terrain type prior to deployment.

    Republican Guard formations are the elite divisions of the Rim Worlds Army. Well-equipped and highly fanatical, the Guards seldom withdraw from a fight.

    • Guard formations consist of Heavy/Assault class units and may include (1) Medium per full Lance.
    • Commander skill sum must be 8 or better.
    • Republican Guard units reduce their Commander Initiative bonus to 1.
    Support: Artillery, Field Gunners, Infantry
    Bonus: +2 to Team Initiative; +3 while defending. When defending in a scenario, Republican Guard units may not follow Forced Withdrawal rules.

    The Cuirassiers were formed just before the outbreak of the Reunification War and displayed a mastery of combined-arms warfare in the face of staggering odds.

    • Cuirassiers are composed of Light and Medium units and may add (1) Heavy-class unit per full Lance.
    • A minimum of (1) vehicle per full or partial Lance must be deployed.
    Support: Conventional Aero, Infantry, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team initiative; when attacking, Canopian Cuirassiers may Assault Drop (2) jump-capable units per full Lance deployed.

    With a near absence of BattleMech forces within the Alliance, Ouworlds military leaders turn to conventional and irregular means of warfare to slow down opponents.

    • Armored Divisions field Medium and Heavy-class units and may add (1) Light or Assault per full Lance.
    • A maximum of (1) BattleMech may be fielded per full Lance.
    Support: Artillery, Field Gunners, Infantry (w/APC), Infantry
    Bonus: +1 to Team initiative; players may choose one of the following bonuses: (a) add (1) additional platoon of Infantry or Infantry (w/APC), (b) activate the 'Oblique Attacker' pilot trait for all vehicles.

    The Taurian Concordat's house units are the last line of defense against foreign invaders. They employ an intelligent and effective method to warfare, making attackers pay for every inch of ground.

    • Guard units consist of Medium/Heavy units and may include (1) Assault or Light in a full Lance.
    • A minimum of (1) vehicle per full or partial Lance must be deployed.
    Support: Field Gunners, Infantry (w/APC), Infantry, VTOL
    Bonus: +1 to Team initiative; when defending, Taurian Guards receive (3), 10-point minefields per full ground Lance, deployed before Round 1.
    « Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 07:09:13 PM by TigerShark »
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