Ok, I didn't want to derail the "Death of the TH" thread, so I'll put my rant here. Some of you are going to break out the pitchforks and flamethrowers, one or two might agree with me, that's how it goes
The Schism kinda dumps that idea on its head.
As far as naming conventions & right to exist go, the WoB is pretty standard stuff.
- Have Religion
- Have Bible
- Have Purpose
- Have Zero Moderates
Pretty cut and dry.
IMO, I think the only, perhaps, "Whaaa?!" moment is the initial knee jerk reaction to the dismantling of the Second Star League. Then again, most of us are moderates by default, far less likely to strap an improvised explosive to our chest - which a WoB agent would gladly do.
So it's not that off color or out of character if you dump the whole, "What would I have done" line of thinking.
As a published sociologist, I disagree with that viewpoint. Real life doesn't work that way; in fact it doesn't work anywhere except B-movies. Schisms and religious fundamentalism are
always a result of someone manipulating others for personal ambition. Ok, we have that in this case (the Master/ the real Thomas Marik), but this brings my second point: trying to lay it down to religious kooks completely misses my point.
Some time back, I posted a topic about this at Solaris7. I consider the responses to it positive, but they also missed the points I made. They also wrote it off as "well, religious nutjobs are like that."
No it's not, and it's completely beside the point.Here are the arguments from that long-dead post, with some updated comments:
1) Battletech is a game about battlemechs, right? Why should nukes (and other WMDs and the warships that carry them, for that matter) be allowed to take center stage?
--Let me add to this that this is the argument by the PTB for arbitrarily removing warships from the game, but nukes and WMDs are different?
2) On the grand scale, Battletech is a game about war, empire, geopolitics, and warring dynasties. Not religious fundamentalism.
--Yes, there is religion in ComStar, but there is also some in the Vatican. Believing either organization is driven by it only indicates an over-exposure to Republican/religious right propaganda.
3) Focht was decribed as a convert to ComStar, a true believer. He killed Waterly because he felt that Waterly betrayed Comstar`s dream. Since when does a true believer secularize what he just fought for?
--While his belief in the Word of Blake is never clearly established outside of the BoK trilogy, Focht was an outsider. His influence didn't extend past the ComGuards. The only way he could have pulled off what he did is if you accept that he pulled off a coup de etat. Which is an entire can of worms by itself.
4)Everybody in ComStar toes the line... or else. ROM is very good at this. And yet the organization decides that anybody who dislikes the changes can simply leave? Oh, and it`s ok if you take some equipment with you. Am I the only one who finds this odd?
--Ok, this is the one that really got under my skin. Does everyone remember established canon?
The Comstar Sourcebook,
20 year Update, just to name a couple? The intelligence agency that removed at least one Primus and was used by more than one Primus to cement power and eliminate opposition (including Waterly) suddenly goes passive and lets an outsider eliminate the Primus and dictate terms to the First Circuit? The organization that brutally enforces doctrinal purity lets this outsider secularize the order? ROM just turns passive and lets the reforms and defections happen?
5) After these questionable decisions ComStar just sits on it rear and lets the WOB build forces, seize Terra, and manipulate events in the Inner Sphere and Periphery? Focht and others bitch and moan about how bad the Blakist are, but do nothing? Not even when they obviously know what`s going on?
--Don't underestimate the importance of this one
All of this comes after the whole FedCom split, which was itself hard to swallow (somebody who just fought a major military campaign just passively lets his birthright be usurped? And then after fighting a brutal civil war to get it back, he quits?!?) I know that the idea was devised long ago by FASA, and has long been in the making. Many products have hinted at it. Nevertheless, the whole idea leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
--Yeah, yeah, I know: stupid pills and the needs of the plot. Even so, this is what we get? Maybe it's their way to get us to write more AUs
Ok, I've ranted enough, plus a bit more. I've got a couple of ideas for an AU on the topic, but let's start with this: no schism. ROM decides that Focht joins Waterly in 'retirement' and Demona Aziz becomes the next Primus.