Hello. I just stumbled on this site via a Google search, and it's great to find a good Battletech site which is this active.
I played Battletech 16-ish years ago. It has been a while, but I recently went to GenCon, which left me jonesing for some more Batteltech action.
So I am trying to start up a campaign, similar to one I played many years ago. This will be a PbP. The whole campaign will take place on a AU version of a single peripheral planet (Rockwellawan). There will be some Role Playing between battles, but the main focus will be the combat and how the outcome of each battle shapes the war. Its going to take place around 3050 (just because that's the era I know best).
I have created a site for this, which I will not link to from here out of respect for this site's owners (if someone tells me this is kosher, I'll add it later). But I am looking for players, so wanted to see if there was anyone here interested in playing.
My original vision was that players would post their turns via the forum, and the GM (me) would resolve the combat via MegaMek and post the results (including an updated battle field image) for the players. But after observing the PbP match between Ice Hellion and RavensPsi, I'm contemplating using a similar style to what they are doing (but using invisiblecastle.com as Klinktastic suggested). This might progress faster. I might play with both methods to see which works better.
In fact I am wandering if this site might be a better place to host my campaign? Does anyone have any suggestion on that?
Anyhow, I am exited to have found this site, and would love to play a PbP battle against someone like Ice Hellion and RavensPsi are doing if anyone is interested.