Hi I have going over some of the new tech introduced into the jihad and post jihad realm. I had a feeling I had seen this before so I searched with the aid of a SAR (Search And Rescue) Team through various battletech items and I found The Grail. A fan published battletech mag called Future Wars and lo and behold some of the same tech or similar is in it. For example Enhanced Jump Jets instead of Improved Jump Jets and there are others. My who knows what other treasures there are out there.
Parallel development's a wonderful thing,
Gabriel. IIRC, someone that posts both here and at bg.battletech.com (I forget who) took one look at the 'grasers' in
Free Taiw... St. Ives and declared that they'd had the exact same concept about a year before, though they'd kept it to themselves rather than putting it in a published 'joke' product.