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Need some info!
« on: June 28, 2012, 01:06:36 AM »

My Star League Sourcebook is packed up and not accessible.  I am working on an outline of something new for when I wrap up Scorpio Ascendant.  What I need is this:  what Royal units departed with Kerensky on the Exodus?  Divisions and independent regiments.  I tried Sarna, but man, they know how to isolate bits of information in small cubby-holes!

This is what I've got so far:

BattleMech Divisions:  14

11th Royal BattleMech Division (The Orion Division)
26th Royal BattleMech Division (The Graham Division)
39th Royal BattleMech Division (The Denebola Division)
135th Royal BattleMech Division (The Van Dieman Division)
146th Royal BattleMech Division (The George S. Patton Division)
150th Royal BattleMech Division (The Rigel Kentaurus Division)
299th Royal BattleMech Division (The Protector Division)
309th Royal BattleMech Division (The Black Charger Division)
316th Royal BattleMech Division (The Rio Grande Division)
328th Royal BattleMech Division (The Lion-Hearted Division)
331st Royal BattleMech Division (The North American Division)
341st Royal BattleMech Division (The Black Prince Division)
349th Royal BattleMech Division (The King Henry Division)

Infantry Divisions:  3

13th Royal Infantry Division (The Superstition Division)
44th Royal Infantry Division (??)
50th Royal Infantry Division (The Flame Keepers of Greece)

Jump Infantry Divisions:  4

61st Royal Jump Infantry Division (??)
80th Royal Jump Infantry Division  (??)
82nd Royal Jump Infantry Division (The All-Americans) [SARNA SAYS IT DEPARTED ON EXODUS, BUT NOT ON DRAKENSIS LIST]
106th Royal Jump Infantry Division  (??)

Mechanized Infantry Divisions:  19

1st Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
13th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
17th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
27th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
31st Royal Mechanized infantry Division (??) [NOT ON SARNA, BUT ON DRAKENSIS LIST]
34th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
50th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
65th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
120th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
131st Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Los Angeles Division)
132nd Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
157th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
159th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Athena Division)
169th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
183rd Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
226th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Wild Ones)
242nd Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
255th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (??) [SARNA SAYS IT DEPARTED ON EXODUS, BUT NOT ON DRAKENSIS LIST]
279th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division (The Chara Cossacks)

Independent Regiments:  20-21

587th Royal Artillery Regiment

22nd Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
31st Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
35th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment

29th Royal Dragoon Regiment
121st Royal Dragoon Regiment
367th Royal Dragoon Regiment
405th Royal Dragoon Regiment

13th Royal French Demi-Brigade

11th Royal Heavy Assault Regiment

125th Royal Hover Artillery Regiment

902nd Royal Hussar Regiment

188th Royal Independent Aero Wing


43rd Royal Light Horse Regiment
55th Royal Light Horse Regiment
59th Royal Light Horse Regiment
90th Roayl Light Horse Regiment

135th Royal Striker Regiment
741st Royal Striker Regiment

TOTAL STRENGTH:  40 Divisions, plus 20-21 Independent Regiments (I might keep the 3rd RCT's 3 surviving regiments on the books as well; haven't decided)

So what am I missing? 

« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 10:39:44 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2012, 01:29:17 AM »

I did this once before, I'll see if it on my portable drive at home later.
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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 01:34:19 AM »

And here is the planned project it is for (also on BTs main boards):

Tribble 0030

SLS McKenna's Pride is lost with all hands during the Liberation of Terra.  Including General Aleksandyr Kerensky  #P.  Although Amaris cackles with glee, he swiftly discovers that a furious Aaron DeChevilier is more than a match for his remaining forces.  The Rim World defenders are defeated, Amaris is captured, the Court of the Star League unsealed, and Amaris is shot. 

When the High Council meets, they refuse to appoint DeChevilier as the Commanding General of the SLDF . . . and they demand that the SLDF disband.  DeChevilier complies . . . to a degree.  Calling for volunteers within the SLDF to serve the Terran Hegemony in rebuiilding, he demobilizes every last non-Royal division and regiment that has survived to date.  Those SLDF troops who wish to return home are discharged--the remainder, all volunteers are inducted into the reformed Hegemony Armed Forces, to which DeChevilier transfers all of the SLDF Royal Divisions, Regiments, and surviving WarShips.   :o

In an orchestrated event, the newly reformed Hegemony Senate offers General DeChevilier the post of Commanding General of the reborn HAF.  DeChevilier accepts.  Sufficient volunteers (and surplus equipment) from the disbanded divisions and regiments are on hand to bring the newly constituted HAF to a force of 38 Divisions (14 BattleMech, 2 Infantry, 4 Jump Infantry, and 18 Mechanized Infantry), plus more than a score of independent regiments (total strength of around 180 BattleMech Regiments, plus about 120 Armored Regiments and more than 200 Infantry Regiments).  Not to mention 400+ WarShips.   :o [drool] }:)

The House Lords are furious; this was not what they had in mind.  But it is too late.  DeChevilier speaks to each of them in soldier's terms:  if you want me, come and try it.   >:D

There is no Exodus.  Aaron DeChevilier becomes the Director-General of the Terran Hegemony and becomes romanticly involved with Elizabeth Hazen.  The House Lords refuse to recogonize the new realm, and soon enough the Succession Wars begin . . .  O0

Master Arminas
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 09:06:03 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2012, 03:52:41 AM »

I thought that that might be the idea you were considering. Including units that would have defected to Successor States, been disbanded or who survived Terra but whose fate is otherwise unknown:

11th Royal BattleMech, 26th Royal BattleMech, 39th Royal BattleMech, 135th Royal BattleMech, 146th Royal BattleMech, 150th Royal BattleMech, 299th Royal BattleMech, 309th Royal BattleMech, 316th Royal BattleMech, 328th Royal BattleMech, 331st Royal BattleMech, 341st Royal BattleMech, 349th Royal BattleMech
1st Royal Mechanized Infantry, 13th Royal Mechanized Infantry, 17th Royal Mechanized Infantry, 27th Royal Mechanized Infantry, 31st Royal Mechanized Infantry, 34th Royal Mechanized Infantry, 50th Royal Mechanized Infantry, 65th Royal Mechanized Infantry, 120th Royal Mechanized Infantry, 131st Royal Mechanized Infantry, 132nd Royal Mechanized Infantry, 157th Royal Mechanized Infantry, 159th Royal Mechanized Infantry, 169th Royal Mechanized Infantry, 183rd Royal Mechanized Infantry, 226th Royal Mechanized Infantry, 242nd Royal Mechanized Infantry, 279th Royal Mechanized Infantry
61st Royal Jump Infantry, 80th Royal Jump Infantry, 106th Royal Jump Infantry
13th Royal Infantry, 44th Royal Infantry, 50th Royal Infantry

11th Royal Heavy Assault
135th Royal Striker, 741st Royal Strikers
29th Royal Dragoons, 121st Royal Dragoons, 367th Royal Dragoons, 405th Royal Dragoons
902nd Royal Hussars
43rd  Royal Light Horse, 55th Royal Light Horse, 59th Royal Light Horse, 90th Royal Light Horse
22nd Royal CAAN Marine, 31st Royal CAAN Marines, 35th Royal CAAN
82nd Royal Jump Infantry
13th Royal French Demi-Brigade
125th Royal Hover Armor
587th Royal Artillery
188th Royal Independent Aero Wing


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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2012, 02:21:59 PM »

Okay, so how does this look for a reformed HAF?

I Corps (Terra)
309th BattleMech Division (The Black Charger Division)
328th BattleMech Division (The Lion-Hearted Division)
13th Infantry Division (The Superstition Division)
82nd Jump Infantry Division (The All Americans)
9th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Pride of Puget Sound)
67th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Indiana Division)
458th Battle Regiment (1st RCT)
29th Dragoon Regiment (1st RCT)
74th Dragoon Regiment (1st RCT)
108th Dragoon Regiment (1st RCT)
587th Artillery Regiment
188th Independent Aero Wing

II Corps
131st BattleMech Division (The Cyclops Division)
341st BattleMech Division (The Black Prince Division)
1st Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
17th Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
65th Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
157th Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
138th Dragoon Regiment (2nd RCT)
367th Dragoon Regiment (2nd RCT)
405th Dragoon Regiment (2nd RCT)
902nd Hussar Regiment (2nd RCT)

III Corps
146th BattleMech Division (The George S. Patton Division)
316th BattleMech Division (The Rio Grande Division)
80th Jump Infantry Division (??)
27th Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
120th Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
279th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Chara Cossacks)
20th Dragoon Regiment (3rd RCT)
71st Light Horse Regiment (3rd RCT)
151st Light Horse Regiment (3rd RCT)
21st Striker Regiment (3rd RCT)

IV Corps
135th BattleMech Division (The Van Dieman Division)
349th BattleMech Division (The King Henry Division)
61st Jump Infantry Division (??)
50th Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
169th Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
255th Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
146th Dragoon Regiment (4th RCT)
55th Light Horse Regiment (4th RCT)
90th Light Horse Regiment (4th RCT)
741st Striker Regiment (4th RCT)

V Corps
11th BattleMech Division (The Orion Division)
299th BattleMech Division (The Protector Division)
50th Infantry Division (The Flame Keepers of Greece)
131st Mechanized Infantry Division (The Los Angeles Division)
159th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Athena Division)
226th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Wild Ones)
121st Dragoon Regiment (5th RCT)
345th Dragoon Regiment (5th RCT)
13th French Demi-Brigade (5th RCT)
11th Heavy Assault Regiment (5th RCT)

VI Corps
26th BattleMech Division (The Graham Division)
150th BattleMech Division (The Rigel Kentaurus Division)
44th Infantry Division (??)
13th Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
31st Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
242nd Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
16th Dragoon Regiment (6th RCT)
43rd Light Horse Regiment (6th RCT)
59th Light Horse Regiment (6th RCT)
135th Striker Regiment (6th RCT)   

VII Corps
39th BattleMech Division (The Denebola Division)
331st BattleMech Division (The North American Division)
106th Jump Infantry Division (??)
34th Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
132nd Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
183rd Mechanized Infantry Division (??)
22nd CAAN Marine Regiment (7th RCT)
31st CAAN Marine Regiment (7th RCT)
35th CAAN Marine Regiment (7th RCT)
125th Hover Armor Regiment (7th RCT)

I added a few non-Royal units into the mix, deciding that the SLDF would disband the rest; collecting equipment to rebuild these formations to full strength, and discharging any troopers who want to go home.  Total strength is 42 Divisions (14 BattleMech, 3 Infantry, 4 Jump Infantry, and 21 Mechanized Infantry) and 30 Regiments (1 Artillery; 1 Battle; 3 CAAN Marine; 11 Dragoon; 1 French Demi-Brigade; 1 Heavy Assault; 1 Hover Armor; 1 Hussar; 1 Independent Aero Wing; 6 Light Horse; and 3 Striker).

That gives the reformed Terran Hegemony Armed Forces a total strength of approximately 192 BattleMech Regiments, supported by 127 Armored Regiments, 43 Aero Wings, and 210 Infantry Regiments. 

There are five 'provinces' of the Terran Hegemony.  Each of these will have a Corps of their own (I listed the capitals):  Lone Star (borders Steiner and Kurita), Lockdale (against Kurita, Davion, and Liao), Terra Firma (Liao and Marik), Tryfing (Marik and Steiner), and central province, which borders no one.

I Corps is stationed on Terra exclusively and is responsible for the defense of that single system.  II Corps in Lone Star, III and IV Corps in Lockdale (the biggest province), V Corps in the central province (Corps HQ on Asta), VI Corps in Terra Firma, and VII Corps in Tyrfing.

It's a far cry from the size of the SLDF that Kerensky took on the Exodus, but it remains a formidable foe for someone wanting to pick off Hegemony worlds.

On the naval side, I imagine the HAF will be forced to mothball approximately two-thirds of their existing WarShips, for personnel and budgetary reasons.  But I can see DeChevilier pushing for every damaged ship to be repaired before it goes into mothballs.  If they can keep 160 ships active, that is a Fleet of 20 vessels assigned to each Corps, with I Corps getting two Fleets (for a total of 40 ships) at Terra.  If through some miracle, they can restore, pay for, and man every last ship they have available, that would boost each Fleet to 55 ships each, for a total of at least 440 WarShips (400+ canon departed on the Exodus and there are a minimum of 55 known SLDF vessels that were left in the hands of ComStar or at mothballed SLDF faciltiies), with a minimum of at least 15 more ships available.

In comparison, the Great Houses had the following (from Liberation of Terra I, 2765):

AFFS:  110 'Mech Regiments, 51 WarShips.
CCAF:  92 'Mech Regiments, 37 WarShips.
DCMS:  115 'Mech Regiments, 42 WarShips.
FWLM:  95 'Mech Regiments; 47 WarShips.
LCAF:  90 'Mech Regiments; 62 WarShips.

vs. the HAF with 192 'Mech Regiments and 160 WarShips.

Any great problems with my numbers here?


« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 09:09:18 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2012, 02:32:08 PM »

my only problems are with you starting yet another story for me to wait impatiently for you to write the next chapter of.

Realistically the numbers make a certain amount of sense.  Strong enough to keep the hounds at bay, unless the hounds all come at once, and aren't trying to cover their own backsides.


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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2012, 02:57:09 PM »

You might want to consider the following:

The number of non-Royal Divisions that followed Kerensky on the Exodus: How many of these divisions would elect to remain with Aaron if he asked them to help rebuild and secure the Hegemony? Was his cult of personality and popularity among the SLDF strong? Would Aaron provide these troops with a nice offer to remain in the army?

Also keep in mind that the Great House armies go through a considerable expansion after 2766 that does not stop until the start of the First Succession War. Conservatively you could count on House strength to be comparable to the HAF you've created, and probably larger if you count the number of new regiments the Houses will absorb without an Exodus.

You might also want to address the Hegemony directly. Does Aaron systematically destroy the remaining SDS systems like Kerensky? Or does he consolidate the still-working remains around important Terran worlds? Can he even move them? (Incidentally, I wonder how much more difficult or what effect - if any - the SDSs would have had on the conquest of the Hegemony if the surviving systems were not destroyed by Kerensky?) 

What about reconstruction, or the state of the Hegemony's logistic and manufacturing infrastructure?

Perhaps more importantly, what kind of impact does a character like Aaron have on the Star League after the civil war ends? What are his goals the moment Amaris and his family are executed? If not Exodus, then what? Reformation of the Hegemony? What part does he play in the High Council from 2778 onward? Does preservation of the Star League, maybe written with new accords become a viable option, or even mentioned? Does the General slow the internal disintegration of the Hegemony's bureaucracy, and by what means? Is Aaron elected the new Director-General, or does he pull a McKenna and forge a new nation from the crumbled ashes of the old one?

All of these questions would have a direct impact on the number or troops the HAF would be able to muster.

Things that make ya go Hmm.... 

« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 02:59:09 PM by Knightmare »
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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2012, 03:09:49 PM »

Oh I like this, can't wait to see more.

Got plenty of info for you as well. I'll post a couple of links for ya. Shattered Dawn and Kerensky Remains being very relevant.


Don't forget about Local Units like the Deneb Light Cavalry, Northwind Highlanders, Sirian Lancers, etc.

Don't forget about the Hegemony Militias. Very powerful they were, yes!

Who controls the HPG network??

« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 03:12:07 PM by Takiro »


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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2012, 03:17:50 PM »

You might want to consider the following:

The number of non-Royal Divisions that followed Kerensky on the Exodus: How many of these divisions would elect to remain with Aaron if he asked them to help rebuild and secure the Hegemony? Was his cult of personality and popularity among the SLDF strong? Would Aaron provide these troops with a nice offer to remain in the army?

All excellent questions.  All of the SLDF forces had suffered serious casualties.  Since the Royal formations were (supposedly) staffed only by natives of the Hegemony, I chose to retain them as the units to build around.  Without The General, I don't see the member-states volunteers (pre-war) remaining for long.  Some would, certainly, as would some of the Rim Worlds volunteers.  He will definately be making offers of Hegemony citizenship for those SLDF troopers who decided to stay, probably financial incentives as well (if the Hegemony has the money), but by and large the non-royal units will be disbanded in order to restore the remaining formations to book strength.

Also keep in mind that the Great House armies go through a considerable expansion after 2766 that does not stop until the start of the First Succession War. Conservatively you could count on House strength to be comparable to the HAF you've created, and probably larger if you count the number of new regiments the Houses will absorb without an Exodus.

And I am waiting on Liberation of Terra 2 to see exactly what the numbers are.  These are just where I envision the new-HAF to start.  Of course, there will be a LOT of veteran former-SLDF troopers out there, sans equipment, that the Houses will scoop up, I'm sure.  But how many really want to participate in another war?  More on this below.

You might also want to address the Hegemony directly. Does Aaron systematically destroy the remaining SDS systems like Kerensky? Or does he consolidate the still-working remains around important Terran worlds? Can he even move them? (Incidentally, I wonder how much more difficult or what effect - if any - the SDSs would have had on the conquest of the Hegemony if the surviving systems were not destroyed by Kerensky?) 

What about reconstruction, or the state of the Hegemony's logistic and manufacturing infrastructure?

No.  Any intact SDS will be retained and consolidated.  There are quite likely no more than a handful of Caspars still in existence, but several of the worlds with planetary SDS might still have them.  With holes and gaps, perhaps, but they will definately be retained.  Reconstruction will be the number one goal:  and might be a means to leverage those former-SLDF to staying in the Hegemony, while turning their swords into plows.  Disaster relief and reconstruction teams, organized like former SLDF units, but equipped with industrial 'Mechs and urban SAR gear who go in and try to rebuild the infrastructure, clear away the rubble, bury the bodies, etc., etc., etc.

Perhaps more importantly, what kind of impact does a character like Aaron have on the Star League after the civil war ends? What are his goals the moment Amaris and his family are executed? If not Exodus, then what? Reformation of the Hegemony? What part does he play in the High Council from 2778 onward? Does preservation of the Star League, maybe written with new accords become a viable option, or even mentioned? Does the General slow the internal disintegration of the Hegemony's bureaucracy, and by what means? Is Aaron elected the new Director-General, or does he pull a McKenna and forge a new nation from the crumbled ashes of the old one?

Don't know yet.  The Exodus was Kerensky's idea; it is my personal belief that Aaron just went along with his old-time friend and commander.  He's been snubbed by the House Lords of the High Council.  He's seen the entire SLDF snubbed by them.  Told, basically, everything you fought for these past ten years has been in vain.  I think he's sick and tired of the corruption within the Star League, and just wants to protect his home.  But we will see.

All of these questions would have a direct impact on the number or troops the HAF would be able to muster.

Things that make ya go Hmm.... 

A number of things to think about.



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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2012, 03:20:38 PM »

Don't forget about the Hegemony Militias. Very powerful they were, yes!

Hegemony militias are only pertinent or "powerful" if Kerensky's Exodus happens. The militias ceased to exist during the Coup, and only some worlds managed to rebuild them with the influx of Terran soldiers who decided not to follow Kerensky.

Those same "Royal" quality troops would likely remain with their parent regiments if they did not abandon the Hegemony. 
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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2012, 03:43:22 PM »

What are your plans for the Rim Worlds Republic?


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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2012, 03:44:52 PM »

Since the Royal formations were (supposedly) staffed only by natives of the Hegemony, I chose to retain them as the units to build around.  Without The General, I don't see the member-states volunteers (pre-war) remaining for long.  Some would, certainly, as would some of the Rim Worlds volunteers.  He will definitely be making offers of Hegemony citizenship for those SLDF troopers who decided to stay, probably financial incentives as well (if the Hegemony has the money), but by and large the non-royal units will be disbanded in order to restore the remaining formations to book strength.

For story telling purposes, you might want to rethink that idea.

Equipment can be replaced, loyal soldiers can not. Speaking strictly about Terra troops: combining damaged units will lower the total number of available regiments, but bring them to full operation. Terran volunteers can be utilized, but they'll reduce overall quality and may not provide the numbers you're looking for.

As for non-Terran loyalists - you'll have to sort them out. Kerensky was able to do it by offering Exodus and then seeing who would join him. Aaron won't be using the same crucible to determine loyalty. He'll inevitably go through a process like the one you mentioned above. 

As for disbanding non-Royal units...

Of course, there will be a LOT of veteran former-SLDF troopers out there, sans equipment, that the Houses will scoop up, I'm sure.  But how many really want to participate in another war?

I don't think Aaron will be able to prevent SLDF units from leaving the service without their equipment. We know that defecting units brought their equipment with them to the Great Houses, so if Aaron wants to prevent that from occurring wholesale the SLDF might find itself in a mini-civil war before his new Hegemony even gets off the ground.

As for ex-SLDF troops not in a hurry to fight another war...

I haven't read of a single ex-SLDF unit that declined to fight in the First Succession War. Any soldier that remained in service after the Coup clearly had no compulsions about getting involved in a war. After all, these troops accepted offers as units to join a Great House's army.

All things being equal, what you might want to spend some time thinking about is how many non-Terran and Terran soldiers in Kerensky's Exodus would have retired had the SLDF not left the Inner Sphere.

See, these people didn't want to be soldiers or deal with war any more. That's why they left on the Exodus: to start a new life.

So if this 80% stuck around, how many of them would have elected to remain in uniform?

Clearly it's your call. There's no fictional precedent to answer the question, but fun to think about.   
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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2012, 04:08:22 PM »

In the balance of power equation, IIRC it's suggested that the Member States, having roughly doubled their armies between 2750 and 2765 did so again by 2780. This would leave all of them with around 200 'Mech regiments... and with a large portion of the SLDF disbanding, if they each get about 15% then they could reasonably expect another the equivalent of another 70 'Mech regiments each (with what equipment would depend on how Aaron handled it).


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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2012, 08:21:44 PM »

I perhaps we have a disconnect between what I am thinking and what I am saying, Knightmare.

I'm planning on having Aaron consolidate into the former-Royal Divisions of the SLDF for the HAF; but HAF will not have 'Royal' formations.  They will be open to any soldier who joins HAF.  Or to put it another way, they might well have some royal-quality equipment, but mostly just the regular SLDF stuff, and a mix of native-born Terrans, former-SLDF from any of the member states who stay, and even some Rim Worlders who fought against Amaris.

New TO&E based on the data that Takiro supplied:

Hegemony Armed Forces:  Ground Elements

I Corps:

151st BattleMech Division (The Ulysses S. Grant Division)
328th BattleMech Division (The Lion-Hearted Division)
13th Infantry Division (The Superstition Division)
9th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Pride of Puget Sound Division)
67th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Indian Division)
197th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Florida Swamp Foxes)
509th Battle Regiment (1st RCT)
11th Heavy Assault Regiment (1st RCT)
114th Heavy Assault Regiment (The Titans of Tymons) (1st RCT)
188th Independent Aero Wing (1st RCT)

II Corps:

26th BattleMech Division (The Graham Division)
349th BattleMech Division (The King Henry Division)
61st Jump Infantry Division
50th Mechanized Infantry Division
65th Mechanized Infantry Division
279th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Chara Cossacks)
902nd Hussar Regiment (2nd RCT)
43rd Light Horse Regiment (2nd RCT)
90th Light Horse Regiment (2nd RCT)
135th Striker Regiment (2nd RCT)

III Corps:

39th BattleMech Division (The Denebola Division)
135th BattleMech Division (The Van Dieman Division)
44th Infantry Division
13th Mechanized Infantry Division
27th Mechanized Infantry Division
169th Mechanized Infantry Division
111th Dragoon Regiment (3rd RCT)
71st Light Horse Regiment (3rd RCT)
151st Light Horse Regiment (3rd RCT)
21st Striker Regiment (3rd RCT)

IV Corps:

146th BattleMech Division (The George S. Patton Division)
341st BattleMech Division (The Black Prince Division)
106th Jump Infantry Division
120th Mechanized Infantry Division
132nd Mechanized Infantry Division
157th Mechanized Infantry Division
29th Dragoon Regiment (4th RCT)
367th Dragoon Regiment (4th RCT)
405th Dragoon Regiment (4th RCT)
358th Independent Aero Wing (4th RCT)

V Corps:
11th BattleMech Division (The Orion Division)
299th BattleMech Division (The Protector Division)
50th Infantry Division (The Flame Keepers of Greece)
131st Mechanized Infantry Division (The Los Angeles Division)
159th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Athena Division)
226th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Wild Ones)
9th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment (5th MEF)
22nd Royal CAAN Marine Regiment (5th MEF)
31st Royal CAAN Marine Regiment (5th MEF)
35th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment (5th MEF)

VI Corps:

150th BattleMech Division (The Rigel Kentaurus Division)
309th BattleMech Division (The Black Charger Division)
80th Jump Infantry Division
34th Mechanized Infantry Division
183rd Mechanized Infantry Division
255th Mechanized Infantry Division
152nd Hussar Regiment (6th RCT)
55th Light Horse Regiment (6th RCT)
59th Light Horse Regiment (6th RCT)
741st Striker Regiment (6th RCT)

VII Corps:
316th BattleMech Division (The Rio Grande Division)
331st BattleMech Division (The North American Division)
82nd Jump Infantry Division (The All Americans)
1st Mechanized Infantry Division
17th Mechanized Infantry Division
242nd Mechanized Infantry Division
16th Dragoon Regiment (7th RCT)
20th Dragoon Regiment (7th RCT)
74th Dragoon Regiment (7th RCT)
121st Dragoon Regiment (7th RCT)

Now, what I did was to take the list of units that survived the Amaris Coup and the Liberation of Terra.  I took as a rule of thumb that the average strength would be somewhere around 50%.  With that number pre-set, I began consolidating, marking off units to bring another of the same type (BattleMech, Mech Infantry, etc.) up to full strength.  Now, once I did that, I still had a BUTTLOAD of units left.  So I marked off another third to represent the soldiers who desert, leave the service honorably, or otherwise do not want to become part of HAF.  That cost me another 21 Divisions right there (plus 14 more independent regiments; I had to merge some indies into a couple of divisions to make the numbers work!).  Of course, not all of those 21+ divisions are going to the houses.  Probably half will simply be returning home and trying to restart a normal life.  But we are still looking at around 127 Regiments that might join the Great Houses (with probably about 37-45 of those being 'Mech Regiments).

Total strength for HAF is 42 divisions and 24 independent regiments, organized into seven Corps of six divisions and four regiments each.  With 190 'Mech Regiments, 126 armored regiments, forty-four aero wings, four CAAN Marine regiments, 210 infantry regiments of all types, and appropriate supporting forces.

I've got some research to do, then I will be back with the naval information.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 09:07:24 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Need some info!
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2012, 09:40:43 PM »

I'm planning on having Aaron consolidate into the former-Royal Divisions of the SLDF for the HAF; but HAF will not have 'Royal' formations.  They will be open to any soldier who joins HAF.  Or to put it another way, they might well have some royal-quality equipment, but mostly just the regular SLDF stuff, and a mix of native-born Terrans, former-SLDF from any of the member states who stay, and even some Rim Worlders who fought against Amaris.

Fair enough. I was just trying to figure out how you were getting from Fiction Point A to Fiction Point B.

Just to clarify, I was using the term "Royal" to differentiate between the Terran-born better equipped soldiers of the SLDF and the bulk of the Regular Army. The Star League Defense Force was pretty particular with their Command divisions (for a number of good reasons). So without the fictional explanations for your story changes I could only discuss the Division formations you've posted: i.e. the Royal Divisions you're using as the core of a new HAF.

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WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.
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