It has been suggested to me that I could get some good help straightening out the time line I have written my book around.
The time line was given to me in 1995 at Knight's March 95 by a person who was claiming to be with FASA. He was full of B S and I found out too late because in my enthusiasm I wrote three books not one.
Divulgence of Honour 1stbook is now being offer in CBT and if I can will be offered here!
The first part of the book is easy to work though. The Main character is assigne to (Kurita's Flower) a newly re-commissioned, refit Monolith Jump ship. This is her first Posting as one of the first female Grads from Sun Zhang Military Academy. She is assigned as Bridge Security. Dates are not that important. Chapter 2 is where I need the Corrected timeline.
Thie the timeline I was given!
The Most Honourable Takashi Kurita,
Duke of Luthien, Unifier of Worlds:
Coordinator of the Draconis Combine, visits a Battle sight after the Defenders held off overwelming numbers of attacking Davion troops. He speeks to a young girl; who, has bow but unlike the rest of those watching has not taken a position of supplication as Takashi is viewing the Sight.
He speaks to her and her answers intrigue him. She has shown no fear at his presence, only respect and honour. When a personal guard tries to force the young girl to kneel, she puts the Guard to his knees. Takashi sees a Warrior in front of him and she stands with a Katana dripping the Blood of fallen Warriors. The warroir stands on one leg and behind her are other female warriors and male warriors with a snake on their shoulders. He blinks and steps back, as he draws his sword only to see the Young girl standing un-flinching infront of him!
He says that he will see the girl is schooled and trained at Sun Zhang, and he knows of another young girl who should be someplace other than where she is. The young girls is 10 and has been studying under her father, the art of Kendo and {kensai ?}. She has title to the summer of of her father {a top researcher for Earthworks} so she goes there with a Female assigned to her By Takashi.
Others are sent there and all but 2 are female, it is a secert project Takashi has started to bring woman into the warrior class!
I now know Takashi would not have even considered this, and the timeline which was to start 20 years before the clans invade! 10 years of teaching, five years service then the clan invade!