Ok, I've given the PDF a read. It definitely merits a second read, and a third. My initial thoughts:
The art is good. Not the best CGL has put out, but still very nice. The units art, while well done, is weak. The portaits are better than the unit work. Same for the maps; two thumbs up
More references (nBSG, Firefly, etc) than before. I guess FASA is truly dead...
Sorry KM, but I disagree on the WMDs. This is a game about big, stompy robots; we're told "you shouldn't be usings nukes and WMDs" and then we're given detailed rules doing just that.
MECHS, people! Remember, when this was a game about mechs? [rant off]
Spot on about the errors. I'm surprised at how bad the editing is
The writing is ok, but they didn't have to pull a retcon on the RWR: now we get a nation that is in the middle of near-anarchy and civil war, and the SLDF is more of a police action than invasion? Maybe I just expected too much, but it's a big change from the original material.
Overall, not the best by a longshot, but still definitely worthwhile