A few thoughts of mine on the recent topics of discussion:
Regarding recent and upcoming products: To me part of the appeal of BattleTech is that there are the different era's(Age of War, Star League, Succession Wars, Clan Invasion, Jihad, Dark Age...) which allow for more diversity. Therefore I like both historical products and products that advance the timeline. Thus knowing that Historical: Reunification War is out in pdf-format and (hopefully) will be out in dead tree format in the not so distant future while War of Reaving, Jihad: Final Reckoning and TRO: Prototypes are also said to come out this year pleases me quite a bit. That Historical: Liberation of Terra is said to be the next historical product to be worked on, is nice as well. So regarding products that are(in my opinion at least) going to be released in dead-tree format I do not think that the release schedule is overly unbalanced.
Regarding all those pdf-exclusive products: In my view some of those(like the Field Reports and Objectives series) are necessary to give an oveview of the militaries and industries the Inner Sphere and Periphery powers still possess at the end of the jihad/the founding of the Republic of the Sphere, before the storyline is moved forward into the Republic of the Sphere/Dark Ages timeline. And while those products do not advance the timeline per se, they set a stage and common starting point for further advancing the timeline(similar to the Handbook series prior to the Jihad). Personally, I would have preferred those products to come out in dead-tree format too, since in my view these are important products for the abovementioned reasons. Many of the other pdf-exclusives are in my view niche products that will attract some interest(and sales) but are not must-have products. My personal views might be off though.
Regarding previews of upcoming products: I certainly miss the times when previews, including the TOC were released(e.g. when Handbook:House Steiner was upcoming) to provide, for lack of a better word, a feeling of the upcoming product. I have partly overcome this lack of official previews by utilizing the pdf-product samples on DrivethruRPG, that usually contain the first few pages of a product including the TOC. The TOC is, for me, the most important part of an upcoming product to be previewed.
Regarding Continuity conflicts: I agree with Knightmare in this regard.
Regarding fanboy whining: I recall a similar experience of mine: When TRO's: 3075 and 3085 came out and certain people on the official forums ranted how unfair their chosen faction was treated, because their faction did not geat as many units as other factions, or other factions getting better units than their chosen faction or another faction getting equipment they saw as proprietary of their chosen faction I could only shake my head in disbelief, wondering if they loved a fictional faction more than the game itself and if that love of a faction had gotten the better of them. Gladly I refrained from posting in those threads.
And Regarding TRO 3075: I would not go as far as to call it a total mess. This TRO has issues, no doubt, but a total mess? Not in my opinion.
Just my two € cents