Either way, a Field Manual will be fantastic. If FM: 3085 is any indicator, we'll see a large product focused on the SLDF. If the text found in HLTI is correct, then the Era Report is likely to follow the same format as 3052 and 3062, respectively. Interestingly enough, I have to check to see what major personalities would be included in the Era Report not already represented in the Historical. If anything, I expect new House Personalities, or new & old Star League/SLDF personalities we have only cursory knowledge of.
Personally, I hope we do see a set of Field Reports covering the Great Houses/Territorial States. It would be neat to see some defunct commands, or regiments detailed.
As for Objective-type products. While it would be awesome to see the manufacturing might of the Hegemony & Star League, I don't know if such a product(s) is even possible, let alone cover the remaining nations of the Inner Sphere. Still, I'd be first in line to purchase it/them should CGL ever decide to give it a go.
I'm just happy to have a "Year of the Star League."