Only the one cover that I'm aware of, and it comes with a comb binding.
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.Synopsis. . . . .McKinnon's Raiders, The Further Exploits of The Fox's Teeth, is a 64 page sourcebook written by Colin Donnelly and David McCulloch, and published by Mechforce UK in 1994. The book is based on the charaters and situations layed out in the Battletech scenario book, The Fox's Teeth - Exploits of McKinnon's Raiders, published by FASA in 1986.
Content. . . . .Set between 3028 (the unofficial formation of the Federated Commonwealth marked by the marriage of Hanse Davion and Mellisa Steiner) and 3052, the book sets out a series of standalone and interlinked battles undertaken by McKinnon's Raiders during the Fourth Succession Wars, each with a personal accounts of the battle and historical context under which they were fought, and with an overall view to exploring the particular raiding tactics and fitouts of McKinnon's Raider's mechs.
. . . . .There are personal character data and synopses for all the eey characters (should you wish to roleplay them, an extensive battle history of McKinnon's Raiders following the collapse of the Star League through to Hanse Davion's death and their down time at Victor Davion's behest, and a short story, "Lang's Teeth" by Colin Donnelly.
. . . . .The inculded scenarios are; "Hot Reception", lance vs. lance over three map boards, "Terminal Velocity", a Battlespace scenario, "Factory Fight", lance vs. lance over two urban mapboards, "Black Box Blues", lance vs. lance over two map boards, "Down by the Riverside", two lances vs. two lances over two map boards, "Ghosts of Christmas Past", three lances vs. three lances over two map boards, "White Feathers", three lances vs. one lance over two map boards, "Thrown to the Wolves", three lances vs. four lances over four map boards, "Hold the Pickle", three lances vs. three lances over three map boards, "Green Budgies", three lances vs. three lances over four map boards, "Word of God", three lances and three infantry companies vs. two clan stars over three map boards, and "Smash and Grab", three lances vs. one lance over two map boards.
. . . . .The two Battlemech writeups (complete with records sheets) are FOX-1X Fox Fire and CRG-1A9 Charger.
Impressions. . . . .The book has a closer focus on specific historical content, adding to the backstory of McKinnon's Raiders and the characters concerned, and the scenarios are often battles involving unbalanced forces, overwhelming odds, and damaged mechs, with the intent to focus the players to concentrate on developing tactics and use of terrain to increase the fighting potential of the underdog, and it does this well.