When pondering the aftermath of the Wars of Reaving, I started thinking that perhaps, despite the excellent nature of the book, that Mr. Rome may have limited the options for future writing on the Clan Homeworlds.
As it currently stands, the following is a rough estimate of the remaining Homeworld Clan's military strength:
Cloud Cobra - 23 Clusters and WarShips (22%)
Coyote - 11 Clusters and WarShips (11%)
Star Adder - 55 Clusters and WarShips (56%)
Stone Lion - 9 Clusters and WarShips (9%)
This balance of power would be analogous to an Inner Sphere after the First Succession War, where the Combine succeeded in taking over the Federated Suns and imposed an uneasy peace with the other powers.
This means that three Clans, two of which have a history of feuds and war, would need to cooperate in order to ensure there is no total Adder victory in the long run. So how does one redress this imbalance without too much hand wavium?
One possible avenue is a lone Adder strike on the Scorpions, perhaps with a little assistance from the others, in an attempt to shield the other three Clans from more losses, as per the new Adder outlook. A Scorpion victory over 3-4 Adder Galaxies with an allied Clan Galaxy (the Scorpions have 21 WarShips and Clusters and would be fighting on home ground), would drastically alter the balance of power.
What if, following such a victory, the Scorpions learn that there really are Wolverine decedents in Nueva Castille and mount a cleansing that makes Kentares look nice? Would such an action, fulfilling Kerensky's mandate and on the heals of a major victory, get them back from Abjuration? Would the three smaller Clans go for this as a way to further limit Adder power?
And what then? Take on the Hansa as a way to keep the troops happy and expand without the dangers of going back to the Inner Sphere? Would a return to the Inner Sphere ever be on the books or would the Homeworld Clans forever chart a new course. Would the Hellions eventually re-emerge from the Scorpions as a sixth Clan?
Anyway, just some thoughts, but does anyone see any other way to move the Homeworlds forwards in a meaningful and plausible way?
Apologise for any errors, as this was typed with my off hand whilst holding a sleeping baby.