I was thinking about this when examing Era Digest Age of War. barring any surprises like the Bellerophron and Eisenfaust, we will have most likely 9 more primitive mechs in the XTRO Primitive Series. each XTRO though only uses 5 mechs.
so which ones do you want to see?
for me it is
Griffin- unlike the Thunderbolt. whose role was determined by decree, the Griffin has magically changed tonnage fdrom 60 to 55 tons, and primitive components are the most likely explanation.
Rifleman- Despite being introduced well after the Terran Hegemony perfected Battlemech Technology, the Rifleman ALSO has shifted mass, gaining ten 10s from the 1 N to the 3N. the fluff for both of these could be interesting.
Phoenix- Becasuse Rim Worlds Republic, that's why
Archer- the Archer is the 3rd oldest continously serving mech in the game (behind the Banshee and Orion) and has never been dethroned from the king of Missile support despiute some valiant efforts from the Catapult, Trebuchet, Dervish, Apollo and Longbow. that service needs to be recognized.
Toro- the little Periphery Mech that could, I want to see how it went from a close combat mech to a long range support beast,