Okay. I've just (finally) gotten the PDF of Revival Trials and sat down and read it from cover to cover. And I've got a few questions for you good folks.
First off, other than being a plot point, what was the deal with the other Khans laughing (literally laughing) at N'Buta in the opening fiction? As written, the entire thing seems . . . implausible. Even the smaller Clans (who had to know that they had zero chance of being included in the Invasion if slots were selected via Trial) just outright rejected the idea that every Clan should be involved from the first?
According to my read of the text, only Ulric Kerensky was silent during this. The Scorpion Khans, the Cobra Khans, the Raven Khans (who had been disqualified from the Trials, WTF?), . . . everyone else just decided it was better to fight and win a coveted slot against the real powerhouses of the Clans?
Second, the text then goes on to say that N'Buta pulled the Adders out of the running when he bid his entire Touman and once again was ridiculed.
Look at what the other Clans actually bid in Round 1:
Blood Spirits: 9 Galaxies. We don't know how many they actually had at the time; just that after the Burrock Absorption they recovered only 8 Clusters from 5 Galaxies. And were still able to field 6 Galaxies just a few years later.
Burrock: 9 Galaxies. Once again, we have no clue as to their actual numbers.
Cloud Cobra: 7 Galaxies. Ah . . . writers, by the time of Field Manual: Warden Clans, the Cobras only had SIX Galaxies. And I'm certain I didn't miss any passages where it was shown that they LOST one or more entire Galaxies in the intervening years.
Coyotes: 8 Galaxies. Gee wiz, guys. They only had eight in 3061 . . . and once again there is no mention of them getting an entire Galaxy or more taken apart between 3048 and 3061!
Diamond Shark: 7 Galaxies. Ok. They had 8 in 3061, so they didn't bid their entire Touman like the Adders. Just 87.5% of it.
Fire Mandrill: all 7 Kindraa. That is 100% of their Touman.
Ghost Bear: 12 Galaxies. We don't know how much they had in 3048, but in 3061 they had just 13. AFTER building a new Galaxy.
Goliath Scorpion: 7 Galaxies. Once again, that is exactly what they have in 3061.
Hell's Horses: 9 Galaxies. Out of nine in Field Manual: Crusader Clans.
Ice Hellion: 7 Galaxies. Sigh. We know they lost units in the Hellion's Fury campaign, but they also gained a LOT of resources. Yet, in 3061, they had just six small Galaxies. Any ideas here? Anyone?
Jade Falcon: 10 Galaxies. And no, I'm not about to try and guess how many they had. There is simply not enough information to make a reasonable approximation.
Nova Cat: 9 Galaxies. See above.
Smoke Jaguar: 11 Galaxies. See above.
Snow Raven: N/A. Since, apparently, they were disqualified from the Trials without even putting up a Trial of Refusal!
Star Adder: Entire Touman. And we don't know how many there was. They had 11 Galaxies in 3061 after losing 3 to the Spirits and absorbing what was left of the Burrocks, and then rebuilding units. But we don't know for sure.
Steel Viper: 9 Galaxies. Out of the ten that they had (90% of Touman!).
Wolf: Didn't bid. And the guesses at 3048 Touman composition are even more iffy than the Falcons or Jags.
Six Clans that bid their entire known Touman (plus the Adders), plus at least three more Clans (for a total of TEN out of the seventeen existing in 3048) that bid everything but a token Galaxy that would have remained behind in the Homeworlds. And of the seven left, two didn't bid at all (Wolves and Ravens).
So why all of the derision at the Adders over bidding their entire Touman? At least six other Clans did the exact same thing!
It makes no sense to me; it feels forced, written to make the universe match the established canon via a deus ex machina that the writers hope stays behind the curtain!
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?