My Khan, as per your RFP dated 30/03/3068 we have carried out an in depth development program for a light Battlesuit for use by the Garrison and Gendarme elements of the Tourman. One notable factor of this deployment is that not all pilots will be of the Elemental Phenotype, as many Garrison and Gendarme personnel are Test Down from the Warrior and Aerospace training program as well as suitable volunteers who have passed The Test of the Scorpion and undergone the training programs that begun under your Leadership. To this end we made the suit capable of being worn by both Elementals and with minimal adjustments normal troops, internal filling and padding can be installed to make up[ for the size differences without affecting moblity or wearer usability and the suits themselves have adjustable limbs which can be lengthened or shortened as needed. This would not limit the suit to Elementals or require major re-working to fit Elementals.
The suit itself is as modular as we are able to make it, there is a base battle armour that can then be fitted with weapon systems and other equipment and efforts were taken to make the suit a difficult target to hit by reducing the surface area and the result looks, at a distance, like an oversized man. The armour round the legs and major joints is covered by a light weight, fire resistant carbon fibre weave material that is waterproof, fire resistant and adds additional protection should an enemy be so honourless to use war gasses.
As seen in the illustration below, this is the base suit with a Mark 9 'Thunderchild' Breaching Shotgun equipped to give a sense of scale, and this suit was worn by a Freeborn test pilot. No additional weapon systems have been installed but you get a good sense of the scale of the suit. Our volunteer Elemental pilot is wearing one in the image attached at Annex B.
And now, my Khan, allow me to properly introduce the Waueri Light Battle Armour
The Waueri (named after the Vaejovis waueri, the smallest Scorpion found on Terra) is designed to act as a defensive unit and Bandit Hunter. Whilst Jump Jets do offer superior mobility, the training required to use these without crashing and injuring or killing the Elemental takes a considerable amount of time. As these suits are to be used by Gendarme forces, who may well lack the training needed, jump jets were omitted. Instead it was decided to give the suit the maximum ground speed capable for its size and it can sprint up to 36kph. A battle claw is installed whilst a manipulator (or armoured glove, depending on pilot preference) allows the pilot to carry out simple tasks like opening doors without causing undue damage.
The suit’s main punch comes from an Improved One Shot SRM-4, this accurate, light weight weapon gives the Waueri a solid punch and a Star of the suits can unleash a heavy barrage of missiles which can damage far larger opponents. The other weapon is a light machine gun, which offers a good trade off in weight, range and effectiveness. A cutting torch as well as a searchlight are also fitted to increase the suits versatility.
Waueri Light Elemental
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level Era
Experimental -
Advanced -
Standard 3145+
Tech Rating: F/X-X-X-F
BV: 253
Cost: 1,057,500 C-bills
Movement: 3/3
Internal: 5
Armor: 30 BA Standard (Basic)
Internal Armor
Trooper 1 1 6
Trooper 2 1 6
Trooper 3 1 6
Trooper 4 1 6
Trooper 5 1 6
Weapons Loc Heat
Machine Gun (Light) (Left arm) Point 0
Advanced SRM 4 (OS) (Body) Point 0
Swarm Mek Point 0
Attack Swarmed Mek Point 0
Stop Swarm Attack Point 0
Leg Attack Point 0
Ammo Loc Shots
Equipment Loc
BA Manipulators [Manipulator (Basic)] (Left arm) Point
BA Manipulators [Battle Claw] (Right arm) Point
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount (Right arm) Point
Cutting Torch (Right arm) Point
Searchlight [BA] (Left arm) Point
A second variant removes the SRM 4 and adds a pair of jump jets, allowing for leaps of up to 60 meters. The weapons are also replaced with a single Micro pulse laser, a heavy battle claw and two AP mounts, making this suit more suitable for older Elemental’s who have been rotated into second line forces to make the best use of these deeply experienced and very capable heavy infantry forces.
Waueri Light Elemental
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level Era
Experimental -
Advanced -
Standard 3145+
Tech Rating: F/X-X-X-F
BV: 264
Cost: 1,500,000 C-bills
Movement: 3/3/2
Internal: 5
Armor: 30 BA Standard (Basic)
Internal Armor
Trooper 1 1 6
Trooper 2 1 6
Trooper 3 1 6
Trooper 4 1 6
Trooper 5 1 6
Weapons Loc Heat
Swarm Mek Point 0
Attack Swarmed Mek Point 0
Stop Swarm Attack Point 0
Leg Attack Point 0
Micro Pulse Laser (Right arm) Point 1
Equipment Loc
BA Manipulators [Armored Gloves] (Right arm) Point
BA Manipulators [Heavy Battle Claw] (Left arm) Point
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount (Left arm) Point
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount (Right arm) Point
Finally the third variant features an AP Gauss rifle and an AP mount for maximum flexibility as well as having its sensors augmented with potent heat sensors allowing it to detect hidden targets and even track footprints.
Waueri Light Elemental
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level Era
Experimental -
Advanced -
Standard 3145+
Tech Rating: F/X-X-X-F
BV: 361
Cost: 1,000,000 C-bills
Movement: 3/3
Internal: 5
Armor: 30 BA Standard (Basic)
Internal Armor
Trooper 1 1 6
Trooper 2 1 6
Trooper 3 1 6
Trooper 4 1 6
Trooper 5 1 6
Weapons Loc Heat
Swarm Mek Point 0
Attack Swarmed Mek Point 0
Stop Swarm Attack Point 0
Leg Attack Point 0
Gauss Rifle [Anti-personnel Gauss Rifle] (Left arm) Point 1
Equipment Loc
BA Manipulators [Battle Claw] (Left arm) Point
BA Manipulators [Manipulator (Basic)] (Right arm) Point
Heat Sensor (Body) Point
Anti Personnel Weapon Mount (Right arm) Point
All three variants use standard armour in their construction and have enough to survive a hit from a standard Inner Sphere medium laser, or a pair of small laser hits before the armour is breached, making them tough targets, and with their high speed, they are difficult to hit as well. The standard armour compounds used also make them cheaper to produce as they do not use as many strategic materials. And the base suit, without any attached weapons could serve as a heavy arnour aboard WarShips, superior to any PA(L) in service.