In a sense.
The time needed extension for a couple reasons; it's a knock-down and kick him version of the Succession Wars in miniature. I needed time from grey Monday to to pull the warships from mothballs, begin Ascending Cluster-born WoB sibkos, build a trained military with their allies still having enough influence for them to be needed,have enough lead time to supply their allies and themselves with all this stuff... They would have begun seeding Blake Caches not long after arriving rather than unpacking everything totally from mothballs only to put it in a cache to wait for a couple decades.
When news of the fall of the Fortress falling hits the Cluster, it's 'GO!' time, but there are always those niggling little problems to be dealt with before you launch an Invasion, like moving military forces from the Blakist homeworld Elba to the Cluster, shipping ammo, units, troops, training...
Not to mention some of your allies and prison planet inhabitants jumping the gun and giving people time to sound alarms and things like that.

The IlClan book really gives me an excuse to end the 'New Clans' in favour of something else. I always knew when it fell the echo would be felt in the Cluster, I just didn't have the Canon facts and timeline yet.
I'm trying to stay flexible as to that, anyway.