I have been doing this for a while and wanted to know what everyone thought about it. when it comes to pickup games, we often worry about BV< or Tonnage, some of us use C Bills or the Quick Strike Method. fine fine all well and good.
I have noticed that for me, and the group I play with, that it is just better, more fun, and actually more interesting to declare games the following way
1) Tech Base?
2) Maximum Number clan Mechs allowed?
3) Agreed upon lance configuration?
4) Roll Random skill level under the Veteran Table
for example, players agree to an IS tech game, utilizing succession wars era technology, (precluding clan tech) and agree to a lance made up of one Assault mech, one Heavy Mech, and two Medium Mechs.
sure one player may bring an Atlas, Marauder, Griffin, and Scorpion, while the other drops a Zeus, Rifleman, Whitworth, and Clint (extreme examples) but I figure that this method gives the MOST player freedom while keeping this semi competitive.
Keep the comments coming, I plan to share them on the Podcast this weekend!