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Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« on: September 14, 2011, 08:27:50 PM »

Hello, all.  If someone has Handbook:  Reunification War, can they tell me how big (or small) the Fleets of that era were in canon.  I'd like to know all of the major powers, but I really need the Star League and Taurian numbers.  Thanks, guys, I appreciate the help.

Master Arminas

EDIT:  Oh!  And can someone describe the Concordat class Frigate to me?  I've heard it one of the better canon designs, but I haven't seen it yet?  Not the whole thing, of course, just a brief rundown if fine.



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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2011, 11:29:39 PM »

A lot of what you're looking for can be found here.  Not the description of the Concordat, unfortunately.  I believe it's been posted around here somewhere, however, just not in its own topic.

So here's the Concordat:
Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Concordat (Frigate)
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 2506
Vessel Type:       WarShip
Rules:             Level 2, Standard design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              440,000 tons
K-F Drive System:  (Unknown)
Length:            485 meters
Sail Diameter:     1,220 meters
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       4
Maximum Thrust:    6
Armor Type:        Standard
   15 NAC/20
    3 NL55
   32 LRM 15
   16 Large Laser
   32 Medium Laser
    4 NL45
The Taurian Concordat began work on the TCS Concordat in the early 26th
century as both the Capellan Confederation and the Federated Suns aggressively
expanded their borders outward.  Meant as a bridge between corvette and
destroyer, the Concordat frigate was designed both to patrol the Periphery
space lanes, where it would serve as command ship to a task force, as well as
to directly engage invading enemy WarShips. 

The Concordat relied upon a combination of heavy naval lasers, arrayed to the
fore to engage targets at maximum range while closing the distance, as well as
medium-caliber naval autocannons, capable of ravaging even Star League
battleships, for primary anti-WarShip fire.  Multiple LRM and laser turrets,
covering each quarter in overlapping arcs, defend the ship against fighters
and DropShips alike while four screen launchers give ship captains additional
options in both offensive and defensive operations.

The Concordat was meant to anchor naval task forces comprised of WarShips as
well as assault and fighter-carrier DropShips alike, which is why its
designers did not provide for a large flight deck.  Only a single squadron of
fighters and/or small craft can operate from a Concordat, though up to four
DropShips, at least two of which would typically carry fighters, can dock with
the WarShip.  Except in extraordinary circumstances, a Concordat would carry
at least four shuttles or other small craft capable of delivering its two
platoons of Marines to conduct routine inspections or boarding actions.

The Concordat and her sisters served their home nation, as well as the
Magistry of Canopus, well throughou the 26th century, forming the backbone of
each nation's WarShip fleet.  The Taurian navy possessed the largest WarShip
fleet in the Periphery, operating more than four dozen of these frigates, but
despite achieving several incredible successes in naval action against Inner
Sphere fleets during the Reunification War, the Taurian navy could not hold
out against the Star League.  No more Concordats were built after war's end,
but the last few survived until the First Succession War.

Class/Model/Name:  Concordat (Frigate)
Mass:              440,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass 
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                      105,600.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive:  Compact (Integrity = 10)               199,100.00
Jump Sail: (Integrity = 4)                                              52.00
Structural Integrity: 60                                            26,400.00
Total Heat Sinks:    1,495 Single                                      991.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                   2,550.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:              1,100.00
Fire Control Computers:                                                   .00
Food & Water:  (75 days supply)                                        150.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (247 total armor pts)                           526.50
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 44
   Fore-Left/Right:                   44/44
   Aft-Left/Right:                    40/40
   Aft:                                  35

   Bay 1:  Small Craft (8) with 4 doors                              1,600.00
   Bay 2:  Cargo (1) with 4 doors                                   22,736.75
   Bay 3:  Cargo (1) with 4 doors                                   22,736.75

DropShip Capacity:  4 Docking Hardpoints                             4,000.00
Grav Deck #1:  (130-meter diameter)                                    100.00
Life Boats:  35 (7 tons each)                                          245.00
Escape Pods:  25 (7 tons each)                                         175.00

Crew and Passengers:
     61 Officers (45 minimum)                                          610.00
    164 Crew (72 minimum)                                            1,148.00
     62 Gunners (36 minimum)                                           434.00
      5 2nd Class Passengers                                            35.00
     10 Steerage Passengers                                             50.00
     60 Marines                                                        300.00
     40 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 NAC/20(50 rounds)        Nose        40     40     40     --  120  5,020.00
3 NL55                     Nose        17     17     17     17  255  3,300.00
4 LRM 15(80 rounds)        Nose     4(36)  4(36)  4(36)     --   20     38.00
2 Large Laser              Nose     4(36)  2(16)     --     --   16     10.00
  4 Medium Laser                                                 12      4.00
2 NAC/20(50 rounds)        FL/R        40     40     40     --  240 10,040.00
2 NL45                     FL/R         9      9      9      9  280  3,600.00
4 LRM 15(80 rounds)        FL/R     4(36)  4(36)  4(36)     --   40     76.00
2 Large Laser              FL/R     4(36)  2(16)     --     --   32     20.00
  4 Medium Laser                                                 24      8.00
3 NAC/20(75 rounds)        L/RBS       60     60     60     --  360 15,060.00
4 LRM 15(80 rounds)        L/RBS    4(36)  4(36)  4(36)     --   40     76.00
2 Large Laser              L/RBS    4(36)  2(16)     --     --   32     20.00
  4 Medium Laser                                                 24      8.00
1 NAC/20(20 rounds)        AL/R        20     20     20     --  120  5,016.00
4 LRM 15(80 rounds)        AL/R     4(36)  4(36)  4(36)     --   40     76.00
2 Large Laser              AL/R     4(36)  2(16)     --     --   32     20.00
  4 Medium Laser                                                 24      8.00
1 NAC/20(20 rounds)        Aft         20     20     20     --   60  2,508.00
4 LRM 15(80 rounds)        Aft      4(36)  4(36)  4(36)     --   20     38.00
2 Large Laser              Aft      4(36)  2(16)     --     --   16     10.00
  4 Medium Laser                                                 12      4.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (1.00%)                                            4,400.00
TOTALS:                                            Heat: 1,819     440,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        5,091,606,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      95,447
Cost per BV:       53,344.85
Weapon Value:      34,643 (Ratio = .36)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 2,954;  MRV = 2,767;  LRV = 2,051;  ERV = 767
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 304,327
                   (58,400 Structure, 145,610 Life Support, 100,317 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 649,800  (214% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      Not applicable

I'm not really that impressed with this design, but that's more because I think the WarShip rules themselves (particularly the construction rules) are seriously broken.  The Concordat, like nearly all WarShips, is an eggshell armed with sledgehammers, with a decent chance of not being able to survive a single round against another Concordat.

« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 11:33:02 PM by Halvagor »
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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2011, 12:18:09 AM »

Thanks, Hal.  Exactly what I needed.


EDIT:  Not quite, it's great for the SLDF numbers, but I need the Taurian strength--even an approximate one--as well.  If anyone's out there.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 12:33:58 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2011, 12:38:50 AM »

I thought it was mentioned in there, third paragraph of Irose's first post; 127 ships for the TC.
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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2011, 12:40:40 AM »

Man, that is low.  Thanks, Hal.  I owe you one.



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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 12:52:01 AM »

At some point we went into the strengths of the Great House navies, as well; H:RW gives firm totals for at the start & end of the RW, and there are some indications of how large the navies were before the formation of the Star League, too.  Most everything I think you're after is in that thread...somewhere.
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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2011, 09:16:28 AM »

You know, except for the 4 docking collars (which is unusual for a frigate--they normally have two), I think this Concordat should be viewed by us as the Taurian destroyer.  I mean, look at it.  440,000 tons--that fits right into the span of tonnage of traditional destroyers, and the thrust is 4/6 as well.  That would give Darts and Winchesters (680,000 and 740,000 tons, respectively) as cruisers; Wagon Wheels (650,000 tons) as frigates; Concordats (440,000 tons) as destroyers; and Pintos (why, oh why did TPTB choose a crappy Rim Worlds design instead of giving us a real Taurian corvette; 160,000 tons) as corvettes.

Since there are four dozen Concordats, that large precentage would give the TCN a decent number of destroyers.  I'll have to think about the rest, because 127 is just a real low-ball number.  Maybe the designers and developers cut ALL of the WarShip numbers in half during the development, because 240-260 would make a much more balanced and capable Fleet.  And would still allow the TCN to be #2 in size, since everyone else would also grow larger.  Of course, that would also give the Hegemony around 500 odd WarShips--but that appears to be the lower estimate that everyone around these parts is coming up with.

Anyway, that is just my thoughts.



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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2011, 10:23:06 AM »

Since there are four dozen Concordats, that large precentage would give the TCN a decent number of destroyers.  I'll have to think about the rest, because 127 is just a real low-ball number.  Maybe the designers and developers cut ALL of the WarShip numbers in half during the development, because 240-260 would make a much more balanced and capable Fleet.  And would still allow the TCN to be #2 in size, since everyone else would also grow larger.  Of course, that would also give the Hegemony around 500 odd WarShips--but that appears to be the lower estimate that everyone around these parts is coming up with.

There's no estimating involved- H:RW gives hard numbers on the fleet sizes. 


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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2011, 08:43:10 PM »

Sure, it gives hard numbers, but I believe MA is referring to the fact that said hard numbers for the SLN are difficult to reconcile with ship production figures from older sources like 2750, Drops & Jumps, or 3057 Revised.  The Quixote frigate class, for example, is said to number 250 ships, and was replaced by the Congress, but those 250 ships would account for essentially the entire HAF Navy per H:RW's figures, as the Congress was just coming on-line to replace the Quixote.  And then we have all the other ships from the time period to work in somehow.   
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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2011, 09:37:40 AM »

The Quixote frigate class, for example, is said to number 250 ships, and was replaced by the Congress, but those 250 ships would account for essentially the entire HAF Navy per H:RW's figures, as the Congress was just coming on-line to replace the Quixote.

This might seem silly to say, but 250 vessels is the total number of ships produced. Given H:RW's hard numbers, the final stat is the number of active vessels in the new SLN. Common sense would dictate that an entire class of 250 ships wasn't present...as in produced by that time, or that a class being noted as going through deactivation would actually be, well...mothballed. We're often provided with ship introduction dates, but rarely little else - including production timelines or averages. Every shipyard is individually different from another, as is every ship class. While one ship class could be produced in huge numbers in an extremely short period of time at a specific shipyard, the same can't be said for any other ship class or yard.

I know that's not helpful in locking down semi-generic class sizes or design numbers, but it's the game universe and the fiction provided. (Personally, one of the things I most enjoy, since scenario building isn't locked into narrowly defined numbers. If you want to run a H:RW AT2 scenario using a couple of ships that may have been present - go for it. There's nothing to state they weren't or couldn't have been present.)   

And before anyone gets up in arms about the early Star League mothballing ships on the eve of war, keep in mind that the Star League was expecting a short, six month war. They expected the Periphery to simply fall over and that the Star League's technology, coupled with their righteous cause (the propaganda they fed their citizens and themselves) would equate to an easy victory.

There's no reason to think that pre-war plans to remove older WarShips would not have occurred. Not until the Star League Navy starts to hit serious opposition would the Admiralty reconsider their earlier decisions in response to the actual reality of the Reunification War (specifically - battles with the Taurians.)

Case Amber would have done absolutely squat to improve most of the SLN's opinion of the Taurians. After all, the Taurians were only fighting Davions, not Terrans. In a "real" fight, the Terrans would squash the rabble like bugs...or so the prevailing attitude would hold.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 09:39:11 AM by Knightmare »
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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2011, 01:15:18 PM »

the old battlespace book that came with the Aerotech boxed set has some info on that.  i believe in the back of the book it has some info on how long certain ship took to build.   if not that i know it does have when they were introduced and when they where stopped being built.
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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2011, 02:23:00 PM »

This might seem silly to say, but 250 vessels is the total number of ships produced. Given H:RW's hard numbers, the final stat is the number of active vessels in the new SLN. Common sense would dictate that an entire class of 250 ships wasn't present...as in produced by that time, or that a class being noted as going through deactivation would actually be, well...mothballed. We're often provided with ship introduction dates, but rarely little else - including production timelines or averages. Every shipyard is individually different from another, as is every ship class. While one ship class could be produced in huge numbers in an extremely short period of time at a specific shipyard, the same can't be said for any other ship class or yard.
Sure, but as with, say, the Quicksilver Mongoose, we have plenty of examples of ships staying in active service for 400-500 years.  And as a Du Shi Wang, the Quicksilver Mongoose is only ~30 years younger than the Quixote

Quote from: Knightmare
I know that's not helpful in locking down semi-generic class sizes or design numbers, but it's the game universe and the fiction provided. (Personally, one of the things I most enjoy, since scenario building isn't locked into narrowly defined numbers. If you want to run a H:RW AT2 scenario using a couple of ships that may have been present - go for it. There's nothing to state they weren't or couldn't have been present.)   
And as a player & storyteller, I love the vagueness of numbers produced and timelines of service.  The story of the Quicksilver Mongoose, for example, I find fascinating, and H:RW finally provides an indirect explanation of how it came to be in SLN service, if it was one of the obsolete designs transferred from the Capellan Confederation to the new SLDF.  But if it was obsolete even by Great House standards, why was it still in service to be taken on the Exodus?  I could craft several reasons, but the ship's history doesn't provide anything to help, leaving it to the fans to explain away. 

Quote from: Knightmare
And before anyone gets up in arms about the early Star League mothballing ships on the eve of war, keep in mind that the Star League was expecting a short, six month war. They expected the Periphery to simply fall over and that the Star League's technology, coupled with their righteous cause (the propaganda they fed their citizens and themselves) would equate to an easy victory.

There's no reason to think that pre-war plans to remove older WarShips would not have occurred. Not until the Star League Navy starts to hit serious opposition would the Admiralty reconsider their earlier decisions in response to the actual reality of the Reunification War (specifically - battles with the Taurians.)
Sure, there's a long history of nations dismembering parts of their military right before a war (Stalin provides the most glaring example of what can happen when you do that, however).  But otherwise, the case of the Quixote, in particular, causes problems.  I would avoid them by saying the SLN took title to a bunch of House warships, but didn't commission all of them, as such provides more maneuvering space for the production numbers listed in BattleSpace and the various TROs, but based on production figures and length of service, we could easily give the HAF Navy 550 warships of its own, before looking at those transferred from the member nations.

Quote from: Knightmare
Case Amber would have done absolutely squat to improve most of the SLN's opinion of the Taurians. After all, the Taurians were only fighting Davions, not Terrans. In a "real" fight, the Terrans would squash the rabble like bugs...or so the prevailing attitude would hold.

Agree completely.  Such arrogance would also be a reason for the HAF to try not to actually commission the warships acquired from the Great Houses; those warships, after all, were "Not Invented Here".  The Davion destroyers present an interesting case, however, since the fluff of the Davion I talks about how unsuccessful the basic design was, but the SLDF went so far as to purchase them after the RW.  I guess they were better when rebuilt with SLDF technology (even though, per the TechManual & other sourcebooks, naval technology essentially stopped developing ~2500). 

For the Quixote specifically, we could come up with a number of reasons why its 250 examples weren't in service at the time of the RW.

1) The fluff for the design says that ordering 250 was a mistake.  Ships can be cancelled after the initial order.  This could reduce the overall numbers by 90% if we're particularly prompt.  Otherwise, choose when it happened to suit personal preference, but this idea has potential problems with the Volga's history.
2) The fluff is wrong, and the Quixotes were replaced by the Riga rather than the Congress, giving the Quixote only about a hundred years of service rather than 200.
3) The fluff is merely misunderstood; most of the Quixotes were replaced by the Riga and it's only a handful of examples which were still in service to be finally replaced by the Congress, much like the last Essex-class carrier was retired in the late 1980s, despite having been designed in the late '30s and built in 1943 (yes, it was an early-model Essex that was last in service, surprisingly, not a late-war or post-war design!). 
4) The Quixotes were rushed into retirement to free up bodies to crew the ships acquired from the Great Houses (but this assumes that, unlike the ground forces transferred to the SLDF, the ships did not have crews).
5) The Quixotes were rushed into retirement out of budgetary concerns over all the new infrastructure the SLDF required.
6) The Quixotes were as lightly-built, and had as short a design life, as contemporary DropShip designs like the DroST II, and were rapidly cycled through.  The longevity of the Du Shi Wang, Dreadnought, Monsoon and other ships suggests against this, but we could argue that since most of those are battleships they were more ruggedly built.  But then we run into the Aegis and even the Volga, since that ship seems to have been built based on the Quixote, 150 years after they were mothballed.  But perhaps we could argue that only the original Volga was a rebuilt Quixote, an the remainder were completely new-built, from the Quixote's original design. 

And that's just off the top of my head.  I would like more internal consistency, but if I had it, I wouldn't have as much fun trying to figure things out.
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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2011, 03:46:38 PM »

And as a player & storyteller, I love the vagueness of numbers produced and timelines of service.  The story of the Quicksilver Mongoose, for example, I find fascinating, and H:RW finally provides an indirect explanation of how it came to be in SLN service, if it was one of the obsolete designs transferred from the Capellan Confederation to the new SLDF.  But if it was obsolete even by Great House standards, why was it still in service to be taken on the Exodus?  I could craft several reasons, but the ship's history doesn't provide anything to help, leaving it to the fans to explain away.

Well, we'll have to wait until Historical: Liberation Terra to find out why the Quicksilver Mongoose was taken, but chances are the ship simply survived the Reunification War, mothball and the Civil War. Using any hull with significant cargo space a must for his proposed periphery jaunt, I'm not surprised the Mongoose was taken by Kerensky's Exodus. In light of the fact that vessels suffering from extreme structural fatigue or major faults during their mothball period (those Nagas spring to mind) were left behind.   

I would avoid them by saying the SLN took title to a bunch of House warships, but didn't commission all of them, as such provides more maneuvering space for the production numbers listed in BattleSpace and the various TROs, but based on production figures and length of service, we could easily give the HAF Navy 550 warships of its own, before looking at those transferred from the member nations.

Well, there is some canonical precedence for saying that the SLN didn't utilize every ship available. For one, we know that after the formation of the Star League the ground portion of the HAF didn't disappear in its entirety. In addition to the Reserve Corps, there were additional military units still being maintained by the Hegemony and not included in the SLDF's TO&E.

This could create an interesting question.

Did the SLN absorb inferior House vessels, while regulating some of the HAF's preexisting vessels to a pseudo-reserve fleet not included in original SLDF?

Now there is some text in H:RW to contradict even the possibility of this being probable, but it's worth considering - especially if you consider the SLDF's total strength at the end of the war.

Assuming for a second that a reserve was present, this could negate the need to resume new ship production - vessels were simply fed into the existing naval structure as losses mounted. (I don't necessarily agree with this idea, but if the reserve fleet was large enough...) I submit this concept only because the SLDF's ground strength at the end of the Reunification War was in excess to its start strength. This strength was explained by increased enrollment, production, etc. However, the naval strength of the SLN was less than its founding numbers.

Now there are a couple of explanations for this. For example, either the Star League refused to replenish losses with new construction, or losses far outstripped available reserve vessels, or a combination of the two, or that the number of vessels stated as being available to the SLN were exactly that...the only ones available.

A suitable explanation for the reduced navy by war's end is really my only stand out question. Answering that could provide explanation for evaluating fleet growth potential before and after the Reunification War. (Useful info for fan-produced material)

For example, if we were told that the SLN did conduct new construction during the Reunification War, then we'd have the decent "notion" to suggest that WarShip construction in the late 26th and early 27th centuries was an exceedingly slow and prodigious process, because losses far outstripped the Inner Sphere's construction capabilities in relation to other war materials. (Because we know roughly how many SLN WarShips were lost during the Reunification War)

This answer also draws new questions regarding other firm production numbers found in canon - the Sovetskii Soyuz immediately springs to mind. (Most can be explained away simply by saying Golden Years technology made it possible...just sayin.) Still, this answer could paint an interesting picture of the Inner Sphere's naval industry during the Reunification War era. 

Now, if we were instead told that no new construction took place during the Reunification War then the stated ship numbers make sense insofar as they're taken for granted - this doesn't answer discrepancies regarding the Quixote or any other ship, but does connect strength numbers before and after the war.

...and so on.   

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WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.


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Re: Ship Strength, circa 2570?
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2011, 08:52:23 AM »

in the fluff of the Volga nee Quixote it stats that pver 220 ships were lost during the long war to reclaim the hegemony, but no mention of ships lost in the RW.
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