A couple of questions I'd have about FM:3145:
One - why is there no information about the Rim Territories? Even minor Periphery planets like New St. Andrews have entries, but the Territories are left blank. (At least with the Chainelane Isles, there's the hold which the Sea Foxes have over access to and from that region. Who or what is stopping the Territories from being a known quantity?)
Two - what exactly is/was Operation DAMNATIO? There are scattered hints in the Republic section of the book, but no writeup as to exactly what this operation entailed (or who it was fought against).
And for that matter, I wonder what Project Sunlight is in aid of?
Maybe we'll have to wait until the ilClan sourcebook is published for those answers...
And as an aside, are there any spoiler tags on these boards? I was trying to use them, but to no avail...