as the name of the thread says... where is Arbitration
short answer, it is coming. Probably before the work week is out.
the long answer is that the delay had to do with a lot of moving parts. September is always the wind down post Gencon for official Battletech Products so up until about last week we literally did not have much to talk about. there was also a chance for us to get High Test back in studio, as he was looking into coming home for Yom Kippur, and then when that did not happen we were looking at telecasting him in.
Telecasting can work btw but it is a much more involved process then we are used to...
add on top of that some personal issues with our extended family and September has just been a huge Charlie Foxtrot, if you take my meaning. we WILL record either today 10/3, or tomorrow 10/4. this is my promise to you the fans.