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Author Topic: Star League Availability  (Read 394 times)

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Star League Availability
« on: August 06, 2013, 08:32:28 PM »

I am wondering if anyone's stumbled upon information regarding the Great House/Periphery availability of Standard-level units during the Star League era. For example, 100 years after the THG-11E took the field, would Maltex Corporation have been allowed to sell them to Member and Territorial States?

Cite examples in the text if you find any.

EDIT: The tables below are going to be current availability.

Capellan Confederation

Code: [Select]
310 BattleMaster BLR-1G.MTF
280 Emperor EMP-6A.MTF
200 Victor VTR-9B.MTF
170 Pillager PLG-3Z.MTF
150 Banshee BNC-3E.MTF
150 Striker STC-2C.MTF
120 Longbow LGB-7Q.MTF
115 Stalker STK-3F.MTF
110 Longbow LGB-0W.MTF
110 Thug THG-11E.MTF
100 Charger CGR-1A1.MTF
100 Xanthos XNT-3O.MTF
90 Highlander HGN-732.MTF
80 Awesome AWS-8Q.MTF
70 King Crab KGC-000.MTF
65 Victor VTR-9A.MTF
65 Victor VTR-9A1.MTF
40 Stalker STK-3H.MTF
40 Stalker STK-3Fb.MTF
20 Cyclops CP-10-Z.MTF

Code: [Select]
270 Marauder MAD-1R.MTF
250 Archer ARC-2R.MTF
220 Warhammer WHM-6R.MTF
170 Thunderbolt TDR-5S.MTF
150 Catapult CPLT-C1.MTF
150 Rifleman RFL-2N.MTF
140 Ostsol OTL-4D.MTF
110 Crusader CRD-2R.MTF
100 Champion CHP-1N.MTF
90 Lancelot LNC25-01.MTF
90 Warhammer WHM-6Rb.MTF
60 Black Knight BL-6-KNT.MTF
60 Cestus CTS-6Y.MTF
60 Excalibur EXC-B2.MTF
60 Guillotine GLT-3N.MTF
60 Koschei KSC-4I.MTF
60 Orion ON1-K.MTF
50 Catapult CPLT-A1.MTF
50 Catapult CPLT-C1b.MTF
50 Galahad GLH-2D.MTF
50 Ostroc OSR-2C.MTF
50 Ostwar OWR-2Mb.MTF
40 Bombardier BMB-12D.MTF
40 Koschei KSC-4L.MTF
20 Champion CHP-1N.MTF
20 Crusader CRD-3R.MTF
20 Crusader CRD-3L.MTF
20 Flashman FLS-8K.MTF
20 Shootist ST-8A.MTF

Code: [Select]
240 Phoenix Hawk PXH-1.MTF
290 Shadow Hawk SHD-2H.MTF
150 Assassin ASN-21.MTF
130 Phoenix Hawk PXH-2.MTF
180 Griffin GRF-1N.MTF
160 Hunchback HBK-4G.MTF
130 Whitworth WTH-1.MTF
150 Wolverine WVR-6R.MTF
90 Crab CRB-27.MTF
80 Kintaro KTO-19.MTF
60 Cicada CDA-2A.MTF
60 Dervish DV-6M.MTF
50 Chameleon TRC-4B.MTF
50 Clint CLNT-2-3T.MTF
50 Scorpion SCP-1N.MTF
30 Kyudo KY2-D-02.MTF
30 Phoenix Hawk PXH-1.MTF
30 Sentinel STN-3L.MTF
30 Sentinel STN-1S.MTF
20 Clint CLNT-1-1R.MTF
20 Wyvern WVE-5N.MTF
10 Whitworth WTH-1S.MTF

Code: [Select]
210 Locust LCT-1V.MTF
160 Flea FLE-4.MTF
160 Wasp WSP-1A.MTF
140 Stinger STG-3G.MTF
100 Firebee FRB-2E.MTF
100 Stinger STG-3R.MTF
100 UrbanMech UM-R60.MTF
90 Firefly FFL-4A.MTF
90 Thorn THE-S.MTF
80 Hermes HER-1S.MTF
80 Ostscout OTT-7J.MTF
80 Panther PNT-8Z.MTF
80 Spider SDR-5V.MTF
70 Mongoose MON-66.MTF
70 Stinger STG-3Gb.MTF
60 Locust LCT-1Vb.MTF
50 Hussar HSR-200-D.MTF
50 Night Hawk NTK-2Q.MTF
50 Talon TLN-5V.MTF
40 Firestarter FS9-A.MTF
40 Flea FLE-15.MTF
20 Falcon FLC-4N.MTF
20 Hermes HER-1Sb.MTF
20 Ostscout OTT-7Jb.MTF
20 Panther PNT-9R.MTF
30 Thorn THE-N.MTF
30 Thorn THE-Nb.MTF
10 Firestarter FS9-H.MTF
10 Firestarter FS9-K.MTF
« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 05:21:05 PM by TigerShark »


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Re: Star League Availability
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2013, 09:00:59 PM »

SLSB p. 61
Any new weapon systems would go to the Royal Units First, to other SLDF units a few years later and finally to the House militaries after a decade or more.

Era Report 2750 p. 27
Says Houses would eventually receive new Hegemony technologies but gave no specific dates.

Era Report 2750 P. 31
Houses would gane hand me down upgrades DECADES after the equipment became obsolete for the Hegemony

The museum technica section of the era report indicates when some technologies were made available to the houses.


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Re: Star League Availability
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2013, 10:34:33 PM »

Ah yes, very good. :)

I'm compiling individual factories for each state, with major imports marked as "Import Yards." The rest will be on uncommon Asset tables; things imported at a very low frequency, like Star League 'Mechs.

Really, really tough to figure out what each House and Territory had during this time but I'm very close.
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