I was going to post this in the KU section, but I think a more general announcement is in order.
Some of you may be aware that the KU is on hold whilst we automate the Star Lords system, as it was very detailed and required a lot of work on both the GM and players behalf to keep working. However, we did play test it heavily, so many of the bugs are already sorted out, except for raiding, that one is still shitting me.
For those of you not familiar with the Star Lords system, it attempts to model nearly every situation written about in BT at the strategic level, allowing a player to control all aspects of a state at war in the 31st Century. However, as a highly flexible system, you can design and play out scenarios in any era.
In that time that the Star Lords/KU story has been resting, I have found an old mate who can program Star Lords for me, allowing even more detail to be added, so that Star Lords will become a true representation of the BattleTech universe at a large scale.
Star Lords will have two parts, the main program, which will have a GM's mode and a players mode and the mapping, which will involve exporting the data from the program to shapefiles, useable by GIS mapping systems, elevating the need for us to design an integral mapping function.
One thing that I would like to do for Star Lords, is make it a base for others to use in creating AU or cannon scenarios to run. However, for those less inclined to do the heavy lifting, I would also like to include a 3025 dataset for those who just wish to download Star Lords and have a crack at it.
What I am looking for is a few people to help out in gathering accurate data on the 3025 realms, primarily the military, leaders and industry (both military and civilian) of each realm and setting it up in a certain format, so it can easily be converted into game data. We would have to determine things like numbers and designations of Aerospace, Infantry and Armoured formations, as these are all part of the game.
If anyone is interested, let me know and I can send you the list of data to collect and/or generate so that we have an accurate and detailed set of data for Star Lord's launch.