I am working on a Strategic Campaign for RL (on my RL post in Off-Topics
http://www.ourbattletech.com/forum/not-battletech/renegade-legion/msg41433/#msg41433 )
My friend suggested that I adapt it to BT, so I was thinking about that.
Some of what I was thinking:
Each player is a Coronel (House, Merc ??) with 1 Mech Battalion, 1 Armored Battalion and 1 infantry/support Battalion + a command Company
Instead of set starting unit (as I planned for RL) each player would receive the same minis
(for example in a 4 player game; I have 4 metal Marauder IIs, 4 Atlases, 4 Cyclops, 5 Catapults, 4+ Riflemen, 11 Warhammers etc... ) so each player would have 1-MADII, 1 Atlas, 1 Cyclops, 1 Cat, 1 RFL, 2 WHMs. What model they pick is up to them. so 1 player may take a WHM-7M while another takes a WHM-6K. restrictions are that only 'Clan' minis can be 'Clan' tech so you can't use the MAD-4A mini for a MADIIC or the RFL-3N mini for a Rifleman-IIC. but if you end up with a MadCat mini (I have 3) then they are Clan MCs. All players will have the same (mini-wise) force.
All units are standard-book and in perfect condition to begin with, but field mods will be allowed (verified through HMP).
Any suggestions?