Thankfully Red Pins is on board now and he is helping out big time.
I can't help it. I'm at home on workers comp and bored as hell. You have no idea how much I'm online hoping Trump did something stupid in the last 15 minutes. I'm checking NAFTA a lot right now too, and started on Davos this afternoon. The fact that the big.battletech board is down means I can't even lurk, no new fiction I'm watching on spacebattles, and the library hasn't brought in my out-of-town book, Terminal Alliance (Janitors of the apocalypse) by Hines.
Speaking of, I'm off to bed early tonight, so my Coyotl entry and the sorting/organizing of the Mist Lynx will be done tomorrow. Maybe the Overview, depending.
*Please, let the bg forum be up... Or maybe some Young Turks on you Tube.