95% is a hefty total for a standard K-F Core. Doesn't leave much leftover for boom boom.
A WarShip is a big, ugly target in a big, black void. Hitting it with a nuke eliminates it easily, costs considerably less than operating your own WarShip or throwing a fleet of DropShips at it, and doesn't harm the natural beauty of the world you're attempting to conquer. It's a no brainer.
That's why nukes rock. They're the RPGs of AeroTech in the BattleTech universe. So what if you have a multi-million ton leviathan? I have a couple of Davy Crocketts that say that expensive, irreplaceable ship is little more than a radioactive satellite waiting to happen.
What I'm more curious about, is for the folks who are more agreeable to the "CGL killed my battleships and it's dumb!" crowd...how much did your play, prior to their reduction, involve WarShips? Has that number actually increased or decreased since (especially considering the greater product support for WarShips than at any point in BT's production history)? Why? And does the change of fleet styles (with the fewer WarShips taking on the role that SLDF battlecruisers once held) mean you will have less fleet action in your play or more?
This is a good question. From what I understand, aerospace-oriented products have not sold as well in comparison to BattleMech-oriented products. The same can be said for niche faction-specific publications. Even with the glut of new minis and era books that feature aerospace units heavily, I'm not sure it's making much of a difference. Ask IWM. I wonder how many WarShip Squadrons they've sold lately, or its percentage of total sales?
I think one of the reasons why some people get so emotionally hung up on WarShips is that (generally speaking) before the Jihad BattleMech regiments were far more likely to survive conflict intact. Sure you could whittle a regiment down a battalion or two, but as long as enough of the command remained intact it would (quickly) rebuild and survive to fight another day.
So the survivability of a BattleMech regiment is pretty high, and therefore it's overall longevity. A WarShip isn't so fortunate. WarShip clashes tend to have a low survivability rating simply because you can't destroy 25-50% of a WarShip and expect it to rebound quickly, or at all.
The same attachment we invest in a BattleMech Regiment is also invested into individual WarShips, but it sits more precariously perched between "Oh I want my ship to fight," and "Oh I hope it doesn't get destroyed" because of the lower survivability.
Scarcity makes the emotional investment even riskier.
Big question is how do you do just tactical nuclear warfare. Main problem here was that generally use it or lose it leads to escalation and full blown strike as soon as possible. The only way where you can do tactical nuclear strikes that is a situation where one side is extremely strong and other side is very weak and strong has no wish to flatten out weaker side. This should make those local nuclear wars more of a realm of planetary uprisings and like... lots of possibilities there.
Are you asking about using tac nukes in a campaign game setting (using game play rules), or just asking how to use them?