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Unused BattleMechs
« on: October 31, 2012, 11:30:36 AM »


Just for fun I want to make a Lance and a Star of 'Mechs that aren't used, for whatever reason, in games very much.

For the Lance it would be 4 'Mechs from the 3025-3055 era.

The Star would be from the 3050-3055 era.



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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2012, 12:46:57 PM »

Assaults- Charger, Imp, Shogun, Annihilator, gunslinger, natitana, Albatross

Heavies- Jagermech, Axman, Caesar, Rakshasa, Thunder, Daikyu, Anvil

Medium- Hoplite, Snake, Grim Reaper, Scorpion, Blackjack, Wolf Trap, Whitworth, Vulcan

Lights Ostscout, Hermes, Firefly, Hornet, Flea, Thorn
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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2012, 02:15:12 PM »

Not used and a total waste or not used and still playable?

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The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2012, 02:44:16 PM »

This is actually kinda hard as I like to play many different factions and in leagues where they try to force you to use all the mechs available to that faction, however I will try to come up with a lance and star for each weight that I would not want to use, hope that's okay.


Light Lance:
Hornet - only redeeming quality to me is the low bv, but the relatively low speed, light weapons and thin armor even for a light make me avoid this even when playing FS
Garm - decidedly underwhelmed by this Mech, hope its not too new to include in this
Anubis - the only one I like is the experimental version
Osiris - 8/12/4 is very annoying movement, the 4D has 8/12/8 but its just too high BV for me to want to use.

Medium Lance:
Vulcan - I am not a fan of Vulcans, in 3025 or later they just annoy me
Whitworth - name should be Whitworthless
Cicada - Never been impressed by this, give me two locusts or a talon, I rarely play FWL though so...
Wolf Trap - I only include this to have a 4th Medium (I can usually find a use for just about every medium) I don't hate it, just don't like it very much

Heavy Lance:
JagerMech - some of the JagerMech IIIs are okay but this mech tends to die early and often on me
Rakshasa - the newest variant (Plasma and MMLs I think) is pretty cool but the original is painfully over BVed and dies too easily
Falconer - great mech if you're not using BV and only using tonnage to balance drops, otherwise painfully over BVed even worse than the Rakasha
Rifleman - I might take some flack for this but besides the one with two LBX10s that goes 5/8 I never liked the Rifleman (the clan version is okay but that's just because it pulses)

Charger - how can you not include this, hate it sorry
Banshee - also very under-impressed by this Mech, some of the later variants are okay though
Goliath - never had much luck with this, although I've seen it used well
Fafnir - again might be too new but while I can see how this is an awesome mechs, my inability to make piloting rolls (seriously I'll hit 12s on weapons to hit rolls before I make a 5 or 6 piloting roll) means I fall down every 2nd-3rd shot with the Heavy Gauss even while taking no damage. Basically any mech with a Heavy Gauss is something I try to avoid.


Light Star
Fire Falcon - never found anything this could do that another clan mech like the Kit Fox, Adder, Ice Ferret, Fire Moth, etc. can't do better - I will use them and be damn glad versus some other mechs but still not my favorite.
Mandrill - don't get me wrong, dual LRM20s on a light is nice even for the clans but there's an Adder variant for it.
Arctic Cheetah - way over BVed for what you get imo
Mist Lynx - standard jump jets on an omni (and 6 when there should be 7 no less) make me not like this 'Mech
UrbanMech IIC - meh, urbies are great in hoards in the IS - not what I want to use or see in the clans

Medium Star
Black Lanner - horribly over BVed mainly because of the masc. Drop the masc and I'd love this mech (though I generally don't like Masc on principle)
Shadow Cat - again the Masc (and Jumpjets) make this mech virtually worthless to me compared to other mechs on a BV scale
Griffin IIC - about the only IIC that I'd rather have the IS equivalent of sometimes
Huntsman - 50 tonner with the BV of a heavy? Standard jumpjets on an omn? weapon loadouts that garner even higher BVs? no thank you
Puncer - again standard jumpships (and 5 when there should be 6) make this over BVed and its relatively thin armor is annoying

Heavy Star
Ebon Jaguar - never liked the randomness of the weapons on this mech, it has its uses sometimes though
Hellbringer - paper thin armor and all its focus on randomnly chosen weapons can work sometimes in a zell fight but as those are less and less
Rifleman IIC 2 - the original is great (its actually pretty cheesy and I try to avoid it unless I'm fighting someone I don't like) but this one does a total of 8 damage - if all the UAC 2s hit with both their shots. Bleh.
Summoner - never liked the summoner much, its okay but the jumpjets make it high bv (again I hate standard jumpjets on an omni - jump jets are good sometimes but if they aren't needed I want configs without them)
Hellfire - meh masc

Assault Star
Phoenix Hawk IIC: Under gunned for a Clan Assault, new unjammable UAC rules that most places I play at make this a bit better but still underwheming
Gargoyle: 2 LBX 5s and 2 SRM 6s may have been enough in 3050 when just being a 5/8 assault was awesome but that doesn't cut it with me, some of the other variants are okay though
Bane: Lots of UAC 2s don't do much damage and jam a lot, better with unjammable UACs but still not a favorite. Love the Bane 3 though good lord.
Executioner: Masc!!! I hate it. But then again this is probably one of its best uses in the clans so...
Naga: Just for the sake of completeness I'll include the Naga because I don't like arty in the game at all but its actually pretty good at what it does.

Going over my list I'd like to note that a lot of these 'Mechs aren't bad at all - there are simply lots of others I would use before them.

Assaults- Charger, Imp, Shogun, Annihilator, gunslinger, natitana, Albatross

Heavies- Jagermech, Axman, Caesar, Rakshasa, Thunder, Daikyu, Anvil

Medium- Hoplite, Snake, Grim Reaper, Scorpion, Blackjack, Wolf Trap, Whitworth, Vulcan

Lights Ostscout, Hermes, Firefly, Hornet, Flea, Thorn

The bolded I agree with, others I can probably find uses for. The Naginata is the best C3 master the Dracs have for instance.
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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2012, 04:15:32 PM »

my suggestions merely reflect the underutilization i see from players in my 2 decades of playing the game
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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2012, 06:38:27 PM »

Not used and a total waste or not used and still playable?

Both. :)

I play just for fun and sometimes using stuff no one expects can throw off your opponent and maybe give you a fighting chance!!  Or they are laughing so hard you sneak up on them. ;)


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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2012, 12:17:26 PM »

I dunno, I always liked the Vindicator VND-1R.  Good balance of everything, just not overwhelming by itself.

My opponents usually feel sorry for me when I announce I will be using them.

Then I deploy it in lance strength and the slightly superior smiles gradually go away.



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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2012, 01:33:53 PM »

it's the association with the cappelan confederation and the percieved (and utterly false) power of the unseen designs by comparison.  sure the hawk is faster, but a Vindy is tougher and packs more firepower.

same reason I prefer the 50 ton lance bruisers over the 55 ton Quadmasters.  the Centurion, Trebuchet Enforcer, and Hunchback (all carrying autocannons) are just flat better then the Shadow Hawk, Griffin, Wolverine, and Scorpion.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 01:35:47 PM by JPArbiter »
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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2012, 01:23:54 PM »

Surely I'm the only one to ever use a Targe.

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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2012, 01:50:05 PM »

Surely I'm the only one to ever use a Targe.

I had to look for that one.
It reminds me of a bigger Stiletto.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2012, 01:59:51 PM »

With one-shot chemical jump jets.


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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2012, 02:15:30 PM »

Surely I'm the only one to ever use a Targe.

I used a Targe reverse engineered from the Dark Age Dossiers, THAT one isn't bad provided you split the LRM 10 into a pair of LRM 5s.
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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2012, 02:44:43 PM »

Well, if you consider a 40 tonner with an XL engine and less firepower than an old-school Whitworth not bad, perhaps.


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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2012, 03:18:57 PM »

more mobile then a whitworth with longer reach then a Cicada, Clint, or Hermes II, and just as well armored as any of them.
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Re: Unused BattleMechs
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2012, 05:47:55 PM »

But edging out 3025 mediocre to bad 'Mechs doesn't earn a 'good' rating for a modern unit from me.
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