Should I explain where mine comes from?
I think you should, we would all be facinated to see why you would associate with Rime Stoats
As to Blacknova. Once I was a Muchkin, and not just any Munchkin, but a true, card carrying member of the TC'd Pulse Boat variety. The original unit I created were called the Blacknova Dragoons, named after Wolfs Dragoons, but as the creation of a Munchkin, so much more powerful, better supplied and unstoppable.
Over time, I grew up and at the suggestion of someone, Takiro I think, they became the Blacknovas, a nasty buch of ex-Australian MechWarriors out to give thier profession a bad name. No more clean cut good guys, instead they are a hard drinking and rather unreliable lot, skilled but prone to random acts of serious insuboridination.
So from that, Blacknova was the obvious choice.