The Name Jade Wolf, actually came from a few events happening once after the other. My Daughter took off from her home and I gave a Discription of her saying her eyes were Jade Green, and an hour after the Officer left my place a Wolf (big brute too) passed the window. So I named the Mechwarroir I was working on Jade Wolf. As to Khan infront of her name, Earned ingame! Being an orphaned True Born of Wolf's Dragoons, lost enroute to the Inner Sphere I was Allowed to fight for position and made Star Captain. Later When Phalan Kell was given the Khan. I fought for SaKhan, and won! I was later given the chance to fight to lead a mixed group of Inner Sphere and Freeborn Clan away to become The Phoenix Lancers and held the Rank of Knan as Tribute to the Clans!