Yeah she is insane she called down an Orbital Bombardment on her own ally troops to kill a unit of Kell Hounds. But the Kell Hounds were one of the tough, experienced mercenary units skilled in combined-arms warfare that proved a match for Malvina's forces The Jade Falcons were forced to resort to subjecting the Hounds to orbital bombardment from the Aegis-class heavy cruiser CJF Red Talon to defeat them, one of a number of savage, extreme actions that Jade Falcons relied on - along with their sheer numbers - to generate tales of terror sufficient to intimidate worlds into surrendering without the need for a military campaign. Unfortunately for Hazen's allies in Clan Hell's Horses, the orbital bombardment that virtually annihilated the Hounds also savaged the Horses' Beta Galaxy, forcing the Horses to rotate the remains of the Galaxy back into their Occupation Zone to seed new Horde Clusters