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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #30 on: April 15, 2011, 04:06:59 PM »

Thanks Gabe, I'll throw something together for you. What are you thinking about using them for?


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2011, 08:45:24 AM »

A story about a lost troop that ended up going deeper in the outer darkness because of a nav error
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2011, 09:20:25 PM »

Interesting, sadly there isn't a lot I can add as the first page of this thread contains all of the information I have on the DSC. The first two things (DSC and the Terran Outer Colonies) I'll put down here are "canon" versions which fit seamlessly into mainstream BT.

Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)

Following the Reunification War all of known space became the sole dominion of the Star League. At its fringes laid the vast unsettled Periphery with countless unexplored star systems. This immense area held the promise of new homeworlds for humanity filled with untapped resources and pristine landscape. For all the possibilities these endless territories were filled with innumerable hidden dangers. These ranged from pirates who hated the League, to undiscovered biological diseases, or just the plain fact that you were hundreds of light years from the nearest help.

The Terran Hegemony looked to these far off lands with perhaps the greatest hope. Since its creation almost three centuries prior outward expansion had been confined to military conquest, complex terraforming, or joint colonization with one of the five surrounding nations of the InnerSphere. The subjugation of the Periphery now presented the Hegemony with a new avenue of expansion. Many Terran citizens decided to give this new frontier a try during the Golden Age of Humanity. Most chose to settle in the relative safety of a friendly Periphery realm like the Rim Worlds Republic or the Outworlds Alliance. However, there were some who wanted to go further.

Settling close to the InnerSphere was not an option for a Hegemony colony. After all the Great Houses had their own colonial programs during the Star League era and they also sought to expand into the Periphery. This meant Terran colonies had to keep their distance from the nations of the InnerSphere. Likewise certain Periphery realms that could do without “Terran carpetbaggers” deterred any interloping settlers. That suited many Terran colonists who truly wished to start a new just fine.

This left the Deep Periphery as the only area where the Hegemony could colonize without territorial concerns. While any territory beyond the farthest Periphery state is usually called the Deep Periphery the true dividing line for the Star League was approximately 550-600 light years from Terra depending on the time period. The Hegemony usually spared no expense for its outer colonies that provided it with ample raw materials. Unlike other worlds in the Periphery these Terran colonies had every tool they needed to remain self sufficient and survive if the need arose. Given their distance from home and ideal living conditions these Terran colonies soon became perfect targets for pirates and rebels. The need to provide a suitable defense for these distant settlements was apparent to all.

At first the SLDF was used to provide security for the outer colonies but this soon became a problem. Often preoccupied with keeping the peace in the InnerSphere and the Periphery calls for assistance from distant colonists were often given low priority. Even when needed it took a long time to assemble a complete taskforce of Army and Naval assets to journey into the great beyond in search of a rag tag bunch of hooligans. The threat once found was almost always outmatched by the SLDF. One League soldier put it “It was like using a BattleMech to squash a fly”. The Star League military was in truth a lumbering colossus when it came to performing small tasks like policing the outer colonies. A dedicated unit would be necessary to accomplish this mission.

The SLDF carefully deliberated the creation of a new force tasked with patrolling the Deep Periphery and keeping the Terran Outer Colonies safe. The High Command had many concerns based on historical precedents and didn’t want to create an occupation force like the Terran Alliance Colonial Marines. Rather the group decided they needed a highly mobile force that could operate as one and in sections. The unit would constantly patrol the depths of space and as such be self sufficient. This meant they would use proven equipment utilizing as little ammunition and requiring only the slightest maintenance.

Ultimately the Star League High Command chose to base their new force on the old United States Cavalry who roamed the Wild American West keeping the peace and dispensing frontier justice. Using personnel drawn exclusively from Royal units the High Command assembled twelve regiments for what they called, Deep Space Cavalry (or DSC for short). Featuring both ground as well as naval units each regiment had four jumpships to transport individual battalions called squadrons. The flagship was usually an old Star League Navy Destroyer with its own appropriate supporting force (fighters and marines). A Cavalry Squadron was composed of four BattleMech Troops (a Troop is the Cavalry’s name for a Company), two Aerospace Troops, and one Conventional Support Troop (a mix of Vehicles and Infantry).

On February 6, 2626 the SLDF declared the Deep Space Cavalry fully operational and from that day on they patrolled the Periphery from their base worlds. These planets were usually the largest colonies within a DSC patrol zone and always had an Outpost Castle on world capable of sheltering colonists as well as the regiment in times of dire emergency. Operating outside the normal Star League Combat Regions the Cavalry developed its own military theaters called Patrol Zones. These were based on a “Clock of the InnerSphere” that divided the Deep Periphery into twelve different regions of responsibility, one for each regiment. Thankfully the sizes of these immense patrol zones were limited due to the official Star League colonization policy which set the maximum distance of 750 light years from Terra for all legal settlements which included the Terran Outer Colonies.

For nearly a century the Cavalry performed its duties admirably but never really received any credit in the InnerSphere. In fact they were virtually unheard of outside the Periphery were they were hailed as either heroes in the Terran Outer Colonies or oppressive villains in the Periphery states. This lack of recognition can be attributed to the fact that they were officially considered a Special Operations command which wasn’t found on the Regular Army’s TO&E. The Cavalry even began recruiting many of its members directly from the Terran Outer Colonies which further added to its already low profile. During the height of the Star League there was even little reason for them to call on assistance from the SLDF because no threat was too big for them to handle.

This all changed after 2722 as the Star League issued the infamous Council Directive 41. This decree designed by House Marik and House Liao theoretically gave the Territorial States of the Star League greater sovereignty. In reality this underhanded measure opened the Periphery nations up to rampant exploitation by massive interstellar corporations.  From this point on the situation grew steadily worse for the Deep Space Cavalry. Pirate activity and rebel attacks increased every year until the outbreak of the Periphery Uprising. Despite their best efforts the Cavalry could not stem the tide of total war coming their way.

Unfortunately the already beleaguered Cavalry became the first target of the Periphery BattleMech Divisions. As the end came many units bunkered down on their baseworlds desperately calling for aid that would never come from the SLDF. What happened to the regiments of the Deep Space Cavalry may never truly be known. Communications became one of the first causalities of the war so official reports are non existent. Some survivors reportedly joined General Kerensky but these few individuals were perhaps only a fraction of the Cavalry’s total makeup. Did they beat all odds and manage to survive somewhere in the Deep Periphery till this day? Or were they completely wiped out ending an interesting chapter in human colonization of the stars? Sadly, we may never know.

Terran Outer Colonies
Besides the Core Worlds listed below no other colonies had a million person populations, in the thousands
47 million on the hub worlds as of 2766
50 million Terrans total in the Deep Periphery as of 2766
After 2720s these colonizes became more centralized
Prior much more spread out among many worlds
New arrivals from the InnerSphere dropped after 2720s as well

New Terra
The capital of the Terran Outer Colonies
First colony established by the Terran Hegemony
Founded just after the Star League’s formation
Headquarters of the 1st Colonial Sector
Very similar to Earth, four continents one moon
Largest Population as of 2766 at its height was 12 million

Headquarters of the 2nd Colonial Sector
Population as of 2766 at its height was 3 million
Colonized for its wealth and fairly habitable environment
Native resources like gold and gems
Trade world based on these valuable commodities
Perhaps the worst atmosphere for one of these worlds
Easily terraformed during the early years

Headquarters of the 3rd Colonial Sector
Population as of 2766 at its height was 1 million
Atmosphere is close to Earth’s but it is a High-G world
Its stout inhabitants are an extremely hardy folk
Mining is the chief industry of the colony

Headquarters of the 4th Colonial Sector
Population as of 2766 at its height was 3 million
Polar world with cold temperate bans at the equator
Massive uninhabitable ice packs on the poles
Extremely mineral rich but difficult to exploit thanks to the environment
Prisons placed on world for hard labor and impossibility of escape

Headquarters of the 5th Colonial Sector
Third largest population as of 2766 at its height was 5 million
The rimward capital of the Terran Outer Colonies
Extremely nationalistic and conservative
Very Earth like

Headquarters of the 6th Colonial Sector
Population as of 2766 at its height was 2 million
Island continents dot the world with a single massive ocean
Beautiful climate which is warm temperate at the equator
The oldest population thanks to people choosing to retire there
Big tourist destination even from part of the InnerSphere and Periphery

Nuevo Tejas
Headquarters of the 7th Colonial Sector
Population as of 2766 at its height was 2 million
One of the largest habitable planets ever found
Lot of land with some water (70-30) may make this largest land mass in the universe

Headquarters of the 8th Colonial Sector
Freedom and liberty held in high regard by inhabitants
Population as of 2766 at its height was 2 million
Vast woodland frontiers have lead to a huge logging industry
Trade world based on these valuable commodities

St. Cameron
Headquarters of the 9th Colonial Sector
Second largest population as of 2766 at its height was 7 million
The anti-spinward capital of the Terran Outer Colonies
Very devoted to the Camerons and highly religious
Very Earth like

Headquarters of the 10th Colonial Sector
Excellent climate but poor resources lead to many imports
Even farming proved more difficult than expected
Native planets tend to stunt or kill off new competitors
Huge drain on the colonial program called the Boondoggle Planet
Large investment by the Hegemony produced a large industrial base
This helped offset the worlds drain eventually
Became the industrial giant of the Outer Colonies rivaling New Terra
Population as of 2766 at its height was 2 million

Headquarters of the 11th Colonial Sector
Population as of 2766 at its height was 4 million
Warm world with super tropical climate at the equator
A young world with developing planet life
One Pangaea type continent
Erosion has yet to knock down large mountain ranges
Sporadic mining efforts as mineral resources are not really developed
Even larger desert basins thanks to the arid environment of the planet
Irrigated fields in the valleys of the rivers running down from the mountains allow for a thriving agriculture

Headquarters of the 12th Colonial Sector
So named for its native grape vines which produce excellent wines
This valuable commodity is sought in the InnerSphere
Site for Rasalhague escapees
Population as of 2766 at its height was 4 million


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2011, 09:24:47 PM »

The next two items are BTSD in origin and clearly diverge from canon time line. Here are the Regulators and Magnus Industries both of which can be found in Fanbook 3 - Mercenary Guild.



   The amazing story of this young mercenary unit begins with the little known Star League Deep Space Cavalry or DSC for short. The Cavalry was established to patrol the vast frontier of the Star League and safeguard its distant colonies in the Deep Periphery from marauding vandals. For nearly a century and a half they performed their duties exceptionally without fanfare. As the Star League began it s long slow decline into oblivion the situation in the Periphery quickly deteriorated. Faced with near constant assaults on its colonial patrols there wasn’t much the Deep Space Cavalry could do to stem the growing tide of rebellion.

   Beginning in late 2765 the entire Deep Space Cavalry was almost completely annihilated by a series of well coordinated attacks by a previously unknown force. This was the first appearance of the Periphery BattleMech Divisions and it was deadly. Of the twelve Cavalry regiments only a few scattered elements survived the vicious first onslaught of the Periphery Uprising. The largest group known to escape the carnage was the 1st Squadron of the 7th Cavalry Regiment. Led by Colonel Allison McKinnely the Seventh held off an entire Periphery BattleMech Division long enough to evacuate her baseworld, Nuevo Tejas.

   With several shiploads of colonists the battered remnants of the Seventh withdrew spinward of Terra hoping to link up with the SLDF and warn them of the huge rebel force. Cutoff from the HPG network and ruthlessly pursued by a Periphery BattleMech Division contacting the Commanding General became impossible. Unable to reach Kerensky and assuming the worst Colonel McKinnely began a sweep of the Periphery designed to build up her own force strength while weakening the rebels. This was just the start of the unit’s legendary journey that would eventually take them half way around the InnerSphere. The Periphery Sweep ultimately lasted almost two decades and saw the group traverse several thousand light years.

   Along the way they searched for survivors of Star League, explored numerous star systems, rescued countless civilians, and hunted down several pirate bands. Bringing some semblance of order to areas of the Periphery as the Star League disintegrated was an extraordinary feat to say the least. Their heroic actions bought them widespread fame in a region once hostile to their very presence. This reputation allowed them to not only add Star League Regulars (several from other DSC units) but “Errants” (a Periphery term for lone mercenaries, either Mechwarriors or Aerojocks, who operate at the extreme edge of the Human Sphere) as well to fill their depleted ranks. They also picked up a new name from the grateful denizens of deep space while skillfully navigating these troubled reaches of the frontier “regulating” the wicked and establishing justice for all.

   Against all odds the Regulators arrived at their fallback destination, New Terra, in late 2783. This world was the first major Terran colony in the Deep Periphery and served as the homeworld of the entire Deep Space Cavalry. In case of catastrophe it was a natural contingency position for the entire Cavalry, not that the events of the Amaris Coup could be predicted. Finding a shattered colony with only a few scattered survivors the unit set out to restore the planet as their new home while awaiting a renewed Star League presence in the Periphery. As the Regulators and their rescued Terran colonists began the process of rebuilding they hoped finally that their long journey was at an end.

   It was not to be. The Regulators were contacted one year after settling on New Terra by a vanguard force from the Exodus that jumped into system looking for remnants of the Deep Space Cavalry. Shocked at this incredible turn of events Colonel McKinnely and her staff traveled to Gutara V to meet with General Kerensky. Overjoyed at reuniting with the SLDF the Regulators were briefed by Commanding General and asked to join the Exodus. While the group struggled to decide on a unified course of action several members were decorated for their heroic actions dating back to 2766. In addition to receiving a unit citation for valor and extreme heroism Colonel Allison McKinnely was officially promoted to General in command of the DSC and awarded the Star League Medal of Honor.

   Despite these great honors the news of what had happened in the InnerSphere during the Regulators legendary Periphery Sweep was a stunning blow to the unit. Many had expected something bad given their complete lack of contact with the Star League but not the dissolution of this august body by the Great Houses followed by the wholesale departure of the surviving SLDF. This shocking update from Kerensky himself left the DSC with only two clear choices. They could leave the Human Sphere altogether with General Kerensky or return to Terra as there would be no recolonization of the Deep Periphery and pirate attacks on their current settlement would grow in frequency. Most of the group chose to return to their ancient homeland rather than undertake another long journey through the Periphery.

   General Kerensky respected the Deep Space Cavalry’s final decision and asked their help to take care of some final matters of importance. In an elegant speech to the entire Exodus Fleet he acknowledged that the SLDF’s voyage into the vastness of deep space would be long and fraught with unknown dangers. With this knowledge at hand he asked anyone with doubts or second thoughts to leave with the Regulators now while they still could because from this point on there would be no turning back. A vast majority of the fleet responded with an overwhelming vote of confidence in Kerensky and agreed to follow him into whatever might lay ahead. However, there were a few in the grand expedition who reconsidered their original decision and agreed to depart with the Regulators rather than continuing on further.

   With great sadness both sides parted ways. General McKinnely agreed to serve as the rear guard of Exodus operating from New Terra for a year and a half before returning to the InnerSphere. Saying goodbye to those members of the Deep Space Cavalry led by Colonel Lisa McKinnely, General McKinnely’s own daughter, who chose to go with Kerensky was especially difficult. Integrating the former Exodus personnel and patrolling the area for pursuers of the SLDF occupied much of the Regulators time until finally we could head for home. Gathering up everyone from New Terra the unit departed for its next destination on the way home, Anatollos.

   The trade world of Anatollos was a former Hegemony possession and the gateway back to the InnerSphere. Since the collapse of the Star League the world had been the target of many bandit raiders so the Regulators arrival would achieve two goals at once. One, it would start their trip home while eliminating a tempting target for piracy in the region. Hopefully this would insure stability in the area for years to come. As the Deep Space Cavalry was destroying one such threat on planet a large Draconis taskforce led by Chu-sa Jiro Takagi of the Pesht Regulars jumped into system in pursuit of the same bandit force. Following some tense moments both sides agreed to sit down and talk following the death of the raiders.

   Meeting with DCMS representatives in the planetary capital of Port Krin the Regulators recounted their fantastic tale from their Periphery Sweep to being the last to see Kerensky. Understandably this last claim bought the greatest scrutiny from Takagi who grilled McKinnely about Operation Silver Spear. Her honest straight forward answers did much to persuade the Combine of the Cavalry’s true intentions and the fact that they didn’t participate in any assault against House Kurita. Further examination of our equipment and personnel demonstrated these facts beyond any doubt. This was just the start of a new relationship with the Dragon that none thought possible.

   In October 2787 the Professional Soldierly Liaison of the Draconis Combine approached the Regulators with their first contract offer. The negotiation process was long and difficult as both sides fought hard to get their points across. Eventually the Cavalry agreed to hunt down bandits including renegade mercenaries for the Dragon in exchange for safe passage to the Terran Republic and meager financial reimbursement over two years. While a contract with House Davion was easily accomplished, as General McKinnely had been contacted by their representatives on Anatollos shortly after their arrival, their overtures were seen as desperate by the command staff. The Combine was in a better position to help the Regulators transport their large civilian fleet to Terra as the crossing through Kurita space would be shorter and relatively safe thanks to the Dragon’s strength at this time.

   Over the next two years the Regulators with their liaison officer, Tai-sa Jiro Takagi, fought several battles for House Kurita that destroyed several pirate bands and two rogue mercenary units. It was these two conflicts against the Steel Titans in September 2788 and the Longhorns in November 2789 that would ultimately define their time of service with the Draconis Combine. Both units grievously violated their legally binding contracts with House Kurita and were ruthlessly hunted down by the Regulators who skillfully dispatched them. The speed and proficiency with which they defeated these dishonorable foes seemed to win the unit the grudging respect of the DCMS with the exception of Warlord Jinjiro Kurita. Their behavior ran contrary to the actions of many hired guns of the era and their employers.

   So when the House Lords were looking for a way to set standards for mercenary hiring and conduct in 2789 it was only natural that they looked to the Regulators. General Allison McKinnely quickly contacted more than sixty mercenary commands with the help of ComStar to establish a new order. The Mercenary Guild was officially created in January 2790 when sixty mercenary units ratified the Guild Charter. This historic document written by General McKinnely set clear rules of conduct for the mercenary trade that applied to employers as well as employees. Shortly afterwards the Regulators formally signed the first ever Guild endorsed contract, a twenty year retainer, with the Terran Republic were they remain today.


General Allison McKinnely
   The commander of the Deep Space Cavalry can best be described as one tough lady with almost limitless energy who always tells you it is. This steadfast matriarch of the Regulators is now approaching seventy years of age but as usual refuses to slow down completely. McKinnely was only a young Colonel with the Cavalry when the Periphery Uprising turned her world upside down. Despite the loss of her husband and three children she pressed on eventually guiding her people home. Today McKinnely is officially retired from active duty which many Regulators openly joke about. The General spends most of her time now as the Chief Marshal of the young Mercenary Guild which she helped found. The Countess of Western Lubbocks is still the Commanding Officer of the Regulators even though she rarely takes the field now. An accomplished Mech Commander in her day the General can still be seen from time to time piloting her Crockett.

Lieutenant General John McKinnely
   The only surviving child of Allison McKinnely has been raised from birth to be a Deep Space Cavalry officer. Trained by his grandfather John is perhaps one of the most gifted weapons specialists alive today. There doesn’t seem to be a firearm or blade he is unfamiliar with and is almost equally adept inside a BattleMech. Quiet and unassuming John has been blessed by good luck throughout his life although not without a price. He watched his father and two brothers die during the initial stages of the Periphery Uprising and is the only known surviving child in his family. While he prefers action to words the executive officer and combat commander of the Regulators is an excellent judge of character who awaits his time to strike. Blessed with tremendous patience he prefers to let his enemy reveal their strategy first than destroy them.

Commodore Alexandria Westbrook
   The commander of the Regulators Aerospace Services (the Starlancers) is a veteran spacer who is renowned for her natural abilities aboard ship. Loved by her fellow shipmates the Commodore always seems to be guiding her crews and ships by example. Alexandria has accumulated a number of friends and contacts throughout known space in a relatively short period of time thanks in part to her attitude. Frank and open she is a devout supporter of the Last Cameron who vocally wants to see Amanda restored to the throne of the Star League. This near fanatic stance has earned Westbrook and her large family the friendship of many within Project Phoenix. Meanwhile old friends among the Periphery merchants rescued by the Regulators have established her links in Magnus Industries.

Brigadier General Lamar Bullock
   The mysterious commander of the Outriders, the Regulators Security Services, is Lamar Bullock. To many he is a man without a past apparently appearing in public only recently even though General McKinnely has claimed to rely on him as a personal friend for years. No records seem to exist of Lamar prior to 2784 either with the SLDF or in the InnerSphere but there were many covert operatives whose identities remain unknown. He could very well hail from some place in the Periphery as accounts are spotty at best in this backward region. What is known are his formidable capabilities which include an extremely talented mind and an absolute ruthless demeanor. Thanks in large parts to Bullock’s efforts the Regulators security has not been penetrated by any agency or individual. He is also an exceptional military analyst and talented strategist who counsels the McKinnelys on almost every matter.

Brigadier General Martin Cahill
   This old Periphery Errant who commands the Galapoles is a valued part of the Regulators added during their legendary Periphery Sweep. Cahill was already a retired SLDF Mechwarrior patrolling the Deep Periphery when the Amaris Coup began to unfold. Helping colonists and destroying bandits was a common thing for this lone soldier who had become sick of the political infighting amongst the Star League member states. Martin prefers to work alone and can be quite ornery whenever things go wrong as they did during the Periphery Uprising when the sheer numbers of bandit Mechs became overwhelming. He had little choice but to join the Regulators as they passed by and over time grew to like his new comrades. Well pasted retirement age with General McKinnely, who is a very close personal friend, he was tapped to lead the Regulators Support Command as they left New Terra for the InnerSphere.

Colonel Ivan Lukovich
   Ivan is a Capellan national who saw some of the most horrific combat as a young Major with the SLDF during the Periphery Uprising and the Amaris Coup. Originally he chose to depart the InnerSphere with General Kerensky as part of the Exodus. During the trip to the Periphery he began to have second thoughts about leaving behind everything that he knew for the unknown. Lukovich finally realized that the Exodus was not the place for him when Kerensky allowed everyone to reconsider their original decision above Gutara V and stressed that the outcome of their great journey was ultimately unknown. With that he joined the Regulators along with a number of others from the Exodus and was chosen as the most capable senior officer from the SLDF to command a new unit.

Colonel Daniel Ottega
   A young Captain in the 3rd Deep Space Cavalry he is one of the few survivors of his unit destroyed by Periphery rebels. Taking charge of the remaining settlement of Colonia he led his people to safety until relieved by the Regulators Periphery Sweep. Daniel is a determined officer who has shown great resourcefulness on more than one occasion. He is renowned for his ability to make a little go a long way. Unofficially adopted by General McKinnely he has become one of the Regulators rising stars. After arriving on Galatea he was charged with assembling a new unit, the 3rd Strike Regiment of the Regulators, a process that is still on going. This regiment will no doubt be composed of light to medium BattleMechs and embody its creator’s traits. Already nicknamed Ottega's Desperados its personnel are a unique blend of existing unassigned DSC troopers, new outside recruits, and low tech natives from Galetea itself. Every member seems skilled at scouting and utilizing planetary terrain to its utmost advantage. Operating in a limited capacity at about one-third strength this unit will remain on Galatea until activated by General McKinnely.


   The Regulators most favored tactic and perhaps their most well known is called the Roundup. Developed during their Periphery Sweep it requires a great deal of planning and coordination of forces. Basically it uses an entire regiment divided down into its component companies (or battalions depending on the size of the enemy force) and attempts to drive and/or lure the enemy to a pre-selected place. This piece of terrain, called a corral point, is advantageous to the Regulators typically trapping an enemy in a valley or box canyon. Also the corral point maybe mined (with vibra or standard mines) adding to the Roundup’s devastation. The timing must also be precise so as not to arouse enemy suspicion. If all goes according to plan enemy forces become trapped in a corral or encircling force of Regulators. Ground combatants are to the keep the enemy circled in and drive back any units that attempt to break away. At the same time artillery will open fire, the minefield (if any) will be detonated, and aerospace forces equipped with bombs will commence their runs. The tactics successful effect is devastating and in fact no unit caught in a roundup has ever escaped. After the roundup is complete the Regulators than proceed to destroy an opposition they failed to gather up, which are typically designated Mavericks. These lone survivors are often easy prey.


On some levels the Regulators resemble a small regional InnerSphere military or a Periphery power. Tremendous assets drawn from the now departed SLDF and the DSC give them unmatched capabilities that mercenaries lack. These personnel and materials have come in handy recently with the formation of the Guild which might not have been possible without them. While a huge drain on the Regulators resources normally the operations of the Guild have offset their maintenance cost for now. In the future it might become necessary for the Regulators to hire them out to other mercenaries or even Houses as advisors for large scale operations.

As a whole the Regulators are divided into five Services which are similar to Terran Commands. These Services cover the gambit of military capabilities possessed by this formidable mercenary unit. Combat Services, also known as the Gunfighters, contains all planet-bound front line combat units of the Regulators such as BattleMechs. Aerospace Services, dubbed the Starlancers, includes all space-borne assets of the unit like aerospace fighters and naval assets. These resources include two warships; the Lone Ranger (a Lola I class Destroyer) and the newly renamed Tonto (a Pinto class Corvette) formerly known as the Tigershark, which are unheard of in the mercenary community. The cost and maintenance needs of these behemoths make them prohibitively expensive for mercenaries as a whole but not the Regulators. Indeed extensive repairs and the overhaul performed on the Pinto recently obtained from the Star Sharks only further showcase this group’s unrivaled power.

Support Services, called by many the Galapoles, act as the Regulators home guard, police force, while providing reserve combat support for the unit. Security Services, known as the Outriders, compose the Regulators’ formidable intelligence community which includes the Special Forces Subservices (Equalizers). Both groups were formed from SLIC and SAS personnel respectively who rethought their departure from the InnerSphere. Finally Administrative Services (the Ranch Hands) do much of the unit’s paper work and non-combat duties necessary to run a unit like this. Education Subservices, known as the Trailblazers, also part of the Administrative Services and are charged with training all the unit’s future personnel.

7th Cavalry Regiment (Brave Star Rangers)
   The original and core formation of the Regulators is composed almost exclusively of DSC personnel or their families that survived the Periphery Uprising. Oversized because of their unique organizational doctrine the Seventh always tries use its numerical advantage to the fullest extent as seen in the Regulators most recent battles. Utilizing Heavy to Medium size equipment they are the primary battle element of the group using mobile tactics to stay on the offensive. With extensive combat experience the Seventh is skilled in many different fighting styles. In a rare show of respect warriors of the Draconis Combine have already honored these mercenaries by according them traditional battlefield conduct in spite of their status.

1984th BattleMech Regiment (Greenhorns)
   The newest unit of the Regulators was assembled from members of the SLDF that originally left with Exodus only to have a change of heart. Returning home with the Seventh they adopted their numerical designation based on the total number of pre-war Star League BattleMech regiments. Their new formation called the Greenhorns by Cavalry veterans are almost a separate mercenary unit altogether. Both the Seventh and the 1984th have vastly different combat and organizational doctrines that have yet to fully meld. While they may remain part of the whole the Greenhorns are truly distinct and use or recruit personnel that were part of the Exodus. Actually heavier than the Seventh they are a skilled at frontal assaults and static defense.   
Magnus Industries
“Making something out of nothing”
Headquarters: Alamance, Galatea
CEO: Jason McGuire
Main Products: Planetological Services, Mercantile Shipping, and Military Production

   As the Regulators made their now famous journey through the Periphery during the Amaris Coup they picked up many survivors along the way. Among these individuals who wished to return to the InnerSphere were several entrepreneurs and businesses that had gone to the frontier of the Star League to make their fortunes. These ventures typically had some measure of success prior to the Periphery Uprising and managed to endure until rescued by the remnants Deep Space Cavalry. In many incidents their continued existence was due to their particular stock in trade that allowed them to fight, escape, or hide until liberated. Their services also helped the Regulators along the way enabling them to finally reach the InnerSphere.

   Bonded together by their adventures in the Periphery most of these financial pioneers agreed to combine their operations into a single enterprise. In practice they had been working collectively for a decade already but this agreement made during their trip to Galatea formalized the arrangement. Upon their arrival in January 2790 the birth of Magnus Industries was proudly announced to a Human Sphere that could hardly guess at its significance. In some ways the company’s formation mirrored Federated Defense Systems (FDS) on a smaller scale but few thought that these wandering merchants from beyond would be able to succeed so quickly in the InnerSphere. A limited number of new investors would however be pleased at the rapid success of Magnus.

   Not only were the skills of this new corporation uniquely placed to take advantage of the developing situation in the InnerSphere but Magnus also boasted vast untapped resources. A large haul of commodities from the Periphery that the company sold quickly to obtain hard currency was a small fraction of its hidden economic strength. According to company officials Magnus has hidden stockpiles throughout the Periphery that dwarf this initial offering. Many detractors of the new company came to regret their initial criticism and openly wished that they had taken the initial investment offer. In only a single year this private corporation and its commercial endeavors has become the hottest thing in business.

   Magnus used much of the capital it had gained both hard and speculative to build its new offices and complexes on Galatea. Massive construction on these projects continues in the newborn city of Alamance which many of the Periphery survivors will eventually settled in. This infrastructure which includes small factories bought from the frontiers will not doubt serve the corporation well for years to come. In addition the company consolidated its massive space fleet and bought up the remains of Holden Planetary Engineers. This latest move seems aimed at cornering the terraforming industry which was drastically undervalued in the wake of the Amaris Coup. However, instead of transforming uninhabitable worlds Magnus now seems focused on restoring war ravaged planets of the InnerSphere.

   The architects of this rising corporate giant are three of the most outstanding merchants who formerly called the Periphery home. At the very top of Magnus is its founder Jason McQuire who is the perhaps the brightest of the group. A gifted planetologist formerly with Holden Planetary Engineers worked for years on the fringes of space creating life were none existed before. Striking out on his own he was able to avoid detection by Periphery rebels until he was rescued by the Regulators. Since that time this terraforming frontiersman has helped build and maintain a vital economic infrastructure for his fellow Periphery survivors. Jason oversees the entirety of Magnus Industries as well as his own division, Magnus Engineering, which is devoted towards increasing planetary habitability. Some still see him as a crackpot despite his past success. His latest undertaking involves the buying of fresh water commodities which he foresees as becoming priceless in the future.

   McQuire’s main business partners aren’t as eccentric as him but they do bring exceptional talents to Magnus. Jamie Devlan ran perhaps one of the biggest Periphery freight services prior to the Amaris Coup. Her considerable experience in this region allowed her and many of her ships to elude rebels during the Uprising. Devlan became the leader of the civilian fleet during the Regulator’s Periphery Sweep and continues to oversee Magnus Shipping today. This vast fleet of merchant ships continues to ply the space lanes very ably under her command. The most enigmatic of three Magnus founders is Daniel Estefan who runs Magnus Arms. Apparently with the Regulators from the beginning little else is known about this secretive young man. Some speculate he was part of the SLDF or an unidentified intelligence agency. He rarely speaks publicly but his ability to procure weaponry for the Regulators seemingly out of nowhere is legendary.

   The link between Magnus and the Regulators is obvious but at the same time unknown. Many people would like to know the depth of their relationship but this private corporation will not say. However, both entities claim to be and seem to be separate concerns that have common interests. Whatever the truth maybe the link to Magnus and the mercenary industry is readily apparent. Magnus Arms has already sold weaponry to Guild members who were interested in obtaining such wares while Magnus Shipping has transported units for a fee. Also there is the possibility of escort duty with Magnus Shipping as it long journeys often require extra protection. The company has offices in Galaport (Galatea), Cirus Crater (Mars), Prospect (Sirius VI-a), and Port Krin (Anatollos).


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2011, 09:27:44 PM »

The final item on the DSC was written up by Techwarrior who was also interested in the unit. Had to post in two separate posts. Enjoy!

2nd Deep Space Cavalry
Planet Prosperity, Deep Periphery

February 6, 2626 was a momentous day; the dawn of the Deep Space Cavalry had arrived. Five years in planning, two years in building, the Deep Space Cavalry is now declared officially operational. Tens of thousands of men and women have trained and waited for this day. Twelve Cavalry Units will deploy into deep space to guard, and explore the unknown reaches of the periphery and beyond.
In the tradition of the U.S. Cavalry stationed on the western frontier during the late 1800s, each unit would have a fort as a base with an area that was exclusive to their mandate. Resupply was minimal at best as the population was generally low and had little influence in Washington D.C. Only after gold and other natural resources were found did the government take notice. History shows that distance involved, lack of knowledge of the people, terrain, necessary supplies and manpower that limited the cavalry in its ability to control their areas of responsibility.
Governments have never learned this lesson. The Cavalry, Foreign Legion, or what ever the current government wishes to call these units, are merely a stopgap measure to a larger issue the government is not willing to expend their resources upon. Hence once again the cavalry has returned to duty outside the norm of the regular military. Once again the burden of bringing civilization and order to distant reaches has fallen on the few.
Welcome to the Deep Space Cavalry.

The 2nd DSC had been on station for more than two years prior to this formal declaration but all official festivities were adhered to as required. The official opening of the Outpost Castle, the raising of the Star League and Deep Space Cavalry Colors, inspections, and speeches. Finally the first dispatch orders given to A Troop Striker and H Troop Light Horse to board their Dropships and prepare to disembark on the first official patrol of the 2nd Cavalry.
With the band playing, flags and pennants flying A Troop Lieutenant Liam Zeke and H Troop Lieutenant Miles McCrohan march forward to accept their disc pads containing their troops first official orders, both salute Captain William Brown, turn and order their men to their Dropships. The Troops turn in unison and march off in good order to the cheers of military personnel and civilians that were present for this momentous occasion. As their heavy equipment had been previously stowed aboard the Dropships they marched a short distance then up the ramps into the waiting Dropships.
Captain Brown had returned to the stage where all the dignitaries were assembled, saluted Colonel Mark Jennings Commander of the 2nd DSC; reported that A Troop and H Troop would disembark in one hour. The Colonel returned his salute then advised everyone present that they all should move off the landing field and up to the observation area to watch this momentous occasion.
At the 10:00 hrs local the Dropships powered up their engines for lift off. This would be a special show as the two Troops had been assigned two Union and one Leopard Dropship. The Leopard would make a normal runway take off and the Unions being Spheroid Dropships would lift straight into the morning sky.
It was picture perfect of course, as the Unions lifted into the air on great waves of fire trailing to the ground, the Leopard on the runway lifted into the air with its own tongue of fire behind it. Standing in the observation area witnessing this event with civilian and military cameras rolling (yes that term is still used) the Colonel nodded in satisfaction. Many people commented on the precision and beauty of the take offs. The civilian vids of course were live on the planetary satellite feeds. For this one occasion live broadcasting was allowed, it would not under normal circumstances. At this moment the Deep Space Cavalry was advertising that they were here to stay.
After the Dropships had passed out of sight, a tour of the facilities was in order, which took several hours. The local news service made a show of being disappointed when told to shut off the vid cameras just before they entered the Outpost Castle. After a short tour of the Castle the guests had to be fed with more speeches following. As the day came to an end the civilians were escorted with some flourish off the base to transports that would take them back to the city or local villages where a majority of the base civilian contractors lived.

Colonel Jennings walked into his command center glancing at the monitors built into the walls. There were dozens of monitors on each wall with one large screen across the situation room from his office that would show the disposition of his Dropships, any Naval Ships, planets, basically anything that could be shown on one of the smaller screens could be shown on the larger screen. Currently it was showing the passage of the three Dropships that had left during the morning to meet with a Jumpship and its escort. The Jumpship was the Quasar Wind an Invader Class its escort on this mission would be a new Congress Frigate the Unicorn. They would be making three jumps to a planet that had been discovered. The satellite that had been dropped by the Unicorn as it passed threw the system nearly a year ago had sent information that the planet was habitable for humans. It showed great forests and grasslands both north and south of its equator on the two landmasses that nearly circled the globe. Both landmasses are long and thin in comparison to the amount of water on planet neither continent connected at any point. They are similar in size approximately two thousand miles wide at any given point with great natural harbors along the coasts and huge lakes on the interior.
The Colonel sat back in his chair thinking of the mission he had sent his people on. If the aquatic species were edible this would be a great boon to everyone in this area of space as Prosperity had little in edible marine life. No Prosperity was a mining colony more than an agricultural planet. Enough food can be grown for six times the amount of people on planet, after that they would have to import foodstuffs. Also variety of foods was minimal as arable land was somewhat at a premium on the smaller continents.
He returned to thoughts of were he had sent his troops. Reviewing the vid of the satellite feeds he once again confirmed his choice to send two troops. The issue was the buildings along a short portion of one coast in the southern hemisphere. No cities were detected just a dozen small villages with a paved multilane highway and rail line connecting them all together. Also a runway that looked to be hastily camouflaged, that could only mean it was military. Whoever was there had the technology to spot the satellite but they did nothing about it. Diplomatic signals had been sent from the program built into the satellite just for such circumstances but no reply was forth coming.
The Cavalry had intercepted enough local transmissions to be able to make a few determinations. First the planets name was Manitoba. Second the population on the planet was not more than a thousand people with more domesticated animals then people. Also due to the rotation around the sun winter with freezing winds and snow were common nine of their months a year, they were worried that we would steal their harvest. The satellite was able to capture images of many people on boats and walking in numerous areas. The universal translator was functioning perfectly, no either they couldn’t communicate with the satellite, which was highly unlikely, or they choose to ignore the transmission.
Colonel Jennings believed it to be the latter. Four diplomats, two civilians from Prosperity and two military from the DSC also went on this mission. This would become standard procedure if all went well.
Sitting back reflecting on all that had been accomplished to this point he decided with one more look at his desk monitor that everything was normal in the 2nd Colonial Sector, his area of space to patrol, protect and explore. Almost two years it took the engineers to build this base, while making friends with these inhabitants who had been here nearly a hundred years. Learning why these people had come and built new lives while forging relationships with the people and their government. This planet was not the most habitable planet he had walked, but it also was far from the worst he had the pleasure of setting foot on during his career.
That this planet was picked to be terraformed was a mystery to him, yes it had good forests that grew rare trees that once matured would bring high market value in the Inner Sphere but that would not be enough to send a ship the distance necessary. Mining had uncovered unusual amounts of nickel, silver, and a little gold but it still not enough. What had been found was more than enough for the people of this planet but far from being enough for trade with the distances involved. No if this was to be the hub of this area of space than it would need something special besides having the largest self-sustaining population. Much more.
It would be another six hours until the Dropships docked with the Quasar Wind then another two hours before the ships made their first jump on their journey, He notified his adjutant Major De Vega “He was to be notified an hour before the ships left.” Colonel Jennings was guaranteed by the major that it would be taken care of. With that he decided to get a little rest, it had been a long day.
Major De Vega also informed him “The last of the Star League terraforming ships had left early this morning. They had finished their final inspections of the planets that had been seeded over the years. Their report would be available within a few hours.”
Six planets had been seeded fifty years ago in this portion of space they had come to see the results. Colonel Jennings already knew the answer about one of the planets. It was a swamp, every square inch of the planet except the two small poles. No real landmass to speak of, one great ocean of salt water mixed in with this great swamp. If it ever became stable land it would not be in his lifetime or his great-grandsons. As he entered his private quarters he looked at the ceiling and hoped they had accomplished better results on the other planets.

It was the day before they would receive word from A and H Troops expedition that the Albatross another Invader Class Jumpship that had B Troop assigned to it reported that they had found a large exploration or trader ship that had crash landed on a moon in the system they were investigating. It had been determined it was a Combine design but until they were able to land and investigate they could not ascertain its origin exactly.
Colonel Jennings ordered them to investigate the assigned planet first, they would look into the ships purpose for being there once they had established whether the colony that was placed there some years ago was still a viable concern or if they had been eliminated either by a natural phenomenon or some other means as there had been no contact in months.
The Albatross confirmed and said it would report in within the next two hours, as they would be in orbit and better able to give a preliminary report.
It was a little over two hours before the report was received, but it was good news. They had found the colonists on the planet; the Albatross had sent a probe to the planet to test the atmosphere, as was standard procedure, in the mean time they were in contact with the people on the planet.
Colonel Jennings was thinking about dinner when the next report came in from the Albatross. The people on the ground stated that only a little over a hundred people had survived and made it to this planet from the vessel that had been found. This was not true according to the Leopards sensors that had entered the planets upper atmosphere and had just returned from its sensor sweep of the planet. What the Leopards had found was that almost a thousand people had survived and were on planet. For some reason most were hiding in caves or in the forests nearby the established village. When asked about these other people they were told that their sensors must have picked up some of the ape populations on planet. The lieutenant of the Albatross knew this to be untrue and asked for orders.
Rear Admiral Jennifer Isha aboard the Destroyer Davis had been monitoring these messages. She notified Colonel Jennings “I could be in that system within seventy-two hours and would take charge of this situation with your permission.”
The admiral didn’t really need to ask permission but generally allowed Colonel Jennings to run the show while she was aboard ship. He would have more resources and a better understanding with up to date information at his disposal while on Prosperity compared to her on board her destroyer until she arrived in system.
Colonel Jennings replied, “I agreed a senior officer on site would be advisable under the circumstances. Especially that within a few hours I should be receiving another first contact.”
Admiral Isha, “Agreed, I will contact you upon my arrival in system.”

Colonel Jennings was beginning to worry when the senior com tech notified him of contact with A Troop. He walked out of his office to the main floor speaking into his head set, “Put it on the main screen please.”
It was the Unicorn under the command of Captain Adam Tinn that made contact first. “The inhabitants of the planet had contacted him as soon as they entered system. They had actually challenged his forces with destruction unless they surrendered their vessels. There are two aerospace fighters, Sparrowhawk AF-1s currently stationed on planet that were launched in defense of the planet. As regulations required the DSC Naval forces had launched its fighters to intercept while the Unicorn had placed itself between the Jumpship and the enemy fighters while scanning for any other possible threat. The pilots of the Sparrowhawks decided not to engage either the Unicorn or its fighter cover and returned to their base on planet.”
“Currently the diplomats have taken over first contact with the local inhabitants. Dropships and fighters are currently deployed while both Unicorn and Quasar Wind deploy their sails to recharge. Unicorn will inform headquarters of any further developments. Unless there are any further orders or directions?”
Colonel Jennings had been waiting and sent a burst priority signal of developments in relation to B Troop, and the Admirals decision, while listing to Captain Tinn. “No, I believe as a first contact your mission is moving along well. Let the diplomats sort this out. Unless you have further developments that need my approval I will expect contact again within forty-eight hours. Headquarters signing off.”
He walked back to his desk mentally reviewing this last transmission reflecting if he had missed anything. He saw Major De Vega glace towards his office and he waved him to join him, De Vega nodded holding up two fingers Jennings nodded in return.
He was reviewing the last transmission when the Major with a pre functionary knock on the door entered. Jennings waved him to a seat, “Well what did you think of Capt. Tinns report?”
De Vega settled into to his chair “I believe he responded as he always does. Swiftly, concisely, and with authority; he knows his business. You couldn’t ask for a better Captain especially in first contact situations.”
Jennings looked up from the monitor on his desk, “I agree, he has previous first contact experience before joining the Cavalry. We are fortunate to have him in the 2nd. His previous experience is why he was chosen for this mission. You are up to speed on B Troops mission correct?”
De Vega nodded, “Yes sir, just awaiting the Admirals update of the situation. Also I have put D Troop on alert in the event they are needed in either theater of operations. Also the Jumpship Blue Streak should be arriving in system with the last of our new recruits for F Troop, also with three lances of the new MON-66 Mongoose BattleMechs. Also we will receive enough of the new Mauser 960 Assault Systems to finish outfitting all of the infantry.”
Jennings got up and walked to a wall monitor where he had brought up the current F Troop TO&E. “I was thinking of transferring the people and Mechs to C Troop in an exchange of men and equipment between the two troops, but I believe we will just leave things as they are. Leave the new troops and the Mechs with F Troop. F Troop in any unit has always had the stigma of bad luck or lets try and break that fallacy.”
De Vega walked over to the monitor studying it, then turned to the Colonel. “Sir, I have heard this since joining the cavalry, and believe I have discovered part of the reason for this myth. F Troop is normally the last troop to be assigned to a unit, on occasions during a major war there are other troops assigned but generally F Troop is the last. As the last troop it is assigned the worst areas to patrol with last pick of equipment assigned to the unit. Oldest weapons, oldest transportation, assigned personnel that the other troops would care to be rid of, etc.”
“Yes, I understand this tradition.” Colonel Jennings agreed pointing at the list of incoming personnel and equipment. “That is one of the reasons F Troop will receive the new Mongoose. I have looked over the files on the new personnel; these are not rejects from other units. These are the last of the cadets that were trained specifically for Cavalry duty. I don’t suppose we will see many more of those as the training center has been closed with their graduation. Also I am thinking of making F Troop a Light Horse troop; lets team them up with Lieutenant Sanders Chaparrals. We are allowed one more troop fully mechanized. Which means they will be temporarily stationed on Prosperity.”
De Vega looked up from the pad he was currently reviewing, “That would mean that nearly all the new incoming equipment would be assigned to F Troop.” He suddenly grinned, “Lt. Yong won’t know how to act with that much new equipment much less with what he would regard as the honor of being based here.”
“Admiral Isha and I have been discussing the disposition of the Troops and we have agreed that as we will disperse the troops in a similar manner as the Star League has, Prosperity will be the center of the clock or pie in this case. Each Troop will be assigned a slice of the pie. As our area space is further explored and populated the Troops that are currently stationed on Prosperity will cover a larger portion of the center of the pie. Currently the thought is to keep C Troop Striker, E Troop Engineers, F Troop Light Horse and H Troop Heavy Horse on planet as an action reserve. G Troop will be permanent party at the Castle. Their VTOLs, Chaparrals, and Thor Artillery will only deploy off planet in emergencies. ”
De Vega nodded in agreement. “Then the Admiral is planning on using those exploration ships hovering above us to start exploring the local space around Prosperity first then expand the coverage as time goes on?”
“To a point.” Jennings turned his monitor so De Vega can observe the information on the screen. “As Troops are assigned planets, they each will be assigned Naval assets that are to be assigned to the same area. A portion of these assets will be one or two exploration ship’s. Currently we have one ship per Troop available at this time. We also have formed an agreement with the local tractor manufacture to add more people and start to build the Chaparral Battle Tanks and replacement parts. We will pay to have the new facility built, the local government will supply the power, and Wilmington Corporation will supply the machinery and labor. Once production is in place it is believed that with the resources on planet being almost solely used to produce this tank the economy will grow and we will have a local supplier of parts and systems for one of our major pieces of equipment.”
Major De Vegas face suddenly turned red. “Sir, my apologize, but with everything happening this morning I neglected to inform you that the Miller Gun Works in the village of Justice has put in a viable bid to supply us with the Mauser 960 Assault Rifle replacement parts. As they are currently the only major manufacture of laser weaponry on planet they were offered the option. They believe that if given the contract they will be able to supply all of our needs including supplemental equipment for the 960 systems within the next year. When questioned how they could manage such a feat of manufacturing, they explained with proof of their inventory that they have produced as many civilian style weapons that could possibly be sold over the next few years. As such they would have to find another outlet for their weapons, which is highly unlikely, or find a new source of income. They look to us as that possible source of income. They will have what they term the civilian model of the 960 systems here for testing later today. Twenty weapons have been built for testing.”
“That would be a major asset to us if we could have a local manufacture for light weapons.” The colonel nodded, “ We have a co-op of farmers and a cannery here that have agreed to supply us with food stuffs to our specifications for the next five years and a textile plant that has agreed to produce uniforms during their slow season. Yes all in all we are in pretty good shape. Let us hope we can keep up this level cooperation in the future.”

Three days later in a meeting in the Colonels office.
Major De Vegas put his hand to his ear, “Sir we have an incoming live vid from the Admiral.”
“Excellent have it put threw to my desk monitor we will receive it here in case privacy is needed.”
With a few words the Major had it transferred.
When the Admiral appeared on the monitor, Colonel Jennings spoke first. “Admiral we have had good news on the home front, I hope what you are about to tell us is also good news.”
Admiral Isha stared at him for a moment, “Rarely have I observed you in such high spirits Colonel things must be well indeed at home. Yes I do have promising information for you. As it turns out there was a discrimination issue on planet that has been resolved upon our arrival. It would seem that the survivors of the ship that crashed had escape pods and where able to land on Sinclair the planet below us. Unfortunately differences of opinion caused a major division between the survivors and the indigenous people of the planet. The crash survivors were sent packing into the wild to survive or perish. As this is against Star League Law and enforceable; I took action to remedy the situation. There was a language barrier that stood in the way of negotiations. I have eliminated this issue with a spare translator, while also offering our services to recover any salvageable equipment from the downed spacecraft.”
“After a preliminary investigation it would seem that the captain of the ship and part of his crew had lost their nerve this deep in space and wished to return to the Inner Sphere where his passengers did not wish to return. I will send a complete report when I have concluded my investigation of the incident. Initially we have found that these people discovered the existence of Sinclair and wanted to immigrate there. The captain informed them that he had contacted the planet and they had refused to allow them entrance to the planet. The people on board did not believe him and revolted. During the ensuing battle the captain lost control of the ship and crash landed on the planet closest to Sinclair. Just before the ship crashed many people made it to the escape pods and the one shuttle on board. They eventually landed on Sinclair only to find that the only people that could speak basic had not survived not did they have a portable translator.”
Colonel Jennings interrupted. “Sir are you in need of any assistance? The engineer battalion is only a few days out on their way home but I’m sure they would return under the circumstances to assist.”
The Admiral looked thoughtful for a moment. “No, let them go home. We may as well start fending for ourselves. I believe my presence will not be needed here after another day or two. I have started preliminary negotiations to build a fort on Sinclair. If negotiations go as planned, my thought is to leave B Troop here as their permanent base. The distance is proper and in accordance with our currant procedure manual. While still close enough to support in an emergency; they would be able to start their operations within a year.”
Jennings looked at Major De Vegas who nodded his agreement. “I agree Admiral this would be a very good start to our deployments. Have you ascertained how many colonists are now on planet? Also what is their technology level?”
The Admiral smiled at this, “ Currently the civilian population is thirty-eight hundred not including the almost four hundred survivors that will join them. The technology level is a mix of twentieth century to present day. From what we have been able to ascertain these people are really quite ingenious. They use solar power, wind power, and even have a small hydroelectric dam built. Sinclair is an earth style planet, gravity is a little lighter, and oxygen is a little thinner. As we are told no animals have been found on the planet at this point that are bigger than a full grown horse or cow. Carnivores on planet are mainly feline with a few canine species. There are no jungles on the planet to speak of only large forests and huge grassland tracks of land separating the forests. We are also informed the oceans are teaming with life that are edible for human consumption, but you take your life in your hands as some of the ocean life will attack your boat when threatened, some times in mass. I am told small ships and boats have been sunk on occasions with loss of all on board.”
“Interesting Sir, Major De Vegas has passed me a note that is of relevance, may I suggest that Professor Meyers and his group be sent to this planet to investigate and catalogue what they find for future use? Also he has just been informed that one of the engineering ships is in need of our assistance. Their sail has been holed by a meteorite and they have an unknown ship staying currently on the edge of the screens.”
The Admiral looked troubled for a moment, “My navigator has received the coordinates that you have sent, as we are the closest ship we will respond immediately. I will inform you when we arrive. We are moving to our nadir jump point. You will have another three hours to contact us with any further developments. Admiral Isha out.”
Colonel Jennings turned to the major, “Contact the engineers and inform them that help is on the way, extrapolate the estimated time of arrival and put that in the transmission. Get C Troop mounted up and at the jump point ASAP. No use taking any chances.”
He could hear De Vegas giving orders as he moved out of the office. Then in a distance he could hear the alert horn start to sound. That would be C Troop being alerted, in minutes he could see on the monitors troops mounted on the backs of carriers crossing the field toward their Dropships. Heat signatures of the Dropships displayed they had gone to emergence preliminary engine warm up. Within thirty minutes of the alert horns in the Castle waves of fire came from under the Dropships as they launched. Everyone left behind watched, as his or her comrade’s set out to go in harms way.

Colonel Jennings was awakened by the emergence com on his nightstand. “Colonel Jennings.”
“Major De Vegas sir, we have a report from the engineers, the ship they have been intermittently tracking is becoming braver. They still cannot get a description on it but they believe it is of the raider class. They believe they are in no immediate danger and have their only armed Dropship deployed.”
Colonel Jennings was up now and getting dressed. “Deploy C Troop to support the engineers. They will be there only a few hours ahead of the Admiral but that maybe all that is needed. Have F Troop load up and deploy to their Jumpships. If this escalates we do not want to be caught flat-footed. Put the Castle on Red Alert in case this is a deception to draw away our forces for an attack here.”
Yes sir, I took the liberty of having C Troop Jumpships line up for departure when we received the transmission then notified you. I am passing the order for them to jump as we speak. F Troop being notified of deployment. Castle going to Red Alert. See you soon sir. De Vega out.”
Colonel Jennings decided to have a quick cup of coffee in his quarters to contemplate his actions and those that had been reported to him. He could hear the Red Alert sirens in the Castle outside his door, he also knew that four men and women would be waiting for him to step outside that door and would be his escort as long as the Castle was under Red Alert. He grabbed his coffee and went to his desk. He had several monitors that were built into the desk that showed the current deployment of all the Troops on and off the base. He turned on the wall monitor that showed specifically Castle deployments. He was pleased to note that all weapons were manned and operational throughout the Castle by the time he sat down with his coffee.
He had decided long ago that if this occasion were to arise he would test the major’s ability to cope without him being present in the war room. The admiral had concurred on this testing of the major only if the Castle was not under attack of course. Neither of them could have planned this better, it would be an excellent test and so far De Vegas was passing with flying colors. Real pressure was always the true test of ones metal. The only way this could have been better was if he was off planet, well one couldn’t have everything. He had just finished his coffee when his wrist com notified him De Vegas wanted to speak with him.
“Yes major, new developments?”
“No sir, all your orders have been carried out the Castle is secure. Two squadrons of aerofighters have been deployed one lance from each squadron on ready alert. F Troop will lift in ten minutes, fighters will cover as they lift, aerospace fighters will cover them as they deploy to the Jumpship. All Jumpships have been put on Red Alert and are maneuvering to their emergence jump points.”
“Will you be joining us soon or should I arrange to have something sent to your quarters?”
Colonel Jennings smiled to himself. “Very good major I will be up to inspect what you have accomplished and what needs improvement shortly. I will eat later but coffee would be welcome.” No use letting him think he has it all in hand. No there is always room for improvement.

Jumpship Paul Bunyon was sitting in space with a broken mast, it would take days to repair under normal circumstances but with a ship out there of unknown origins Captain Diana Wilson was not about to send a crew out for repairs then find she had to maneuver or go into battle with fifty or a hundred engineers outside on the hull. No she would wait for assistance. Not that Captain Wilson was one to have premonitions; in this case she had a real bad feeling about the situation. She had attempted to contact the distant ship with no success. What was happening here reminded her of vids she had seen of sharks circling just before an attack. She hadn’t been able to identify if there was one ship or multiple ships out there.
The Paul Bunyon was not helpless; she was 500,000 tons of pure mean if it came down to it. Six docking rings currently held one Overlord, with one Overlord deployed currently, four Unions, six Spad SPD-502 aerospace fighters. Ship batteries contained two turrets with two PPC’s in each, four Large Laser turrets, and eight Medium Laser turrets. If someone wanted easy pickings they should go elsewhere. Star League engineering ships were no longer the clay pigeons of space. No now they came with teeth. This was all good and well unless that was a destroyer or two out there anything smaller wouldn’t come near unless invited.
It was 84 hours after Captain Wilson put out the call for assistance when one of her com techs called, “Captain, jump point opening.’ After a moment she turned to her captain again. “I never thought I would say this sir. The cavalry has arrived. One Jumpship C Troop sends felicitations they are hot deploying the Dropships. Two Unions are on the heading of the last contact with our shadow. Jumpship has launched their fighters. One lance IRN-SD1s, the other are SPD-502s.”
Captain Wilson sat back smiling, leave it to the Cavalry. They had practiced these maneuvers for years, now they finally deploy for real. One could almost hear the bugles in the distance. “Give the Cavalry my compliments and set up a private channel when they are ready, in the mean time send them what little new information we have on our friend out there.” Her X.O. sat down next to her watching the monitor in the middle of the floor.
“Impressive, they deployed perfectly.” Lieutenant Jon Smith pointed at the Dropships moving at high Gs toward the perimeter where the last sighting of a ship was recorded. Just as they reached the half waypoint the fighters overtook them and went to take the lead. As they passed the Dropships they fanned out in two lines abreast one a little higher than the other, searching.
Captain Wilson called to her techs, “Lets listen to the fighters.”
“Live on number two sir, they aren’t saying anything but they are there. Dropships on number three, they aren’t talking either.” The tech looked across at another com tech that held his hand out with a thumb up to signify that she was correct. No one wanted to say anything, they all wanted to be first to hear if anything happened.
Wilson leaned over to her XO, “If you think this is an entrance wait until the Admiral arrives. Should be within the next few minutes.”
“Alpha, Striker One has contact. Striker lance form up on me. Sending coordinates, will investigate.”… “He’s running, have good visual. It’s a Firefly, firing warning salvo. Another Firefly coming to its assistance, wait one make that two more Firefly’s on an intercept course with us.”
Captain Wilson was now on her feet. The com officer called, “Captain, jump point opening. Sir, the Davis has arrived, deploying fighters, the Admiral sends her compliments and is asking for an update. I have sent a current update. Admiral Isha on view screen at your chair.”
Captain Wilson sat down again looking to her monitor she could see a very serious Admiral looking back at her. “Captain Wilson deploy your forces in the pattern I am sending you, C Troop will be your outer defense as they are currently in the process of attaining. I will move to support the elements that are about to engage the Firefly’s; this will not take long one way or another. Davis out.”
Everyone watched as the Davis picked up speed moving in what one could describe as a lazy arc towards the upcoming battle. The Firefly’s saw the Davis coming for them and knew they could not get away. If they fought it would be over in minutes they had nothing to fight a ship of the line. Just as the Davis reached maximum firing range all three of the Firefly’s shut their engines down and announced their offer of surrender.
Admiral Isha called Striker Lance leader on a private channel telling him to accept this offer of surrender and to guide these prisoners to a certain set of coordinates that were well within the reach of any of the Cavalry’s Dropships weapons.
As the fighters guided the Firefly’s into the box of Cavalry and Engineer Dropships now waiting, the Davis matched speed with all of them but out of range of any weapons that the Firefly’s would have on board.
The Paul Bunyon had been on maneuvers with much larger ships of the line, but at this moment the Davis looked to be the meanest dog on the block and Captain Wilson was happy it was on their side.
After the Firefly’s put their engines in standby shuttles arrived with Cavalry infantry to take charge. There was no resistance by the crews as the infantry entered. The officers were gathered and brought to the Davis.

The pirate officers were left in separate rooms for a few hours while the Admiral held a conference with the captains of all the ships present. She also had an update sent to Colonel Jennings. A message was returned almost instantly that F Troop was deployed to their Jumpships and available if needed.
During the conference several officers noted that the only shots fired had been by the Cavalry lance firing their warning shots. Several voiced that if these were pirates they doubted this would have ended as it had, pirates knew that the Cavalry was not disposed to leniency where pirates were concerned; especially the 2nd Cavalry. They had made several examples on their trip out to the 2nd Colonial Sector.
Admiral Isha was inclined to agree with their assessment. She decided to have their captives debriefed separately to see if any information could be gained before meeting them herself.
It was decided that a little rest and food was in order as the Davis and C Troop had pushed to get here. A little down time was called for; let their prisoners sweat a little after their debriefing. In the mean time the engineers could start their repairs.

Their story was exactly the same; they were a mix of refugees and ex-mercenaries with their families. They had passed threw the Outworlds Alliance due to their affinity to mercenaries and their backwards ideas of technology. They had kept moving away from the Inner Sphere and its Great Houses.
The interrogating officers did not believe the story they were being told. The Firefly’s were not capable of traveling this distance and even if they could the people on board would have died of old age.
It was at that point all the prisoners stopped talking even after mild physical techniques of persuasion were attempted. Admiral Isha decided to speak with the captains before a more forceful use of persuasion would be necessary. She could not allow unknown possibly dangerous factions to exist anywhere within her sector or anyone else’s for that matter. She met with all the captains in the messhall of her destroyer, as this was the only area that would seat everyone.
After everyone was seated she came directly to the point. “I am Admiral Isha of the 2nd Deep Space Cavalry, we patrol what is now recognized by the Star League as the 2nd Colonial Sector. Technically I or any other senior officer is now judge and jury of any infraction of Star League Law and believe me when I tell you all that piracy is not the same as being a mercenary.” She paused for effect. “The only reason you and your crews are alive is that you did not fire your weapons or attack any of the vessels in this area. If you had we would not be having this conversation. Now how did you transit to this area of space and where are your people located? Also why were you here?”
One of the captains looked to be about to retort in an unfavorable manner; the captain next to him laid a hand on his arm and shook his head negatively. “Admiral my name is Hans Lester, I am captain of the Green Firefly, that would be the Firefly that was in the lead trying to get away. All of our ships are named after colors with the ship designation second…. We have a Jumpship that is how we were able to transit to this area of space, which of course you already knew.”
“We were passing threw this area exploring when we detected a Jump point open. You cannot imagine our surprise when we saw what had arrived. It looked like an invasion to us. We stayed as far way from the fleet as possible; we know approximately how long it takes for large Jumpships to recharge. We returned after a sufficient amount of time had elapsed. We found a Jumpship still present, which did not bode well to us. We tried to scan the Jumpship to see if it was damaged or what ships it was deploying. Unfortunately the Jumpship became aware of us and their scanners are better than ours, we have the ability to know if we are being scanned. Needless to say we tried to get close enough from many different tangents to get a look; but nothing worked and then all of you show up. You know the rest.”
Admiral Isha was about to speak when a Lieutenant entered and handed her a data pad. She looked questionably at the Lieutenant “Give me the short of it.”
“We have been able to download all the information in their ships computers. They are telling the truth as to their backgrounds and their roundabout trip to this sector. There are two more Firefly’s that are not present locally they went in a different direction to explore a different more promising area of space. They are looking for a more habitable planet then the one they are currently living on. They’re Jumpship is in need of repair and cannot make Jumps to unknown coordinates as there is a malfunction in the guidance system. It can jump to points that are stored previously in its system. None of these ships have a designation or name for the Jumpship listed. It took a bit more of analyzation to determine that the Jumpship in question has to be stolen. No known mercenary unit or civilian refugees are listed as possibly attaining a Jumpship as large as we believe they currently possess.”
Admiral Isha looked at the Lieutenant with curiosity and a little trepidation. “What are we talking about, surely not a warship.”
“No sir, we believe it is the first Potemkin or at least a proto type that is not on record. This one is approximately 578,000 tons with eight docking rings weapons are unknown. As there was never a record of a vessel of this type or design being built except the Potemkin, which was three times this ships size; we believe it is a proto type or someone copied the idea. Either way we do not believe these people ever had the financial backing to purchase a ship of this size.”
Admiral Isha looked at all three of the captains in some amazement. Could this band of what ever they were really have purchased or may the one forbid; have had the brains and power to steal a ship like this? It just didn’t add up, not with what she had seen of the caliber of personnel so far. Then she had a thought what if these were not the captains? She had never heard of any group of ships outside of combat being given designations of colors. No ships had names, real names not colors. She looked over to Captain Wientrub head of her security, “Go find the real captains of those ships and bring them here. Put these three in the brig and make sure they speak to no one…. and Captain… do not fail me again.”
Captain Wientrub turned beet red. “Yes sir it will not happen again. I will correct this shortly of that you can be rest assured. Security detail you heard the Admiral, take them to the brig.” Raising a hand communicator up, “First Sergeant Feng meet me in the detention area immediately.” With that he was out the door not waiting for a response.
A little over an hour later there were three new slightly bruised captains sitting across from the Admiral. With Captain Wientrub and First Sergeant Feng sitting behind the new captains with looks on their faces saying; please act up, even a little.
Admiral Isha looked at the three, I have heard one story so far that does not add up. Now let us see how you do in giving answers, let me be very clear, if I do not find out what I want to know. I will do everything in my power to find the rest of your people and they will be treated as pirates. There will be no discussions, no offers of amnesty, we will find them take what we think is usable and hang everyone we find in possession of stolen property, which means everyone if the Jumpship is present. Now it is your choice talk or accept the consequences. No more games.”
It was the captain on her right that spoke up, “I am Captain Mikhail Zandroff of the Fires Light Firefly. All three of the ships you have captured are mine; we were smugglers that worked between the Federated Suns and a group of what you would call militants on the planet Praxton and a few other worlds in the Outworlds Alliance. They do not believe in the current administration on Alpheratz. In fact in that part of the Alliance there is a lot of talk of succession and becoming their own Confederation of Planets.”
He looked the Admiral in the eye at this point. “We are not and have never been pirates, nor have we stolen anything. Some of what we have purchased may have been on the illegal side of the table but we still paid for it and when possible have receipts.”
Isha leaned forward on the table. “What about this Jumpship? How did a group of people like you afford such a ship, most planets can’t afford a ship like this; you expect us to believe that Riga Interstellar Shipyards sold you this ship?”
Zandroff smiled at the last part. “People like us? What do you know of us? Nothing, if you hadn’t stumbled onto us you still wouldn’t know we are here and most likely would never know.”
That gained him a trip to the floor from the First Sergeant. “You will show respect or I will teach you. Now sit in your chair and speak civilly to the Admiral.”
Zandroff climbed back into his chair looking questioningly at the Admiral. “I have dealt with the SLDF before and they never acted in this manner. Who are you and who gave you such authority? We have done nothing to be treated like this.”
The Admiral held up her hand to the First Sergeant. “We are the 2nd Deep Space Cavalry. We now patrol and regulate this area of space under the directive of the Star League. The SLDF does not have the time to run all over space after miscreants, pirates, raiders, or what ever you care to call yourselves. We are the law and explorers at the same time. Part of are proviso is to make contact with other explorers and assist if possible, or if we find lawbreakers as we normally do we administer the law. We have no prisons. Now you will tell me were you are based, how many of you are there, if you are on more than one planetary body, and where the rest of your ships are presently.”
Captain Zandroff sat quietly thinking for a moment. “We have one Jumpship, you are correct that it was a proto type of the Potemkin, no I did not purchase it. At least not how you would consider a purchase. Bill Ryan one of the people now with us, and really the one that made it all possible came to me with a proposal. He knew that I had a Jumpship Captain in my crew. He had permission to hire a crew to man the Niagara I, which is what it had been named, I still don’t know why that name. Anyway he needed a crew to test the new engine and several other improvements that had been completed. I asked him why he didn’t use a company crew, as that was normal procedure, I mean sometimes they will hire a few specialists outside the company but I had never heard of a full crew being hired. Mr. Hirsh Ryan, Bills father, gave me a letter of introduction from the company that this testing was to be outside the normal channels and would take up to a year of testing to complete. The pay was high, higher than normal by far and I could take the Firefly’s; they would be modified with a new style collar at no charge.”
“Well this was to good to pass up once I saw that the testing was to be completed in the unknown part of space between the Outworlds Alliance and the Taurian Concordat. Basically our old stomping grounds, I had a couple of ideas of how to really test this ship if the opportunity allowed itself.” He sighed then and shook his head looking at the table. “Instead we find a large group of refugees, believe it or not one group from the Federated Suns, the other from the Taurian Concordat, both on this little planet living together in basically a agricultural harmony. They had tools and minor manufacturing to build farming equipment, a small quarry with machinery that they used for building homes, roads, and dams. The rest they were trading with a couple of Captains like me that really just wanted somewhere to rest and recoup from time to time. After a while they either brought their families or married into the population forming even stronger bonds. But once we discovered them they wanted to move further out to a planet that they had coordinates of beyond the Alliance. After scouting this planet it was decided that they would pay to move there. We have been there eight years and have recovered just about everything that was left behind. What they didn’t tell us was there were roads and buildings already built before we arrived, they…we still do not know who built them. There are no graves, paintings, art, not anything to tell us who they were except they had to be humanoid from the type of buildings and roads that were built.”
Admiral Isha looked around at her attending officers. “This is exactly why we were originally sent out here. To discover colonies that are currently unknown to the Star League, find out how they accomplished their transference and determine their rate of growth.” Looking at the three captains sitting across from her. “We did not set out to be solely law enforcement. It is only of late that we have found a few new colonies that are not hideaways for pirates or raiders. If you are telling the truth and are willing to show us your colony we will add you to the short list we have started to chart of populated worlds in this sector. If necessary, with your approval we may even station a small garrison on your planet, but as I stated that would only be with the planetary governments approval in writing.”
Captain Zandroff looked at his fellow captains then held out his hand. “I’m taking a chance here, my own people might turn me out when you show up.”
The Admiral shook hands, “If they do we know of a couple of other planets that would most likely be over joyed if you would join them.” As she started to leave she turned around, “Oh and if they do decided to turn you out you will leave with everything that is yours and we will transport you to one of the planets just mentioned.”

The planet was as Captain Zandroff had stated and more. After introductions, and signed agreements the planet Bothnia invited the Admiral to visit. She stayed for two weeks keeping in constant contact with Prosperity. These were not the type of people she had come to expect to find. There were a few minor scientists with basic equipment for testing anything from soil and water samples to handling the diagnosis of viruses and bacteria. There were musicians, masons, electricians, mechanics, farmers, doctors, miners, pilots, fishermen all with at least some basic and in some cases advanced equipment. Eighty-four hundred adults and children live here. They had cattle, dairy cows, and chickens they had brought with them. The ground was fertile enough to support ten times their number and local game that looked similar to reindeer were in abundance to supplement their diet.
The Niagara I arrived in system a day after the Cavalry arrived, with two mule Dropships that had light arms, a few armed hovercraft, and twelve fighters all with spare parts. The people of Bothnia had decided to arm themselves in case of trouble. The Cavalry did not try to dissuade this practice on any planet. In fact once a non-aggression agreement had been signed the Admiral had the Cavalry techs go over all their equipment including their four Sparrows on the Niagara I. Star charts were exchanged which gave the Cavalry several new jump points in nearby constellations and gave the people of Bothnia the location of Prosperity, Manitoba, Sinclair and Usen.
Until a few days before the Niagara I had arrived. Usen had been the unknown populated planet. The satellites didn’t pick up the indigenous people at first due to their lack of using technology. It was eventually determined there was limited technology on the planet, they just didn’t care to use it unless it was really necessary. Such as planting passive radar units on all the planets in the system to warn them of when someone arrived in system. They did have one command base that was built using a huge network of caves and equipment from the Jumpship they once had, now they only had four aerospace fighters left, all in desperate need of repair. They did have light and heavy hand held weapons in abundance, and one company of light and medium armor all with either ballistic or laser technology. Everyone on the planet must serve six years in the active defense force after that you were always in the reserve and served a refresher course once every two years in your particular area of expertise.
The people wanted to live off the land as their ancestors had before them, only this time they would use technology to defend themselves. Almost seventy-five hundred North American Indians of several different tribes had been offered this planet nearly forty years ago, and for twenty-five years they had lived in peace on the planet. Slowly the population had grown, out of choice of the colonists.
They eventually agreed to a garrison of one troop with limited aerospace support, but not on their side of the planet. Also the Cavalry would be allowed to farm or raise livestock if they choose and also trade with the people of Usen.
It was decided A Troop Strikers would garrison the planet. Temporarily H Troop Light Horse that was currently patrolling with them would assist in building the garrison. Their Jumpship returned to Prosperity to pick up the E Troop Engineers.

It wasn’t until 2670 that another colony was found in the 2nd Colonial Sector. The planets name was Sirius a giant gaseous planet where a colony had started a fairly high tech manufacturing facility. After questioning the governor it was found that this planet had been terra formed during the first experimentation of terra forming. As such an automated Jumpship that had flown to several systems throughout the Periphery launching terra-forming rockets at designated planets. As the trip was considered to long and possibly hazardous for human’s automation was decided as the alternative.
The records of the Jumpships travels had been damaged due to the massive explosion of the old NASA facility on Terra. Not all records were lost, the Star League was finally able to recover a portion of the flight plan of the Explorer III. They were also able to recover a signal that was being sent from what was termed a celestial satellite that had been planted outside the system to record what after affects the terra forming had accomplished. It was only with assistance of the Ministry of Planetary Review that anything had been accomplished at all. It was they that had been able to decipher the signal sent back to Terra, and it was the Ministry that had arranged for the ships and equipment to be sent here. The liquid and vapor gases found on this planet were rare in the Inner Sphere and as such extremely valuable. The processes of manufacturing took time. Extraction, refining, and processing took time and then had to be transported.
The general population that supported Sirius lived on Heaven in the next system, which had a yellow sun with six planets orbiting it. When not living and working on Sirius they lived on Heaven. Until twenty years ago a small contingent of SLDF troops had been stationed on Heaven they had left after informing the population of the DSC that would shortly come and take their place. The DSC had not come as expected but the supply Jumpships did, leaving supplies then taking on the gases to be sent back to Terra.
Upon investigation of Heaven it was found the planet was only marginally livable for humans and only along the equator of the planet was life possible. The rest was either desert or ice wastelands. Only along the border of the equator a few hundred miles wide ten thousand miles long was a strip of habitable land. The air was heavier do to the ice on the planet was constantly evaporating due to volcanoes under the ice fields. Oxygen on planet felt heavier than found on most planets, which the DSC contributed to the weather and height of the land, mass on which the people lived. It was years later that it was discovered they were taking oxygen from Heaven to Sirius so they could keep manufacturing; it was the death of everyone on both planets. In 2700 the ship transporting oxygen exploded over Sirius causing the planet to ignite then implode sending a shock wave that was off the scale of the satellite monitoring Sirius. Unfortunately the shockwave destroyed both of their Jumpship and the resupply Jumpship. As they did not have an HPG or had agreed to a DSC garrison on planet no one new of their dilemma. Without the Jumpship from Terra to resupply them of certain essentials such as medicines the colony was doomed.
The DSC found fifteen survivors on Heaven when they arrived to check on them due to no contact. They were transferred to Prosperity with what could be salvaged over the next few months. The Cavalry had a ship check on the arrival of the Star League Jumpship that was to arrive two years later. The Jumpship never arrived.

2700 wasn’t all bad news. C Troop had found a water world that was dotted with islands, though fresh water was not in abundance, water purifiers were not in short supply. Aquatic life proved to be safe for human consumption. It also discovered that not all the aquatic life were fish, some were mammals that ranked in intelligence slightly lower than dolphins of Terra. After the other known planets populations had been notified of this discovery a few hundred people immigrated to the planet and built a cannery while naming the planet aptly Waterworld.
Also a dark planet without an active sun was discovered, Nightshade looked to be another failed terra-forming venture until a closer look was taken. An abundance of minerals, such as gold and silver was found to ooze in large liquid flows from the interior of the planet. At times forming small volcanoes that would launch liquid gold or silver high into the atmosphere. As the planet was to volatile to land on it was determined that using a scene that had been used on Sirius to trap certain gases, towed behind a slow moving tug could gather the gold and silver from the rings of metal particles that now circled the planet. A spare that was being repaired had been recovered on Heaven when the survivors had been recovered.

The major discovery was the planet Steel; this planet was not a terra formed planet. It was a great ball of metal floating on the outer edge of a solar system with a white star at its center.
Steel was made up of ores as the DSC equipment could ascertain. The planet was nearly solid steel there is no liquids present nothing that would bind the minerals together it is almost as if some giant had formed a giant snow ball except this one was made of steel deposits. Raw forms of Titanium, Monel, Hastelloy, and Aluminum were in abundance. The planet was stable and in a stable orbit, for the right company this would mean wealth on a magnitude unheard of.
A signal was immediately sent to Ministry of Planetary Review. No answer was forthcoming for many years and then it was only an acknowledgment with a mention of possible usage in the future.

It was 2710 when the Deep Space Cavalry had their first real battle. A planet was discovered that was smaller than Terra but basically ecologically identical. It was eight jumps outside of the Outworlds Alliance planet Baliggora in the 2nd Colonial Sector.
The Cavalry Jumpship Whirlwind returning from a supply run was recharging in a nearby system intercepted signals of an unknown origin. They were able ascertain where the signals were originating. The Whirlwind after recharging and notifying headquarters jumped into the system of where the signals had originated. After less than an hour they determined they were not welcome as two sets of aerofighters launched from the planet emanating the signals, both groups arguing about who’s Jumpship it would be when they captured it. They were under the assumption that the Whirlwind would need to recharge, a misconception on their part. The Whirlwind jumped in short order just before the fighters could reach her. One must remember you do not just turn a Jumpship around and fly, these are huge vessels that normally under the best conditions need hours to prepare for a jump and normally any aerofighter could catch one in normal space.
When the Whirlwind returned to Prosperity and gave a full report, it was determined that pirates had moved into the 2nd Cavalry patrol area. The Cavalry stepped up patrols in the general area gathering information in preparation of an assault on the pirates. It was soon determined that this was not one band but three fairly large bands. Each had a Jumpship, Dropships, Aerofighters, BattleMechs, Armor and Infantry.
They were well organized with one band always stationed on planet. They had built housing and warehouses using slave labor. Currently they were in the process of building small Dropship landing pads spread out in a star pattern with one large building to be in the center.
The largest of the three bands called itself Black Death; Prince Iran Kamran was the leader, Prince Hennery Jimenez led the White Vipers that were currently off planet raiding somewhere in the Draconis Combine. The last group was the smallest but most well equipped, commanded by Prince Hal Richter his band was the Evil Eye. The Cavalry had determined the Evil Eye pirates would be the group that would have to be taken care of before they left the planet. They were extremely well armed for pirates; equipped with mixture of SLDF and Federated Suns weaponry. Prince Richter had three lances of BattleMechs on planet and the only band to have functional repair bays. The Black Death had the most aerofighters with almost a complete squadron on planet when their Jumpship was on station near the planet.
These were a new style of pirate; they had manpower, weapons, techs, transportation, and worst of all they cooperated with one another. Each had a third of the continent to do with as they pleased, slave labor in abundance to do manual labor such as farming.
Mid December 2710 the Deep Space Cavalry struck. The destroyer Davis led the attack with the frigate Unicorn in attendance both had temporary aerospace fighter rings attached on the bottom of the ships. Rogues and Ironsides launched to make their interdiction runs on anything that was launched from the planet. Shortly after the Albatross and the Quasar Wind arrived launching their Dropships as soon as their speed reduced, even then the Cavalry always launched early if the area was declared clear. Almost in unison all the Dropships launched their Spad escort fighters. As the Spad’s adjusted to escort the Dropships the Rogues and Ironsides started their strafing runs on the planet.
During this time the frigate Unicorn had placed itself between the pirates Jumpships giving orders for them to take no action or be destroyed. The Jumpship Captains understood that the 2nd Cavalry did not tell you twice and decided to comply and immediately attempted to plea bargain for their lives.
As the Cavalry Dropships started to make their final runs to the planet missiles were launched at them from undetected underground silos. Admiral Jerald Yong now commanding the Davis decided to give the pirates a real taste of Cavalry justice and started a space bombardment of the planet on selected targets. That did not make the pirates surrender they knew what was going to happen if they were captured; everyone in the Periphery understood the Deep Space Cavalry had no prisons.
The battle lasted nine days; not due to the pirates’ expertise in fighting, it took that long to dig them all out after the main battle that lasted just under six hours. It was during the battle with the last of the Evil Eye who were in temporary fortifications that the 2nd Cavalry F Troop Light Mechanized and H Troop Light Horse would make history.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2011, 09:32:13 PM by Takiro »


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2011, 09:30:54 PM »


While knowingly outnumbered two to one the two and nearly a mile of open terrain between them and the pirates; F and H Troops lined up abreast on a small hillock, unfurled their unit colors and raised a Star League banner that was mounted on the shoulder of the Victor BattleMech of Captain William Calbot commander of H Troop and overall commander of this portion of the operation.
With a bugle sounding “The Walk” the Cavalry started to move across the plain slowly, shortly afterward “The Trot” was sounded all the while Armor and Mechs gained speed while staying line abreast. Both sides that had long-range weapons started firing.
Not since the days of the U.S. Cavalry had this been seen or heard; witnesses (the slaves) said it sent chills up and down their spines even though they didn’t know what it meant until they heard the sound of a trumpet sounding “The Charge.” They understood what that meant; even in this day and age most citizens anywhere in the universe knew that sound.
The 2nd Cavalry charged across the plains picking up speed; it is the testimony of those present that the Cavalry took some loss’s during their charge across the plains but the closer they came to the pirates one could see the pirates start to lose their nerve. Some fired to early giving away their positions, as the Cavalry closed on the fortifications the Wasps and Mongooses went to full speed breaking out ahead of the rest. It is said that at this point many of the pirates threw down their weapons and started to run trying to escape. As F Troop and H Troop scaled or destroyed the fortifications in their front one could hear “The Charge” sounded one more time which seemed to be the breaking point for what was left of the pirates.

A month later the White Vipers returned and were taken by surprise while still attached to their Jumpship. The second chapter of the 2nd Cavalry moving into the history books was that there were so many prisoners it would have been mass murder for the 2nd to execute them all. It was one of the slaves that suggested a remedy.
Most of the slaves had no way to return to their former lives and even if they received transportation, which was highly unlikely most of their families were dead or scattered. Most would not have jobs to return to in any event. Now there were three hundred pirates and conspirators in custody, the slaves offered to stay on planet and use the pirates as slave labor to help build a better world. If the 2nd would leave a small garrison to train their people to use the equipment that the Cavalry did not take they would gladly sign an agreement with the Cavalry to supply them with food stuffs and uniforms to start and equipment in a few years once they had the manufacturing in line that they believed was possible. Mainly it would be light arms and ammunitions.
The Black Death pirates had indentured Captain Ott and his crew of the Jumpship Victoria; once cleared of suspicion and freed they volunteered to become citizens of the planet Cavalry. They also lead the DSC to two other pirate bands that somewhat bordered the Outworlds Alliance. Even though one of the pirate bands was technically not in the 2nd Cavalry’s patrol area but the 3rd Cavalry’s sector the opportunity to catch the pirates while in attendance on their base was just to great an opportunity.
The 3rd Cavalry was notified after the operation was completed, the 3rd responded with a group of coordinates within the 2nd Cavalry’s sector in which the 3rd had found a small group of raiders from the Draconis Combine. They had eradicated the vermin while in the area. Also they had no communication with the 1st Cavalry and wanted to know if the 2nd had any communication with them.
Admiral Yong reported they had not had any communication in thirty days but that was not unusual as the solar storms that passed in between the two sectors often caused communication issues. Prosperity would attempt to contact the 1st in another week, as a storm was currently active between New Terra and Prosperity. While in contact with the 3rd Cavalry they exchanged updates of star charts and discovered habitable planets.
Eventually the 1st Cavalry was able to communicate with the 2nd reassuring all that they were operational and discovering new planets with minor populations almost every year now. It would seem their area of space was highly adaptable for humans.

In 2722 the Star League issued the Directive #41 which gave the Territorial States (Sectors to the DSC) greater control of their sovereignty. This was a mistake; what happened, giant corporations moved in and started to exploit the small nations and states of their resources. Rebellions became normal throughout the Periphery. The corporations called on the DSC for protection and to act as armed escorts for their upper echelon.
The DSC refused, none of the requested services were part of their mandate. No if they needed that type of assistance they would have to call upon the SLDF or supply it themselves. On the other hand the DSC warned the corporations that protecting the population of the planets from outside interference was part of their proviso in which case contracts or no contracts the corporations would be considered the interlopers and be dealt with as such. It may have been quincidental that the next year saw an escalation in pirate attacks.

2730 saw the transfer of several Troops from the 2nd and the 3rd Cavalry. The 2nd and the 3rd Cavalry sectors were not hotbeds of pirate activity as they bordered the Outworlds Alliance and almost all the border to the Taurian Concordat. As the years passed replacements from the SLDF were minimal at best. Local recruiting in the individual sectors was slowing dramatically. People did not want to serve in the military any longer; it was safer and more profitable to work in the civilian sectors especially with the arrival of major corporations.

2750 found the 2nd Deep Space Cavalry severely undermanned but fully equipped. They became one of the first targets of the Periphery BattleMech Divisions. How this was decided and how it was accomplished is still a mystery as these divisions had not only to transverse the Outworlds Alliance but know the locations of the Cavalry and the planets they were stationed on which was a well guarded secret. Only the SLDF was to know the locations of the DSC.
As the Periphery BattleMech Divisions attacked nearly all the 2nd Cavalry’s positions at once it was only the intervention of the 3rd DSC that provided an escape for A Troop Strikers, E Troop Engineers, and H Troop Light Horse, They had been in transit to a newly discovered planet that was to have a good potential for human habitation. E Troop left Prosperity hours before the attack that would annihilate 2nd Colonial Sector headquarters. It wasn’t even a battle; a nuclear bomb was used on the Outpost Castle leaving nothing but ruble.
It was only after all three troops had jumped into normal space that they were able to receive information on what had occurred throughout their sector. As the planet they were currently orbiting was unknown to anyone outside the 2nd Cavalry headquarters they considered themselves safe for the moment.
Admiral Patricia Tinn aboard the destroyer Davis that had accompanied the Jumpships Albatross, and Quasar Wind took stock of what was available to the 2nd Cavalry. She had four Union Class Dropships, and two mules both loaded with supplies and equipment to build one dam and temporary housing for the three troops, also two new Dictators the only new equipment they had received in fifteen years. One Dictator had foodstuffs, medical supplies, machinery, and one thousand civilians that had volunteered to populate the newly discovered planet. The other had the first light arms manufacturing plant, which had been designed specifically for deep space colonization. It would produce only ballistic weaponry up to the AC/5 caliber once the shell casings and powder could be manufactured. This planet had raw materials in abundance, it was hoped that it someday could become the capital world in a new alliance of planets. The Admiral considered her current circumstances very good for the immediate future.
After consulting with her senior officers it was decided to land on the planet and use what resources were available such as fresh water and replenishment of oxygen. She in the mean time would try to make contact with the 1st or the 3rd Cavalry. As Admiral she had the locations of all DSC forces. She returned from the 1st Cavalry sector two months later with a Jumpship the Eye of the Emerald that had only three Union Dropships attached and the Whirlwind with four mule dropships loaded survivors and equipment saved from Bothnia and Cavalry. Admiral Tinn reported of how the 1st was still holding out in limited areas but would not last long if at all by now. There was part of three troops aboard the Dropships barely a hundred and fifty troops with a little over four hundred civilians.
It was decided that temporarily they all would make their home on the planet, which they had not named yet it was just PLT-204 on the records. After the Admiral made sure the planet was as secure as could be accomplished she left for 3rd Colonial Sector.
Four months later she returned with a Jumpship that was known to the 2nd Cavalry. It was the Niagara I with eight Dropships attached. Three Mule Dropships had nearly two thousand new immigrants that had originated from the Taurian Concordat they were to join the people of Bothnia. On its arrival they had found Bothnia stripped of people, machinery, foodstuffs, basically everything. Four mass graves were found one had the mangled head of a Victor on top.
The other Dropships were a mixture, two Unions and two Overlords were of the 3rd Cavalry they had a mixed bag of techs, troopers, mechwarriors, aerospace pilots, medical personnel, and a few engineers. One of the Unions had a full compliment of twelve BattleMechs but with only five new Mechwarriors. Admiral Tinn held a meeting in which she stated that she had only barely been able to elude detection by enemy forces. She did not believe another sortie could be accomplished without being detected.
They now had one destroyer and four Jumpships; they had enough equipment and manpower to fill out one mixed light battalion. They also had twenty-four aerospace fighters with warriors, nearly two engineering companies, and six thousand civilians including children. This was enough to start a colony here or elsewhere as long as a major disaster did not happen or the Periphery BattleMech Divisions find them.
After a meeting it was decided that the Davis would attempt one last rescue operation. The flight plan would take approximately six months if not longer. It was decided to plant crops to resupply their foodstuffs while the Davis was gone and to put the Jumpships at opposite jump points in case of emergency. Everyone was kept busy doing repairs, farming, gathering fruit from the trees on planet, even a little hunting was allowed. Others took on training in different vocations then what they already knew.
Almost nine months later to the day of departure the Davis returned with an old friend. The frigate Unicorn had survived, as Captain Sanders explained it had only been by the skin of their teeth that they had survived at all, much less found the Davis in orbit around Colonia. Both ships were full to bursting with troops and civilians that had been found. They were all greeted as long lost relatives.
It was now almost the end of 2751. It was believed that there was a major war or some great upheaval in the Inner Sphere has taken place. It is confirmed that Simon Cameron, fifth First Lord of the Star League was accidentally killed and his eight-year-old son was now First Lord. Also all of the Deep Space Cavalry had been destroyed over the last two years. Only small units had survived and were able to return to Terran Republic. Some it was believed had gone rogue in the belief that the Star League had betrayed the DSC; which surely seemed to be the case. How else could the Periphery BattleMech Divisions have found all their bases?

After several meetings over a period of almost a year it is clear to everyone that as good as this planet would be to colonize it was not far enough away from the forces of the Inner Sphere. It is decided that the Davis would make one last recon of the uncharted deep space between the Outworlds Alliance and the Taurian Concordat. The 4th DSC had recorded two possible habitable planets in a distant system, but had never investigated either planet or come close enough to leave a satellite to investigate for them.
That is where the Davis went. This system was beyond what would have been the regular patrol lanes of the DSC. If these planets were habitable it was a possibility that they could relocate.

Mid July 2753 the Davis returned with another DSC Jumpship the Terran Wind from the 4th Cavalry. Admiral Tinn had found that they were not the only ones to decide to investigate those two planets. A large group of the 3rd, and 4th Cavalry had combined and had rescued thousands of civilians that were loyal to the DSC. They had decided after some debate to send a mission to Remus and Romulus as they had named the planets.
Both were found to be able to support human life. They circled a yellow sun opposite one another in the same orbit. The gravity was a bit heavier than what most were used too but it was confirmed that people had adapted after a short while. The people of both planets would welcome all of them to join them in their new adventure.

January 2754 the last of what once was the 2nd Deep Space Cavalry made sure there was no evidence left of their survival on planet PLT-204 or the space surrounding the planet.
Remus and Romulus have almost fifty thousand people on the two planets; it is believed this would be a good start for any colony. They also have an excellent scientific community though small; part of their research is on different types of fertilization of embryos, which they believe may be necessary in the future. Which is really Star League technology, they had been experimenting for years in the Periphery to grow perfect children. Almost all the Great Houses had tried or are still attempting to over come the obstacles in order to be able to create a made to order human. These scientists had been part of a Star League project that was not primarily along that line but close. Their community had been over run by the Periphery BattleMech Divisions and most of their fellow scientists and families killed. Yes they also felt bitterly betrayed by the Star League and they were determined to make sure that they and their fellow survivors did not perish.
The Davis left for their new home where they had all taken a vow to uphold the true values of the Deep Space Cavalry. After all that is who they really are.

Space Assets

1 Lola Class Destroyer – Davis
1 Congress Class Frigate – Unicorn
1 Potemkin (Proto Type) - Niagara I
4 Invader Class Jumpships – Whirlwind, Quasar Wind, Albatross, Eye of the Emerald
2 Dictator Dropships
2 Overlord Dropships
9 Union Dropships
9 Mule Dropships

Aerospace Fighters

35 SPD-502 Spad
24 RGU-133E Rogue
16 IRN-SD1 Ironsides


16 WSP-3A Wasp
12 MON-66 Mongoose
6 HBK-4B Hunchback
7 CPLT-C6 Catapult
12 VTR-9B Victor


6 VTOL Cyrano
27 Chaparral Battle Tanks
16 Thor (Mobile Artillery)


1 Hyperpulse Generator
10 Water purification systems
1 Deep Space Small Arms Manufacturing Facility


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #36 on: April 19, 2011, 12:28:45 AM »

Thank you this will help greatly.   :)
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #37 on: April 29, 2011, 11:26:29 PM »

Oh by the by do you have maps of the region of space they were assigned to ???? Most helpful if you have it. Thank you
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2011, 12:18:43 PM »

I do have a very primitive map Gabriel let me see if I can find it and upload it.


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2011, 03:35:02 PM »

Cool anthing will do.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #40 on: May 08, 2011, 03:07:23 PM »

Here is that old map Gabriel


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #41 on: May 08, 2011, 04:19:06 PM »

Thank You Now to weave my story.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #42 on: May 08, 2011, 05:12:38 PM »

Looking forward to it :)


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2011, 11:26:44 PM »

Now all I need is some needle and thread
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Star League Deep Space Cavalry (DSC)
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2019, 01:28:44 AM »

Have been reading thru this and like the idea.   One Question What type of units are B Troop and D troop.  They are units mentioned  but not really given a designation.  Infantry or Mech not sure so I thought I would ask.  Thanks for the help.
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