....How did I miss this? I must have been distracted...
I did post something akin to this in the RPG section, but without going into that, for 2785AD I would think that every state out there (with a few exceptions) would have infantry equipment modeled largely on the SLDF:
* In the TH, that's a no-brainer -- SLDF and HAF leftovers (functionally the same thing) should be literally lying around on the ground, with a large admixture of RWR gear recovered and reused by guerrillas.
* I think the Combine infantry would be the closest to 3025, overall, as they are the most conservative of the bunch.
* The Lyran infantry are going to have gear almost the equal of the SLDF/HAF, and in some cases, surpassing it.
* The Leaguers and Suns will be fairly baseline, two or three steps down from the SLDF/HAF, like the Kuritans, but somewhat gaudier and less functional...Remember, there has been c.200 years of 'mostly peace' -- even with police actions, military mindsets tend to ossify rapidly when not in use.
* The Confederation will have the widest variety of forms, ranging from small units (battalion- to regiment-sized) at the SLDF/HAF levels, to hordes of division-sized clouds of raw infantry armed with a STEN Gun-equivalent...they might even have hand grenades and "uniforms" of headbands or t-shirts if they are seen as "loyal".
* Outside of the RWR and the Taurians, I doubt that the Periphery states will spend that much on their infantry -- they'll have a lot of it, certainly, but the OA doesn't like standing armies to begin with, and the Canopians are far more concerned with spending thin budgets (tourism has GOT to have fallen off with all the fighting) on battlemechs.
* The Taurians will be in transition, replacing SLDF gear with native equipment as fast as they can, probably doing division-scale straight-across handover and replacement (troops march to the depot, clean their old weapons and gear, hand them in to Armory and Supply, then check out new weapons and gear at the warehouse/armory next door). The ex-SLDF gear will then be sold, giving Taurian Citizens first pick -- the Taurians believe in making lots of heavy weapons available to their Citizens since they're pretty sure that said weapons are going to be aimed at anyone landing who shouldn't be.
* RWR guerrillas will be carrying a mix of RWR and SLDF gear.
[[Note that I am rather disparaging towards the Confederation...What I'm writing about them also applies to the militia units of every state - the Capellans just seem to have always fielded a far greater number of 'ad hoc' militia-type units]]
As a baseline, the infantryman of 2785 will have:
- a uniform (at higher levels, this will incorporate a GORTEX-like liquid-resistant layer to aid in NBC defense; you'd be amazed at what can pass for a 'uniform')
- a pair of sturdy boots
- a rifle, with about 200-300 rounds, or power cells for an equivalent number of shots
- body armor (maybe - about 40% of Confederation infantry probably won't) of some kind
- a helmet (at the high end, it will include a built-in gas mask; mid-range will allow a mask to either fit over it, or be attached to it; or, the troops will carry the mask separately, and will have to doff the helmet to put it on...unless they are either lazy, badly-led support troops or 40-50% of Confederation infantry)
- some kind of harness to hang magazine pouches and other gear from (if they have armor, it will be built into the armor's exterior)
- a pocket knife
- a utility knife
- a very shiny - and sharp - bayonet (more for intimidating civilians than harming troops)
- at least one 1-qt/2-liter water bottle, either of food-grade plastic or cheap metal (at higher levels, there will be a replaceable activated-charcoal filter in the neck; lower-tech forces will use purification tablets or hand-/gravity-pumped small unit-sized (squad to platoon) filter tanks)
- some kind of mess kit
- some kind of rain gear (serape, hooded poncho, zeltbahn, or a full rain suit)
- a large rucksack (emphasis on sack, if you're in the Confederation), likely with a waterproof layer
- a sleeping bag of some kind (or a blanket if you're really low tech)
- In decent regular forces (....) every trooper will have a personal comm-unit. These will be 'frequency-hoppers', that shift their signals across 5-20 separate channels at a time, to cut down on enemy radio intercepts. Channels and algorithms will be changed anywhere from every 2-5 hours to two or three times a month.
- Any regular or better unit will have at least infrared night goggles for its troops; higher tech forces will have 'light amplifier' goggles that do not require an external IR light to work....
.....That's what I can think of right now......