Here is an old list from the Military Industrial Complex site that closed down a few years ago. Very informative and based on canon. It doesn't have Jaipur (which is in HLSB) and Victoria (Later TROs) which probably had Mech factories of unknown types.
This is a list of Inner Sphere production centers that I know were destroyed during various wars in the Inner Sphere. The list doesn't include partially destroyed factories (as in Hesperus II lost a production line to a DC attack but the factory as a whole survived). It does include factories rendered inoperable for one reason or another but that were later reactivated/rebuilt.
As far as is possible I have tried to determine what the factories produced, their location, who owned them, when they were destroyed and by whom. This is not always possible since sometimes all I have to go by is a factory name and a general description of what it made (i.e. Battlemechs but not any specific types).
Note that the same product can be made at several factories. For example, the Charger is still made on Luthien but was apparently also made on another planet, the location of which is unknown.
The destroyed factories have been grouped according to who owns the planet where it is located. Where the location is unknown I have listed them at the bottom of the list. All of these unknowns also happen to be former Terran Hegemony factories.
Capellan Confederation & Chaos March
World: Aldebaran (CC)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Jumpships
Time Destroyed: 2785
Destroyed by: FWL
World: Bryant (CM)
Manufacturer: HartfordCo
Products: CDA-2A Cicada (Mech)
VNL-K65N von Luckner Heavy Tank (Vehicle)
Time Destroyed: 3rd Succession War?
Destroyed by: ??
World: Bryant (CM)
Manufacturer: Lantren Corporation
Products: GHR-5H Grasshopper (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 3rd Succession War?
Destroyed by: ??
World: Capella (Then TH/CC, Now CC)
Manufacturer: Iona Light Shipyards
Products: RGU-133E Rogue (ASF)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: Carver V (Then TH, now CM)
Manufacturer: Delhi Warships
Products: Vincent Class Corvette (Warship)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: Corey (CC)
Manufacturer: Hollis Incorporated
Products: CPLT-C1 Catapult (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 1st SW
Destroyed By: FWL?
Note(s): Apparently rebuilt in the early 3050's to produce Huron Warriors
(Oddly enough by the Capellans while Corey was still an FC planet).
Somebody jumped the gun or didn't check his maps... *wags a finger*
World: Keid (Then TH, now CM)
Manufacturer: Krester Ship Construction
Products: Mammoth (Dropship)
Behemoth (Dropship)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Keid (Then TH, now CM)
Manufacturer: Saro Company
Products: Intersystem Warship engines
Dropship engines
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Keid (Then TH, now CM)
Manufacturer: Thompson's Shipyards
Products: Warships
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Epsilon Eridani (Then TH, now CM)
Manufacturer: Harvard Company, Inc.
Products: AHB-443 Ahab (ASF)
WSP-105 Wasp LAM (Land-Air Mech)
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War
Destroyed by: ??
World: Geifer (Then TH, now CC)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Armor
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: St. Ives (CC)
Manufacturer: HildCo Interplanetary Shipyards
Products: Jumpships
Time Destroyed: 2861?
Destroyed by: FS
World: Terra Firma (Then TH, now CM)
Manufacturer: Krester Ship Construction
Products: Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: Tybalt (Then TH, now CC)
Manufacturer: Jolassa Armored Vehicles
Products: Fury Tracked Tanks (Vehicle)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup or 1st Succession War
Destroyed by: ??
World: Ward (CC)
Manufacturer: Ceres Metals
Products: ??
Time Destroyed: 1st SW?
Destroyed by: ??
Note(s): Some production continues but not anything of a military nature.
World: ?? (CC)
Manufacturer: Hellespont Industrials
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War?
Destroyed by: FWL, DC & CC
Note(s): Remains were dismantled and reassembled on Sian
Draconis Combine
World: Altair (DC)
Manufacturer: Izumi Jumpship Yard
Products: Jumpships
Time Destroyed: 2785?
Destroyed by: LC?
Note(s): Rebuilt in the 3050's
World: Deshler (Then FS, now DC)
Manufacturer: Aghama 'Mechworks
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: 3025/3028?
Destroyed by: FS/DC?
World: Dieron (DC)
Manufacturer: Whitworth Company
Products: WTH-1 Whitworth (Mech)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: FS?
World: Dieron (DC)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Jumpships
Time Destroyed: 2787
Destroyed by: LC
Note(s): Rebuilt in 3050's
World: Irece (DC)
Manufacturer: LexaTech Industries
Products: Stinger LAM (Land Air Mech)
Time Destroyed: 3052
Destroyed by: Clan Nova Cat
World: Kimball II (DC)
Manufacturer: Ceres Metals
Products: Armor
Time Destroyed: 1st SW?
Destroyed by: LC?
Note(s): Some production continues but not anything of a military nature.
World: Lambrecht (Then TH, now DC)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Armor
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: Luthien (DC)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: 2787
Destroyed by: LC
World: Luthien (DC)
Manufacturer: ?? (Shipyard)
Products: Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: 2787
Destroyed by: LC
World: Murchison (Then TH, now DC)
Manufacturer: Ulsop Robotics
Products: Electronics
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Nirasaki (Then TH, now DC)
Manufacturer: Nirasaki Computer Collective
Products: Combat Electronics (vehicles to warships)
Time Destroyed: 2780?
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Quentin (Then FC, now DC)
Manufacturer: Warner Incorporated
Products: SPR-H5 Sparrowhawk (ASF)
Time Destroyed: 1st SW? 2nd SW?
Destroyed by: Draconis Combine
World: Yorii (Then TH, now DC)
Manufacturer: Krester Ship Construction
Products: Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: ?? (DC)
Manufacturer: Amalgamated Sword and Steel Manufacturing
Products: ??
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War?
Destroyed by: ??
World: ?? (DC)
Manufacturer: DeHuego and Freshet Dropship Design
Products: Dropships
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War
Destroyed by: ??
World: ?? (DC)
Manufacturer: Brigadier Corporation
Products: SCP-1N Scorpion (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 2nd Succession War
Destroyed by: ??
Note(s): Still has a working plant on Oliver in the FWL
Federated Commonwealth/Suns
World: Achernar (Then TH, now FC)
Manufacturer: Achernar BattleMechs (Mech)
Products: DV-6M Dervish?
Time Destroyed: 1st SW?
Destroyed by: CC? FS?
Note(s): It's a bit of a stretch, but there is a planet called Achernar and a
company called Achernar Battlemechs. The company is still active on
New Avalon but there is a possibility it had a plant (and headquarters?)
on Achernar. In addition the blueprints for the Enforcer, which is made
by Achernar BattleMechs, were scavenged from an engineering library on
Achernar. The company is also known to have built mechs for the Star
League and the planet Achernar was located within the Terran Hegemony's
World: Bell (Then CC, now FC)
Manufacturer: Andoran Industries Ltd.
Products: CLNT-2-3T Clint (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War
Destroyed by: FS?
World: Bharat (Then TH, now FC)
Manufacturer: Killosh Industries
Products: Magi Tracked Tank (Vehicle)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: Caph (Then TH, now CM)
Manufacturer: Stormvanger Assemblies
Products: FLC-4P Falcon (Mech)
JVN-10N Javelin (Mech)
STC-2C Striker (Mech)
CP 10-Z Cyclops (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 2867?
Destroyed by: ??
World: Caph (Then TH, now CM)
Manufacturer: New Earth Trading Company (NETC)
Products: Electronics
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Caph (Then TH, now CM)
Manufacturer: Nirasaki Computer Collective
Products: Electronics
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Demeter (FC)
Manufacturer: Lycomb IntroTechnologies Incorporated
Products: STU-K5 Stuka (ASF)
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War
Destroyed by: ??
World: Demeter (FC)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: 2760
Destroyed by: (Capellan) Terrorists nuked it *BOOM*
World: Errai (Then TH, now FC)
Manufacturer: Briden Battlemechs Unlimited
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: Galax (FC)
Manufacturer: Challenge Systems
Products: Congress Class Frigate?
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: CC?
Note(s): Rebuilt in the late 3040's by Boeing Interstellar. There is some
confusion over whether the Congress was also made here. TR 2750
creates the impression Challenge Systems was a subcontractor to
Dekirk Aerospace. But a diagram in TR 3057 of the Congress claims
Dekirk made it on Galax, something that wouldn't mesh well with
TR 2750 or the Star League SB.
World: Horsham (Then TC, now FC)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: Reunification War?
Destroyed by: TH?
Note(s): Described as a major naval yard so it might have made anything
from small shuttles to warships.
World: Muskegon (FC)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Dropships?
Time Destroyed: ?? (Age of War?)
Destroyed by: CC?
World: New Avalon (FC)
Manufacturer: New Avalon Shipyards
Products: Jumpships
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War?
Destroyed by: DC?
World: Ozawa (First TH, then DC, now FC)
Manufacturer: Diplan Mechyards
Products: MON-66 Mongoose (Mech)
JR7-D Jenner (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 2847
Destroyed by: Federated Suns
World: Ozawa (Then TH, now FC)
Manufacturer: Ulsop Robotics
Products: Electronics
Time Destroyed: 1st SW?
Destroyed by: CC/DC?
World: Raman (Then TH, now FC)
Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises
Products: CN9-A Centurion (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 2845
Destroyed by: CC?
Note(s): The planet's name is really given as Ramen II but since it doesn't
appear on any map, I figured Raman was it. =P
World: Tigress (Then TH, now FC)
Manufacturer: Paulina Weapons
Products: Cyrano Gunship (VTOL)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: ?? (Then TH, now FC)
Manufacturer: Wangker Aerospace
Products: CSR-V12 Corsair (ASF)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: Various
Note(s): Wangker Aerospace had several plants but only one of them is still
working (on Axton). After the fall of the Star League the FedSuns
captured most of the worlds where a Wangker plant used to be.
However, ruins of former WA plants can presumably be found on worlds
owned by other states (CC & DC?).
World: ?? (Then TC, now FC)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: Reunification War?
Destroyed by: TH?
Note(s): It's only a hunch but I guess there was a yard(s) located on/above
one or more of the three settled worlds in the Pleiades Cluster
Free Worlds League
World: Alula Australis (FWL)
Manufacturer: Technicron Manufacturing
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: Succession Wars
Destroyed by: LC (twice), CC & FWL
Note(s): Rebuilt three times until relocated to Savannah
World: Amity (FWL)
Manufacturer: Brooks Incorporated?
Products: Galleon Light Tank (Vehcile)
Time Destroyed: 2837?
Destroyed by: LC
World: Angell (FWL)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Unknown spaceships
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: Cameron (FWL)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: WASP-1A Wasp (Mech)
ARC-2R Archer (Mech)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: Fletcher (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: Caletra Fighters
Products: SWF-606 Swift (ASF)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: Fletcher (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: StarCorp Industries
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: Fletcher (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: Yelm/Yelim Weapons
Products: Nightshade Scout (VTOL)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: Graham IV (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: Mitchell Vehicles
Products: MCY-99 Mercury (Mech)
SHG-2F Shogun (Mech)
Aerospace Fighters
Essex Class Destroyer (Warship)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Graham IV (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: Dekirk Aerospace
Products: Congress Class Frigate (Warship)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Holt (FWL)
Manufacturer: Brooks Incorporated?
Products: Galleon Light Tank (Vehicle)
Time Destroyed: 3rd Succession War
Destroyed by: CC
World: Irian (FWL)
Manufacturer: Irian BattleMechs Unlimited
Products: HER-2S Hermes II (Mech)
AWS-8Q Awesome (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 3014
Destroyed by: Anton Marik's rebels
Note(s): Rebuilt in the early 3020's
World: Ling (FWL)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Mechs
Time Destroyed: 3rd Succession War
Destroyed by: LC
Note(s): A 'secret', almost completed, mech factory
World: Lopez (FWL)
Manufacturer: Free Worlds Defense Industries
Products: Aerospace Fighters
Time Destroyed: 2796
Destroyed by: FWL/CC?
Note(s): Rebuilt some years later
World: Marcus (Then TH, Now FWL)
Manufacturer: Orguss Industries
Products: STG-3R Stinger (Mech)
WSP-1A Wasp (Mech)
UM-R60 Urbanmech (Mech)
PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 1st or 2nd SW?
Destroyed by: LC?
World: New Delos (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Armor
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: Oliver (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: Aerofighter Unlimited
Products: Aerospace Fighters
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: Oriente (FWL)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Unknown spaceships
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: Procyon (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: Allied AeroSpace Inc.
Products: PHX-HK2 Phoenix Hawk LAM (Land-Air Mech)
Aerospace Fighters
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War
Destroyed by: ??
World: Procyon (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: Brigadier Corporation
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: CC?
Note(s): Still has a working plant on Oliver
World: Sirius (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: Di Tron Heavy Industries
Products: Unknown spaceships
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Sirius (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: Mitchell Vehicles
Products: Combat Vehicles
Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Sirius (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: New Earth Trading Company (NETC)
Products: Electronics
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Stewart (FWL)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Unknown spaceships
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: Wasat (Then TH, now FWL)
Manufacturer: Bowie Industries
Products: Aerospace Fighters
Bug-Eye Warship
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: Xanthe III (FWL?)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: ?? (FWL?)
Manufacturer: Lang Industries Inc.
Products: SHD-2H Shadow Hawk (Mech)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: ?? (TH/FWL?)
Manufacturer: Newhart Interstellar Industries Ltd
Products: HSR 200-D Hussar (Mech)
SDR-5V Spider (Mech)
GLT-3N Guillotine (Mech)
TRN-3T Trident (ASF)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: ?? (TH/FWL?)
Manufacturer: Curtiss Industries
Products: Lightning Hover Strike Craft (Vehicle)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
Note(s): Curtiss Militech might be a successor to this company
Ghost Bear Dominion
World: Jarett (GBD)
Manufacturer: Alshain Weapons
Products: PNT-9R Panther
PXH-3K Phoenix Hawk
Time Destroyed: 3051
Destroyed by: DC
World: Alshain (GBD)
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries
Products: LCT-1V Locust
Other Mechs?
Time Destroyed: 3051
Destroyed by: DC
Note(s): Razed by the DCMS to prevent it from falling intact to the Ghost Bears.
The Bears soon had the Locust line up although later Ursus BattleMechs
were produced instead.
World: Alshain (GBD)
Manufacturer: Alshain Weapons
Products: PNT-9R Panther
DRG-5K Grand Dragon?
Time Destroyed: 3051
Destroyed by: DC
Lyran Alliance (Commonwealth)
World: Alarion (LA)
Manufacturer: Bowie Industries
Products: Dropships
Time Destroyed: 3006
Destroyed by: FWL
Note(s): Rebuilt by 3025
World: Alarion (LA)
Manufacturer: Henderson Jumpships
Products: Jumpships
Time Destroyed: 3006
Destroyed by: FWL
Note(s): Renamed N&D Shipyards and rebuilt in 3033 by N&D?
World: Apollo (Then RWR, now LA)
Manufacturer: Diplass Mechs
Products: WSP-1A Wasp? (Mech)
OSR-2C Ostroc? (Mech)
ARC-2R Archer? (Mech)
WHM-6R Warhammer? (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 277?
Destroyed by: SLDF?
World: Coventry (LA)
Manufacturer: Ceres Metals
Products: Spaceships?
Time Destroyed: About 3005-10
Destroyed by: FWL
Note(s): Some production is still going on but nothing of military nature.
World: Dell (LA)
Manufacturer: Bowie Industries
Products: CHP-W5 Chippewa (ASF)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: DC
World: Hesperus II (LA)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Jumpships
Time Destroyed: 2787
Destroyed by: DC
World: Loxley (LA)
Manufacturer: Norse Storm Battlemechs
Products: NSR-9J Nightstar (Mech)
TDK-7X Thunder Hawk (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 2785?
Destroyed by: FWL
Note(s): Rebuilt in mid 3050's
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Boeing Interstellar
Products: Dropships
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: DC?
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Dassault-Shimmon Enterprises
Products: Cameron Class Battlecruiser (Warship)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Di Tron Heavy Industries
Products: Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup?
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Grumman Industries
Products: Zephyr Hover Tank (Vehicle)
Chaparral Missile Artillery Tank (Vehicle)
Marksman Tracked SP Artillery (Vehicle)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
Note(s): Grumman Amalgamated (in the FWL) might be a successor to
one of this company's branch offices.
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Mitchell Vehicles
Products: Combat Vehicles
Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Newhart Industries
Products: Battlemechs
Aerospace Fighters
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Nicholas Spacecraft
Products: Warships
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Nirasaki Computer Collective
Products: Electronics
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Numall Armored Vehicles
Products: Beagle Hovercraft (Vehicle)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Ulston Armor
Products: Thor Wheeled SP Artillery (Vehicle)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: New Earth (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Yankee Weapons Systems
Products: EXC-B2 Excalibur (Mech)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
Note(s): Rebuilt in 3057/58
World: New Kyoto (LA)
Manufacturer: Bolson Shipyards
Products: Dropships
Time Destroyed: 2787?
Destroyed by: FWL
World: Nusakan (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Electronics
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Skye (LA)
Manufacturer: Argile Technologies of Skye
Products: FS9-H Firestarter (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 2776
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: Solaris VII (LA)
Manufacturer: Blue Shot Weapons
Products: LNX-9Q Lynx (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 2928
Destroyed by: FWL
Note(s): Rebuilt in 3056
World: Sudeten (LA)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War
Destroyed by: DC?
Note(s): Probably rebuilt as Olivetti Weaponry in 3005
World: Tharkad (LA)
Manufacturer: Bauer Industries
Products: RPR-100 Rapier (ASF)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: Thorin (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Krester Ship Construction
Products: Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: Vance (Then TH, now LA?)
Manufacturer: Shipil Company
Products: SYD-21 Seydlitz (ASF)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
Note(s): Vance is a planet that is not found on any BT map so it has probably
undergone a name change at some point. It is clearly not Skye though,
where Shipil still operates a plant.
World: Vendrell (LA)
Manufacturer: Mountain Wolf Battlemechs
Products: NTK-2Q Night Hawk (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 2945
Destroyed by: FWL
Note(s): Rebuilt in 3055
World: Yed Posterior (LA)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: BattleMechs
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War
Destroyed by: DC?
World: Zebebelgenubi (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Di Tron Heavy Industries
Products: Dropships?
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
Note(s): Though it's somewhat unlikely, this yard might still be around
World: Zebebelgenubi (Then TH, now LA)
Manufacturer: Ulsop Robotics
Products: Electronics
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: ?? (LA?)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: TLN-5W Talon (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 2815
Destroyed by: ??
World: ?? (LA?)
Manufacturer: Clippership Yards
Products: Jumpships
Time Destroyed: 3rd Succession War
Destroyed by: ??
World: ?? (LA)
Manufacturer: Various Shipyards
Products: Dropships
Time Destroyed: 2787
Destroyed by: FWL
Note(s): In 2787 the Free Worlds League launched a campaign of indiscriminate
destruction against Commonwealth shipyards along the border. The
Bolson Shipyards orbiting New Kyoto's moon is the only facility
named but many other yards were also hit.
Independent Realms
World: Northwind (Then TH, now NH)
Manufacturer: MatherTechno Incorporated
Products: VL-2T Vulcan (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War
Destroyed by: ??
World: Northwind (Then TH, now NH)
Manufacturer: Cosara Weaponries
Products: CRB-27 Crab (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War?
Destroyed by: FS?
Note(s): A RetCon in the Northwind Highlanders scenariopack implies that this
factory was never destroyed after all.
World: Outreach (Then TH, Now WD)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
Note(s): Rebuilt in the 3040's
World: Tetski (MoC)
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: 2582?
Destroyed by: FWL?
Note(s): I can't find this world on any map. It is possible it was annexed and
renamed by the FWL after the Reunification War. In that case it just
might be the planet Umka, which today hosts a facility that makes
Battlemech and vehicle armor.
World: ?? (MoC)
Products: Jumpships
Time Destroyed: Reunification War?
Destroyed by: TH?
World: ?? (Then RWR, now LA?)
Products: Dropships
Time Destroyed: Reunification War? Amaris Coup?
Destroyed by: TH?
World: New Vandenberg (TC)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: Reunification War
Destroyed by: TH
Note(s): Battlemech production on New Vandenburg resumed during the Shadow War
of the 28th Century. However, these Mechs were apparently manufactured
by underground manufacturers that later amalgamated into Vandenberg
Mechanized Industries. VMI is as such likely to be a completely
different company.
World: Taurus? (TC)
Manufacturer: ??
Products: Jumpships
Time Destroyed: Reunification War?
Destroyed by: TH?
Note(s): This shipyard was constructed on one of the four planets
inside the Hyades Cluster. Most likely it was Taurus, the
capital of the Taurian Concordat.
Terra/Sol System
World: Mars (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Blue Nose Clipperships
Products: Sovetskii Soyuz Class Heavy Cruiser (Warship)
McKenna Class Battleship (Warship)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Mars (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: General Mechanics
Products: KTO-19 Kintaro (Mech)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Mars (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Mitchell Vehicles
Products: Combat Vehicles
Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Mars (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Wanker Aerospace
Products: Aerospace Fighters
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Boeing Interstellar
Products: Aerospace Fighters
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Ceres Metals
Products: Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Coventry/Earthwerks Combine
Products: FFL-4A Firefly (Mech)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Di Tron Heavy Industries
Products: Titan ASF Carrier (Dropship)
Aegis Class Heavy Cruiser (Warship)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Ian Cameron Shipyards
Products: Warships
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Ford Military Limited
Products: THE-N Thorn (Mech)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Karon Naval Armaments
Products: Whirlwind Naval Autocannons
Other Naval Weapons?
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Krester Ship Construction
Products: Kimagure Class Pursuit Cruiser (Warship)
Texas Class Battleship (Warship)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Krupp Armament Works
Products: Battlemechs
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
Note(s): Rebuilt shortly after SLDF retook Terra
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Leopard Armor of Terra
Products: Demon Wheeled Tank (Vehicle)
Rhino Tracked Assault Tank (Vehicle)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Martinson Armaments
Products: SPT-N2 Spartan
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
Note(s): Rebuilt by WoB in 3058 or 3059.
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: New Earth Trading Company (NETC)
Products: Electronics
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
Note(s): Might still be manufacturing electronics. The company is
known to have exported electronics for Comstar.
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Ostmann Industries
Products: OSR-2C Ostroc (Mech)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Tokina Imaging company
Products: Electronics (Sensors)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Terra (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Ulsop Robotics
Products: Electronics
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
World: Venus (Then TH, now WoB)
Manufacturer: Mitchell Vehicles
Products: Combat Vehicles
Unknown Spaceships
Time Destroyed: Amaris Coup
Destroyed by: RWR
Factories Located inside Hegemony borders
World: ?? (TH)
Manufacturer: General Systems
Products: EXT-4D Exterminator (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 1st Succession War
Destroyed by: ??
World: ?? (TH)
Manufacturer: Eaton Aerospace
Products: Volga Transport (Warship)
Other Warships
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: ?? (TH)
Manufacturer: Renault-Prime Industries
Products: FLS-8K Flashman (Mech)
Time Destroyed: 2796
Destroyed by: ??
World: ?? (TH)
Manufacturer: New Age Systems Inc.
Products: SPD-502 Spad (ASF)
GTHA-500 Gotha (ASF)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: ?? (TH)
Manufacturer: Blow/Hookson
Products: ZRO-114 Zero (ASF)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: ?? (TH)
Manufacturer: Brooks Manufacturing Inc.
Products: IRN-SD1 Ironsides (ASF)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: ?? (TH)
Manufacturer: Buhallin Military Products
Products: Rotunda Scout Car (Vehicle)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: ?? (TH)
Manufacturer: Foretechno
Products: Burke Tracked Tank (Vehicle)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: ?? (TH)
Manufacturer: Gal-Tech Weapons
Products: ??
Time Destroyed: 2699?
Destroyed by: SL?
Note(s): There were 20 Gal-Tech factories, all of which were
nationalised by the Terran Hegemony when it was discovered
the company was selling secret military technology to other
states. What happened afterwards is unknown.
World: ?? (TH)
Manufacturer: Hollis Industries
Products: BLR-1G Battlemaster (Mech)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
World: ?? (TH or FWL?)
Manufacturer: Kong Interstellar
Products: Confederate Dropship
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: ?? (TH)
Manufacturer: Riga Interstellar Shipyards
Products: Potemkin Class Troop Cruiser (Warship)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: RWR?
Unknown or Not Sure of Realm
World: ??
Manufacturer: Triad Technologies
Products: STK-3F Stalker (Mech)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??
World: ??
Manufacturer: Warner Incorporated
Products: SPR-H5 Sparrowhawk (ASF)
Time Destroyed: Amaris Civil War
Destroyed by: RWR
World: ??
Manufacturer: Wells Technologies
Products: CGR-1A1 Charger (Mech)
Time Destroyed: ??
Destroyed by: ??