To: Commanding-General Archer Christifori, Governor Bannister Cameron, Protector-General Devlin Stone
From: General Marcus Johnston, Head of SLDF Intelligence
Following the formation of the Kittery Prefecture and recent "resistance" to the expansion of Star League Protectorate holdings the continuation of the SLDF as a respected entity within the Inner Sphere is not guaranteed. Should the SLDF lose the support of the Inner Sphere powers the Protectorate will likely face assault from all corners. Under current SLDF Emergency Planning the Command Council has stated that all SLDF planets and units are to resist any incursion into Protectorate Space and counter-attack where possible.
The first line of our defence will be our WarShip fleet unfortunately as our own fleet goes from strength to strength as do the fleets of the Inner Sphere and the Clans. Across the Inner Sphere there are at present there are 28 construction facilities with nearly 100 construction slips among them. Fortunately our intelligence suggests that not all shipyards are being used at their full capacity for production instead they are also being used to repair and maintain the Active WarShip fleets. In any coming conflict it may will be necessary for the SLDF to eliminate or capture some of these facilities. Priority targets have been listed and are ready for distribution to strike units.
Below is a brief description of each state's construction capacity and the products they produce:
WarShip Production
Star League
Our primary construction and maintenance facility. Still restoring much of the ships left in the wake of the fighting between ComStar and the Word of Blake as well as restoring multiple hulls held since the end of the original Star League-era. It is also capable of constructing new M5 Casper Drones which may be key to our future success. The new Enterprise-class Super-carrier's production currently appears to be going well.
Titan Shipyards (Terra System, Star League Protectorate), 9 Refit/Construction Slips - 3 more under construction expected 3099
Refitting hulls
Casper M5 production
Enterprise-class Super-carrier
Republic-class Frigates
Unnamed Classes in development
Federated Suns
The Federated Suns has one of the most developed construction capacities of the Inner Sphere and Clan states. Primarily based around facilities that were protected during the darkest days of the Succession Wars with Galax and Kathil both repaired to produced multiple hulls. New Syrtis was also repaired however it has subsequently been damaged again and is offline. The Federated Suns ace in the hole appears to be Hadrian's Command which the SLIC has not been able to gain full access to. The Federated Suns appear to have the capacity to produce Corvettes, Destroyers, Cruisers, Refit Ships and Battleships. A Battle-cruiser is also rumoured to be in development.
Federated-Boeing of Galax (Galax, Crucis March) 6 Refit/Construction Slips - 2 more under constuction expected 3106+
Davion III-class Destroyers
Hound-class Corvettes
Fox III-class Refit Ships
First Prince II-class Battleships
Challenge Systems/Federated-Boeing of Hadrian's Command, (Hadrian's Command, Crucis March), 4 Refit/Construction Slips
Robinson III-class Transports
Congress II-class Frigates
Mercury-class Battleships
McKenna Shipyards (Kathil, Capellan March), 1 Construction/Refit Slip - 3 under repair expected 3098+
Avalon II-class Cruisers
New Syrtis Shipyards (Crippled - No capacity) No ETA on repairs currently stalled
Fox I-class Corvettes
Planned new-class Battle-cruiser
Former-Free Worlds League
If the Free Worlds League had remained as a united entity then they would likely now have production facilities that rival the Federated Suns or our own. Fortunately House Marik remains shattered with its production facilities serving different masters. Of the Succession States the former-FWL is likely the nation that threatens us least in the short to mid term. Although they serve different masters the FWL shipyards are capable of producing numerous Corvettes, Frigates, Carriers, Cruisers and it is rumoured that Illium plan to produce a Battleship class in the short term.
Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
Illium Naval Engineering (Ionus) 5 Refit/Construction slips
Zechetinu-class Corvettes
Zechetinu II-class Corvettes
Thera-class Carriers
Eagle-class Frigates
Planned new-class Battleship
SelaSys Inc. of Loyalty (Loyalty) 2 Refit/Construction slips
Venturer-class Light Cruisers
Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey
Technicron Naval Engineering/Forerunner AG (Tamarind) (2 Refit/Construction slips)
Impavido-class Destroyers
Unity-class Frigates
Oriente Protectorate
Free-flight Limited/Hellraiser Productions, Fletcher (FWL) (3 Construction/Refit Slips)
Monolisk-class Destroyer
Bowang Free Trade Sphere
Naval Systems of Clipperton (Clipperton) (2 Construction/Refit slips)
Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruisers
Planned Destroyer in cooperation with Clan Sea Fox
Lyran Commonwealth
It is between the Lyran Commonwealth and Capellan Confederation on which Succession State has the weakest naval force. With only the Port Sydney Shipyards fully operational the Lyrans have lagged behind other states. The new Isle of Skye based shipyard may begin to take pressure off these facilities. The Alarion facilities are capable of producing Corvettes, Merchant vessels and Battle-cruisers. It appears that the LCAF is pushing for the facilities to begin to reproduce the Commonwealth-class Light Cruiser and are planning a Battleship type class. What the Lyrans are actually missing is a Carrier type vessel.
Port Sydney Shipyards - Alarion System - Ioto Galactic Enterprises 8 construction/refit slips
Hyperion-class Heavy Cruisers
Fox-class Corvettes
Fox II-class Merchants
Coventry-class Corvettes
Mjolinir-class Battle cruisers
Planned Commonwealth III Light Cruiser
Planned Battleship/Battle-cruiser class
Lockheed/CBM of Tharkad (4 slips)
Peter-class Scouts
Kelswa Shipyards - Gladius System - Isle of Skye (1 slip) Planned for 6 more by 3120
Mjolinir-class Battle-cruisers
Fox-class Corvettes
Fox II-class Merchants
Ruins of Gabriel, Odessa, Clan Mountain Wolf (2 repair slips)
Draconis Combine
The Draconis Combine's shipyard facilities share pretty much everything from designs to the parts required to complete their various ships. As a result their production capabilities could likely be crippled by the removal of one of these facilities unfortunately our information one which is most critical to production is limited. This has been further hampered by what appears to be an expansion of facilities at both Midway and New Samarkand. What is also clear both of the Factory ships used by the Combine have become very important to many of the branches of the DCMS including the navy which again questions the vulnerability of the Combine's production facilities and their reliance on each other.
Dieron Terada WarShip Yard (5 Slips)
Inazuma II-class Corvette
Tatsumaki II-class Destroyer
Kyushu-class Frigate
Midway, DeHuego & Freshet WarShip Design (3 slips)
Inazuma II-class Corvettes
Kyushu-class Frigate
Kirishima II-class Cruisers
New Samarkand, DeHuego & Freshet WarShip Design (3 slips)
Omi Kurita-class Carrier
Yamato-class Battleships
Tatsumaki II-class Destroyers
Capellan Confederation
With Necromo still the only fully operational WarShip producing facility to the Capellan Confederation House Liao has fallen further and further behind the other states. This appears to be changing slowly with the recent inclusion of the Shennong facility in the Sian System but the Capellans are still behind. One possible avenue for them may be to create a Feng Huang III moving away from the Carrier concept and back towards the Cruiser or even Battle-cruiser type of vessel.
Necromo Shipyards (5 slips)
Feng Huang II-class Cruiser/Carriers
Wudang Jian-cass Frigate
Shoung Bi Shou-class Corvette
Tikonov-class Carrier
Shennong Sian (1 slip)
Du Shi Wang-class Battleship (Upgrade)
Magistracy of Canopus
The Magistracy of Canopus only facility was inherited from their alliance with the Capellan Confederation. Unfortunately while they should be able to produce multiple vessels from their shipyards funding has restricted them to a couple of vessels.
Trznadel Cluster Shipyards, Magistracy of Canopus 4 slips)
Feng Huang II-class Cruiser/Carriers
Wudang Jian-cass Frigate
Shoung Bi Shou-class Corvette
The Clans
Fortunately for the Inner Sphere the Clans are apart seperated by various political and military differences. If there were to ever unite under a single authority the entire Inner Sphere would be threatened by the Clan capacity for producing WarShips. Between them they are able to produce every class of WarShip one would need to wage an extended campaign. Due to the Clan trial system each Clan could effectively gain access to other Clans products. Of all the Clans only Clans Coyote and Wolf lack their own WarShip shipyards. Clan Wolf was known to have its own Shipyards in the Outpost system before the Serpents system but when they invaded that system there was no sign of those facilities. Where Clan Wolf moved them, or in fact where Clan Wolf currently is, remains a mystery. What is also a mystery is what the Clans plan for the new facilities in the Tukayyid system.
Tukayyid (Unknown)
Under construction current planned products unknown
Alshain Rasalhague Dominion (3 Slips)
Leviathan II-class Battleships
Conqueror-class Battle-cruisers
Under Development Destroyer
Dark Nebula Clan Jade Falcon (4 slips)
Nightlord II-class Battleships
Patriot-class Heavy Cruisers
Butler Naval Shipyards, Clan Hell's Horses (2 slips)
Halcyon-class Cruiser
Marathon-class Battle-cruiser
Quatre Belle, Raven Alliance (5 Slips)
Drake-class Corvettes
Splendid-class Cruisers
Swiftsure-class Cruisers
Varnay Anchorage Shipyards Clan Nova Cat 4 Slips
Carrack-class Transports
Primary Repair Facility
New Barcella Shipyards Clan Nova Cat 6 Slips
Drake-class Corvettes
Liger-class Strike Carriers
Splendid-class Cruisers
Unnamed under Destroyer-class
Chainelane Isle Shipyard Clan Sea Fox (6 slips)
Refit of current classes
Hakaze-class Escort Destroyers
Forge HH-1-class Yardship
Halcyon-class Cruisers
Splendid-class Cruisers
Drake-class Corvettes