PLG-1N Pillager
StarDate 3/5
Jack Freeman Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: HildCo Type VII
Power Plant: Vlar 300
Cruising Speed: 32 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: HildCo Model 615
Jump Capacity: 60 meters
Armor: Durallex Heavy
2 Pontiac 100 Autocannon 20
1 Holly SRM-4 Racks
3 Sorenstein V Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: HildCo Interplanetary
Communications System: Opus III Highbeam
Targeting and Tracking System: MaLandry 34c
After HildCo Interplanetary's success with the VTR 9B Victor, the firm received a second major Star League BattleMech construction contract during the Reunification War. Several ranking generals on Terra began regretting their earlier decision to alter the Victor from its original role as an urban anti-infantry 'Mech. Instead of correcting the situation by restoring the Victor, however, they chose to order an even larger replacement to fulfill the specialized duty. The result was the PLG-1N Pillager.
Alike in many respects to its smaller predecessor, the Pillager was conceived and developed during a brief period when most BattleMechs were being designed for extremely specific military assignments. The Star League's domination and affluence permitted this luxury of combat specialization, an environment that would end immediately with the League's collapse.
Ironically, Star League generals actually employed the Pillager in a somewhat different combat role than designed for, using it primarily for mopping up pockets of resistance during breakthrough-and-exploitation missions. The PLG continued in this role until the fall of the Star League, at which time BattleMechs of all types were pressed into miscellaneous service by every House, regardless of original specifications.
The same factories that produced the Victor and were destroyed during the First Succession War also produced the Pillager, thus also ending its production prematurely. Fewer than 400 are believed to have been built, with perhaps half that number still in existence; at least 30 departed during Kerensky's exodus near the end of the 28th century. According to current reports and rumors, small quantities are located in every House and the PLG-1N can occasionally be found even among the Bandit Kings and a few lucky mercenary units.
Constructed on the largest BattleMech chassis ever built by HildCo, the Type VII, the Pillager is an awe-inspiring sight. The Vlar 300 engine, though very powerful and surprisingly reliable, has reached its limitations in the PLG, with a top speed of just over 52 kph. What the 'Mech lacks in quickness, though, it makes up for in fear - especially the first time an enemy unit observes the Model 615 jump jets cut in, launching 100 tons of assault 'Mech a distance of up to 60 meters. That action alone has caused more than one veteran medium BattleMech lance to break and flee in disorder.
The original Durallex Heavy armor was very solidly-constructed and has worn well. Unfortunately, armor does become damaged in combat, and this 'Mech's unusually intricate pattern of overlapping armor plates have proven to be very difficult to maintain properly. Armor replacement work takes three to four times as long on this unit as it would on comparable 'Mechs.
Some mild criticism has also been levelled against the Pillager because of its small autocannon magazines. However, if its pilot keeps the 'Mech's intended combat role in mind, the supply is usually more than sufficient. The presence of lasers and a Holly short-range missile system also help extend the mission endurance.
At least all potential ammunition feed problems have been eliminated by mounting the two Pontiac autocannon in the torso, and giving each its own dedicated magazine. In fact, all weapons systems on this 'Mech are known for being relatively trouble-free, though the process of locating needed spares for the uncommon Sorenstein medium lasers has become a truly laborious task. The only problems come about, ironically, when the Sorensteins are replaced with another model of laser (see Variants). With few exceptions, the Opus III communications system and MaLandry 34C targeting system have worked very well, keeping the Mech Warrior well-informed and in touch with the battlefield environment surrounding him.
As a close-assault style combat vehicle, the Pillager simply has no equal. Its massive armor and jump capability enable it to survive encounters that would simply obliterate lesser machines. Its speed, though an impediment in open warfare, does not hinder it where it chooses to fight. Indeed, the tremendous offensive firepower from the combination of autocannon, missile, and laser make this BattleMech more effective at less than 100 meters than any other well-known 'Mech. Even the Stalker and Atlas cannot compare to the Pillager when engaged at extremely short range, and few 'Mechs are superior at longer ranges. All this, combined with two articulated spiked fists possessing the pummeling impact of battering rams, makes the Pillager a truly irresistible force (hence the name).
Since the PLG was designed solely for short-range encounters, however, it is quite vulnerable to long-range bombardments by faster 'Mechs. Without weapons to defend, missile-carrying 'Mechs as small as a Valkyrie or a Whitworth that can outrun the Pillager do present a grave risk. They can remain well beyond the range of the larger 'Mech's weapons, while laying down LRM fire until either the Pillager is a battered mulk or they run out of reloads and retreat to safety. Of course, the Pillager should never be placed in such a grievous tactical blunder, and any MechWarrior who might commit such an act of stupidity would be very lucky to live for his court-martial.
Battle History:
Though originally conceived as an urban anti-infantry BattleMech, the Pillager was quickly adapted to a specialized role as a battlefield executioner, a duty at which it still excels. It would lumber along, singly or in lances, following behind the first-wave assault. After the other units broke through, the PLG would wade in and deliver the coup de grace to any enemy infantry unit, tank, or crippled 'Mech remaining. During the First Succession War, the last thing many a MechWarrior saw was the sight of a Pillager slowly bearing down on him and then the point-blank muzzle blast from the twin autocannon. When utilized in a less demanding role, the PLG was fully capable of wreaking havoc in most urban areas, physically tearing up buildings and demolishing anything else within range of the autocannon.
As the First and Succession Wars passed, extensive destruction of factories, resources, and even entire worlds began to have its effect. Likewise, the precious and irreplaceable Pillager assumed a smaller and more carefully protected role. With the increasing scarcity of replacement parts, particularly of autocannon and laser components, commanders were forced to use the PLG more and more sparingly. The role itself did not change, but the freedom to use the PLG-1N in it did. By the 31st century, this 100-ton 'Mech was recognized as a "weapon of last resort," quite capable of influencing almost any tactical situation, but at considerable risk. The question always arose: whether the battle was important enough to warrant damaging or losing the Pillager for. In every situation, the answer would have to be different.
Even though this model has been in use for several centuries, only one major variant has seen even limited use. On the PLG-1F Matchmaker, the SRM-4 and reloads have been removed from the center torso and replaced with two flamers and an additional ton of armor. This model was especially popular during the "scorched world" campaigns of the First Succession War, but fewer than 50 are believed to be in service today.
The most common minor variant involves substituting Magna or Martell medium lasers for the Sorensteins. This modification makes repairs somewhat less difficult because of the larger ready supply of parts. Oddly, when using either of these lasers, the MaLandry 34C targeting system occasionally triggers the weapon at random, without any instructions from the MechWarrior. This can result in some dangerous stray fire, forcing both friend and foe to remain cautious or at a healthy distance.
Notable 'Mechs and Mech Warriors:
MechWarrior Carmine Fawkes
A veteran mercenary now serving with Redjack Ryan's personal bodyguard, Fawkes pilots the only Pillager known to be within a dozen parsecs of Butte Hold. He is tall, has vividly bright red hair, and always seems to be smiling evilly. Despite a charming personality (or perhaps because of it), he is widely feared even by Redjack's other guards. His 'Mech, called the "Totenkopf", is painted entirely in black except for a single, large white twisted cross appearing on the front torso. Before entering combat he is always clothed in black, but often wears pastels the remainder of the time. Fawkes makes sure that both he and his 'Mech are kept in very good condition, or else.
Lieutenant Angus McCreedy
A big, beefy-looking fellow with bushy beard and eyebrows, "Angry" McCreedy commands a lance in House Liao's Capellan Hussars. McCreedy was known as a shy cadet and other cadets gave him the nickname as a joke. Always softspoken and civil, Angus had made little deliberate effort to correct his reserved image, until he accidentally surprised a House Davion Enforcer on a world near the Liao/Davion border. At that moment, both of the Pillager's autocannon were out of ammunition. Faced with no other choice, McCreedy proceeded to engage the smaller 'Mech with missiles, laser fire, and a brisk punching attack. Within seconds, the Davion 'Mech was a total wreck, while the Pillager had only suffered heavy damage to its armor.
Since that time, McCreedy has become noisy, abrasive, and rude; a loudmouth, some have said. Several people in his company secretly hope that he will get whipped some time soon, and a few find themselves longing for the "old" Angus McCreedy. One thing hasn't changed, though McCreedy's 'Mech, the "Big Blue", is kept in good working order, despite its Martell lasers.