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General BattleTech => General Discussion => MechFactory => Topic started by: JPArbiter on September 13, 2013, 01:12:26 PM
I got nothing against the current Atlas III, especially since I was shown how to properly utilize the shields... but it lacked something I was kind of expecting....
Hardened armor
Atlas III AS7-D3 "Headmaster"
Mass: 100 tons
Tech Base: Mixed
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: Dark Ages
Tech Rating/Era Availability: X/X-X-X
Production Year: 3132
Cost: 25,571,000 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,957
Chassis: Unknown Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Unknown 300 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h (43.2 km/h)
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Hardened
1 (CL) Streak LRM-20
1 (IS) LB 10-X AC
1 (CL) Streak SRM-6
4 (IS) Medium X-Pulse Lasers
1 Angel ECM
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel 152 points 5.00
Internal Locations: 1 HD, 2 LT, 2 RT, 5 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine: XL Engine 300 9.50
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5 (4)
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: (IS) Double Heat Sink 12(24) 2.00
Gyro: Standard 3.00
Cockpit: Standard 3.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA+H R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor: Hardened AV - 307 38.50
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 31 50
Center Torso (rear) 12
L/R Torso 21 32
L/R Torso (rear) 10
L/R Arm 17 34
L/R Leg 21 42
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Angel ECM CT 0 2 2.00
2 (IS) Medium X-Pulse Lasers RT 12 2 4.00
(CL) Streak SRM-6 RT 4 2 3.00
(CL) Streak LRM-20 LT 6 5 10.00
2 (IS) Medium X-Pulse Lasers RA 12 2 4.00
(IS) LB 10-X AC LA 2 6 11.00
@Streak LRM-20 (12) RT - 2 2.00
@Streak SRM-6 (15) RT - 1 1.00
@LB 10-X (Cluster) (10) LA - 1 1.00
@LB 10-X (Slug) (10) LA - 1 1.00
Free Critical Slots: 5
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 15 Points: 30
3 5 5 2 0 4 0 Structure: 5
Special Abilities: AECM, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, FLK 1/1/1
Why go for mixed tech?
the actual Atlas III already was mixed tech using the Missiles ... and I needed the weight and space so I used a Clan XL engine on top of that
the actual Atlas III already was mixed tech using the Missiles ... and I needed the weight and space so I used a Clan XL engine on top of that
But using only one tech makes it more challenging.
Bah. Tremble before the true might of a real Atlas III!
Tremble before it's awesome might, puny...
...what do you mean it won't fit on a dropship?
Type/Model: Atlas III
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3125
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Experimental
Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: Foundation Type 11X Standard
Power Plant: 390 Magna Fusion
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Durallex Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
2 Magna III Large Lasers
2 Magna II Medium Lasers
1 Defiance Thunder Ultra AC/20 Autocannon
1 Doombud LRM 20
2 Guided Technologies 2nd Gen Streak SRM 6
Manufacturer: Yori 'Mech Works, Defiance Industries, Independence Weaponry
Location: Al'Nair, Hesperus II, Quentin
Communications System: Army Comm. Class 5
Targeting & Tracking System: Army Corporation Type 29K
Type/Model: Atlas III
Mass: 130 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 193 pts Super-Heavy Endo 0 13.00
Engine: 390 XL 7 23.00
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 16 Double 1 6.00
(Heat Sink Loc: RA)
Gyro: 2 4.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 4.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H R: Sh+UA+LA+H 16 .00
Armor Factor: 376 pts Heavy Ferro-Fibrous 0 19.00
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 4 12
Center Torso: 39 58
Center Torso (Rear): 20
L/R Side Torso: 27 40/40
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 14/14
L/R Arm: 21 42/42
L/R Leg: 27 47/47
Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Large Laser RA 8 1 5.00
1 Large Laser LA 8 1 5.00
1 Ultra Autocannon/20 RT 7 20 7 19.00
(Ammo Locations: 4 RT)
1 Streak SRM 6 RT 4 15 2 5.50
(Ammo Locations: 1 RT)
1 LRM 20 LT 6 24 5 14.00
(Ammo Locations: 4 LT)
1 Streak SRM 6 LT 4 15 2 5.50
(Ammo Locations: 1 LT)
2 Medium Lasers CT(R) 6 2 2.00
TOTALS: 43 62 130.00
Crits & Tons Left: 16 .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 56,167,380 C-Bills
cool design, it strikes me as funny that mine is still cheaper then yours in terms of c bills :P
Icey, you are absolutly right, a Single Tech base would have been more challenging to make, and I did let things slip because the Canon Atlas II was mixed tech already.
then again, there is that little thing on the back of TRO 3145 that makes mixed tech tournament legal... if you are willing to pay the higher BV and C Bill cost :P
Well an Atlas needs to be the biggest, most brutal 'Mech around. Cost is entirely secondary.
I did consider using Hardened Armour but max-coverage with that is eyewatering amounts of tonnage...
Well an Atlas needs to be the biggest, most brutal 'Mech around. Cost is entirely secondary.
So true.