Ok, first post here. Let's see what we can do.
One thing that has always bugged me is the fact that there are no "canon" C3 loadouts for the Perseus. Now, true, the Perseus is an omni so it can be customized but with things in the Fluff like the 1st Marik Militia using a whole lance of Owens and that Word of Blake was hanging out for such a long time I would think that there would be a "standard" C3 loadout in the tech books. So , ladies and gentlemen, I give you the P-1C3M and the P-1C3M2:
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bx2GuL9v1gitbG04RmUtenozRzQ/edit?usp=sharingBoth loads have Guardian ECM for support. I like the C3M better. It has a nice mix of weapons platforms and can engage decently at all ranges.
The C3M2 is pretty much relegated to medium-long range enagagements with the heavy PPCs. On the flip side of that, however, since it mounts 2 C3 master-units, it is envisioned as a company commander's ride. He shouldn't be mixing it up with the enemy, but should stay "at range."
Thoughts? Comments? Commands to head for the Davion front?