BattleMech Technical Readout
Lancer LNCR-1
Mass: 45 tons
Chassis: Standard
Power Plant: GM 180
Cruising Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Anderson 398
Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor: Armorscale
Large Laser
Medium Lasers (2)
Manufacturer(s): Irian Technologies
Communications System: Army Comm. Class 5
Targeting & Tracking System: Army Comp. Type 29K
In 3042, Irian Technologies put forth a design for a 45 ton mech with a wide range of weapons for general sale to Mercenaries working in the FWL. After 6 months of design and tinkering a workable mech was designed, and a prototype produced for testing. After another 6 months of testing a final payload was submitted and the board approved of the simple but yet rugged design. Using the standard Army Communications suite and Army Comp. T&T suite due to their relative simplicity and cheapness. Standard armor was also chosen instead of the emerging ferro fiberous armor now available and a standard chassis to keep cost down.
A large laser coupled with a LRM-5 pack was selected for it's longe range firepower. For closer fighting 2 medium lasers with a SRM-6 pack backing them up was selected.
So Far Smithson's Chinese Bandits, 21st Centauri Lancers and Carson's Renegades have purchased purchased several runs of the Lancer, and the FWL is showing interest in the design due to it's ruggedness.
Type: Lancer LNCR-1
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Level 1 Custom
Tonnage: 45
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 4.5
Engine: 180 7.0
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 3
Heat Sinks: 14 4
Gyro: 2
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 128 8.0
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 14 17
Center Torso (Rear): 6
R/L Torso: 11 13
R/L Torso (Rear): 5
R/L Arm: 7 12
R/L Leg: 11 18
BV : 780 Cost : 3165640
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Mass
Large Laser RA 2 8 5.0
Medium Laser LA 1 3 1.0
Medium Laser LA 1 3 1.0
SRM-6 RT 2 4 3.0
@SRM-6 (30) RT 2 0 2.0
LRM-5 LT 1 2 2.0
@LRM-5 (24) LT 1 0 1.0
Jump Jet(s) RL 1 0 0.5
Jump Jet(s) CT 1 0 0.5
Jump Jet(s) LL 1 0 0.5
*** HS RL1 LL1 CT1 RT1 RT1 LT1 LT1
Cost: 3,165,640
BV: 780