Throwing you a curveball here masterarminas. You probably recognize it but will this be acceptable for your Hellions and their universe.

Special thanks to Bradshaw who helped me put together the configurations yesterday. Enjoy it gang!
Mass: 35 tons
Chassis: Ice Ghost EndoSteel
Power Plant: 280 XL Engine
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph, 172.8 kph w/MASC
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Compound H17 Ferro-Fibrous
10 tons of pod space available for weapons and equipment
Manufacturer: Hector MechWorks Facility Beta
Primary Factory: Hector
Communications System: AR-12 Sheathed Directional Beacon with ECM Suite
Targeting and Tracking System: DLK Type Phased Array Sensor System
As the feud between the Ice Hellions and Ghost Bears grew designers became keenly aware that a something had to be done. Unless they came up with a game changing design their Clan could well be facing dire circumstances. Already intent on creating the ultimate Light OmniMech engineers struggled to come up with something new. That is when someone suggested they go old school and utilize stealth technology employed by the SLDF on the Spector. While this radical idea was at first dismissed further research revealed no other significant advantage like it could be had. After seeing what these ‘sneak systems’ could do and receiving assurances that Mechwarriors could simply activate them whenever they wished simply even the Khans gave their approval. The Hellions named their new creation after a genetical modified competitor of the Ghost Bear of Strana Mechty which hunts in packs and uses camouflage to attack. This sent a clear message that the Clan will use whatever tactics it considers honorable in order to thrive.
Based on the Star League Spector which it shares many systems, including most importantly its electronics, the Boreal Wildcat looks a lot like its predecessor. The exception to this would be the ‘Mechs arms which more closely resemble barrels as it lacks lower arm and hand actuators. While this gives the machine the ability to flip its arms during battle it also freed up extra internal space desperately needed for additional equipment. The new Ice Ghost frame was also copied in large part from the Spector’s Norse XT-Light Type AE EndoSteel. Six tons of Compound H17 Ferro-Fibrous used on the Cagefighter gave the Wildcat nearly full protection for a machine of its size.
The most controversial and bulky part of the design was the Null Signature Sheaths, Chameleon Light Polarization Shields and ECM Suite. This Star League era stealth tech made it harder for opponents to hit the already fast Boreal Wildcat but was viewed as dishonorable by the Clans. However, the Hellions simply turn these systems off in honor trials where zellebrigen is respected. Faced with a dishonorable foe or dezgra bandits turning these systems on can level the playing field. The only drawback seems like high heat levels and the inability to use special targeting equipment.
Supplies of the 280 XL Fusion Engine came from numerous sources including the retired Coyotls as well as Avar and Jagatai OmniFighters. This power plant along with an integral MASC make the Boreal Wildcat faster than its predecessor even though it likes fixed jump jets for mobility. Designers also made the decision to add an eleventh Double Heat Sink which could be mounted to the engine because of the heat problems which it could regularly experience and the lack of internal space. This reduced the amount of pod space to just ten tons for weapons and equipment.
Primary Configuration featuring a Large Pulse Laser, Extended Range Medium Laser, and two Extended Range Small Lasers was based on the Spector. Two additional Double Heat Sinks were added in order to deal with massive heat blooms generated by weapons fire and the stealth systems.
Alternate Configuration A was inspired by the Commando and relies of four SRM-6 packs to deal close in destruction. One Extended Range Medium Laser provides support in case the three tons of missile ammunition runs dry. Despite its non-energy main weaponry this design too can overheat if not monitored carefully.
Alternate Configuration B consists of twin Medium Pulse Lasers, two Extended Range Small Lasers, and eight Machine Guns. Reminding many of the Piranha this cool running configuration can inflict massive causalities on opposing infantry forces.
Alternate Configuration C returns to the mobility seen by its forerunner mounting eight jump jets in the side torsos. This is dangerous however as heat generated by movement can now outpace dissipation systems when stealth systems are engaged. Four Extended Range Medium Lasers do not help matters any and could double the heat dissipation rate if fired all at once. However, this scout equipped with an Active Probe can easily outperform the Spider class BattleMech which begat it.
Alternate Configuration D is armed with twin LRM-15 racks and is the most heat efficient model thus far conceived. Even after a running Alpha Strike this fire support variant only slightly overheat especially in comparison to other configurations.
Alternate Configuration E was based on the Panther and uses and ER PPC backed by a SRM-4 pack to dole out its damage. While the Particle Projection Cannon can generate massive heat problems it can also deliver knock power to would be opponents.
Alternate Configuration H is a traditional Hellion harasser mounting a far reaching LB 2-X Autocannon and an Extended Range Large Laser. While pilots must monitor their heat staying at long range and top speed makes this model extremely difficult to kill.
First used against the Ghost Bears this OmniMech set off a fire storm of controversy after that Clan violated zellbrigen causing Wildcat Mechwarriors to activate their stealth systems. The Hellions emerged victorious but the Bears immediately moved to censure them for their use of dezgra equipment. The Grand Council has heard arguments from both sides and is currently debating the merits of the case. While some our no doubt intrigued by the new OmniMech none dare field it because of the nature of its stealth systems. All await the ruling of the Council and the possible ramifications it could have on the Hellions and the Bears.
Type: Boreal Wildcat
Technology Base: Clan Level 3*
Tonnage: 35 tons
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: EndoSteel 2
Engine: 280XL 8
Walking MP: 8
Running MP: 12 (16)
Jumping MP: 0 0
Heat Sinks: 11 (22) 1
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 115 6
Internal Structure Armor Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 11 15 / 5
R/L Torso 8 12 / 4
R/L Arm 6 12
R/L Leg 8 15
Fixed Equipment
MASC Center Torso 1 1
ECM Suite Head 1 1
Chameleon LPS Various 6 0
Null Signature System Various 7 0
Weight and Space Allocation
Location Fixed Spaces Remaining
Head ECM Suite 0
Center Torso MASC 0
Null Signature Sheath
Right Torso 2 XL Engine 5
Null Signature Sheath
Chameleon Light Polarization Shield
2 Ferro-Fibrous
1 EndoSteel
Left Torso 2 XL Engine 5
Null Signature Sheath
Chameleon Light Polarization Shield
1 Ferro-Fibrous
2 EndoSteel
Right Arm No Lower Arm or Hand Actuators 4
Null Signature Sheath
Chameleon Light Polarization Shield
2 EndoSteel
2 Ferro-Fibrous
Left Arm Null Signature Sheath 4
Chameleon Light Polarization Shield
2 EndoSteel
2 Ferro-Fibrous
Right Leg Null Signature Sheath 0
Chameleon Light Polarization Shield
Left Leg Null Signature Sheath 0
Chameleon Light Polarization Shield
Weapons and Ammo: Location Critical Mass
Primary Weapons Configuration
Large Pulse Laser Right Arm 2 6
ER Medium Laser Left Arm 1 1
ER Small Laser Right Torso 1 .5
ER Small Laser Left Torso 1 .5
Double Heat Sink Right Torso 2 1
Double Heat Sink Left Torso 2 1
Alternate Configuration A
SRM-6 Right Arm 1 1.5
SRM-6 Right Torso 1 1.5
SRM-6 Left Torso 1 1.5
SRM-6 Left Arm 1 1.5
ER Medium Laser Left Torso 1 1
Ammo (SRM) 30 Right Torso 2 2
Ammo (SRM) 15 Left Torso 1 1
Alternate Configuration B
Medium Pulse Laser Right Arm 1 2
Medium Pulse Laser Left Arm 1 2
ER Small Laser Right Arm 1 .5
ER Small Laser Left Arm 1 .5
4 Machine Guns Right Torso 4 1
Ammo (Machine Gun) 100 Right Torso 1 .5
4 Machine Guns Left Torso 4 1
Ammo (Machine Gun) 100 Left Torso 1 .5
Alternate Configuration C
2 ER Medium Lasers Right Arm 2 2
2 ER Medium Lasers Left Arm 2 2
Active Probe Right Torso 1 1
4 Jump Jets Right Torso 4 2
4 Jump Jets Left Torso 4 2
Alternate Configuration D
LRM-15 Right Arm 1 3.5
Ammo (LRM) 8 Right Arm 1 1
LRM-15 Left Arm 1 3.5
Ammo (LRM) 8 Left Arm 1 1
Ammo (LRM) 8 Left Torso 1 1
Alternate Configuration E
ER PPC Right Arm 2 6
SRM-4 Left Torso 1 1
Ammo (SRM) 25 Left Torso 1 1
2 Double Heat Sinks Right Arm 4 2
Alternate Configuration H
ER Large Laser Right Arm 1 4
LB 2-X AC Left Arm 2 5
Ammo (LB-X AC) 45 Left Arm 1 1